The women all snickered, even the twins. “Oh, now you have to tell us what you did,” Harlow demanded.
Glitch leaned forward, her eyes bright with laughter. “How about I show you?” she suggested.
“You mean I have to go upstairs?” Royal groaned.
“Yes, but maybe that will help those babies get moving,” Glitch suggested. “And there are bathrooms all along the way. Including mine.”
She looked like she wanted to argue but then nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. The doctor said exercise could help. But no one gets to laugh while I struggle to get up the stairs.”
“Of course not,” Scarlett assured her. “Tom,” she called out. “We’re heading upstairs.”
“I’m coming with you,” he said, immediately coming around the bar. “Someone has to keep you all out of trouble.”
“Guy is the biggest party pooper around and I don’t really want to take him down again. Savage would probably put me in the Box,” Karissa grumbled.
“I’ll protect you,” Glitch assured her, smirking. Karissa just gave her a droll look.
Tom, of course, refused to stay downstairs and followed them up, careful to stay at the back of the group. Personally, Glitch noticed him watching Royal with a hell of a lot of worry when he didn’t think anyone was looking, but she figured that was normal when your President’s Old Lady was about to pop.
When they reached the top of the stairs, Glitch unlocked her bedroom and Royal hurried in as fast as possible. Glitch grinned as she stood outside Code’s room and they all waited for Royal to come back. “You know Code is going to see this and he’s going to take it out on your ass later, right?” Karissa snickered.
“That’s probably what she’s hoping for,” Wren gagged. “Why is everyone around here so kinky?”
“Because apparently that’s a requirement to be a biker,” Win drawled, rolling her eyes. “Just ask Scarlett.”
Scarlett flushed and glared at them. “Would you stop?” Both girls grinned wickedly at her, and she rolled her eyes and sighed. She looked at Esme. “And you say you want girls?”
Esme grinned. “I’m watching you to learn what not to do. Then I’ll do the same with Royal and her two. By the time mine are teenagers, I’ll have everything under control.”
Scarlett scoffed. “Yeah, right. You come see me when that actually happens. Knowing you and Fury, any girls you have are going to be wild, and way worse than these two with all the men around teaching them bad habits.”
“I’d be more worried about them learning bad habits from those two,” Harlow said drily, jerking her thumb at Glitch and Karissa.
“Who, us?” Glitch asked innocently as she finished picking the lock on Code’s door and Royal waddled her way back out. “We’re excellent influences.”
“She says as she picks a lock,” Royal scoffed.
“You are not allowed to teach them any of that,” Scarlett told Glitch firmly.
Wren and Win snickered. “You act like we don’t already know how. She’d only teach us to be faster.”
Scarlett sighed and shook her head.
“You never know when you’ll need to get out of somewhere quickly, so it’s a good skill to have,” Karissa pointed out.
“Don’t encourage them,” Scarlett moaned.
“Enough talking,” Harlow huffed. “I want to see what Glitch did to Code’s room.”
Glitch threw open the door and waved her hand, grinning wickedly. She glanced up at the ceiling, knowing that Code would no doubt check the cameras at some point and see exactly what she was up to. If he wanted to talk when they got back, she was going to make sure there was something to talk about.
“Oh shit,” Karissa gasped, then started laughing maniacally.
“He saw this and didn’t lose his shit?” Esme wondered aloud. “Damn, that man has some strong nerves, because Fury would haul me out and spank my ass good.” Then she grinned wickedly. “Not that I would complain.”
The other women were still laughing as Glitch took in her handiwork. She had positioned the blow up doll in the middle of Code’s bed, and blacked out the room by drawing the shades and turning the lamp down low. She had also set up the bed so that it looked like the doll had been getting busy, putting the dildo on, a condom over it, and Code’s boxer shorts in her open mouth, along with some handcuffs and her paddle in each hand. It was a hilarious scene, and she was looking forward to Code’s reaction in person when he got back. Maybe she would change it up a bit before then.
“That is genius,” Wren laughed hysterically, bent over and clutching at her stomach. Win was doing much the same, leaning on her sister for support.