In reaction, he shifted her on his lap so that her ass was pressed directly against his hardening cock, and he murmured, “Does this feel like I’m unable to get it up to you?” He held her gaze, and saw the answering heat start to rise in hers.
She turned herself around, straddling his hips and pressing her center over him, making his semi turn into a full hard-on. “I don’t know,” she purred, hands going to the waistband of his pajama pants. “Maybe I need to check for myself.”
“Mmmm, maybe you should,” he agreed, stifling a groan when she moved past the waistband and gripped his cock, stroking him slowly. He let his head fall back. “Fuck,” he muttered as she teased him with her slow strokes. It was one of her favorite methods of torture; one he never wanted to end.
“I suppose this will do,” she teased, running her thumb over the head of his cock, making him groan deep in his throat.
Before he could reply, his phone blared with an alert, and they both froze, staring at each other for a brief second before she let him go, any trace of desire vanishing from her face as she jumped off him and grabbed his phone from where he had put it on the table, while he got to his feet. “Facial recognition for Slip and his team,” she told him, handing him his phone and racing toward his office. He was right behind her.
They got to work immediately, both of them barking orders at the other while they worked to figure out where Slip and his team were heading this time. “They’re looking outside your town,” he announced in surprise. “You think they finally realized you’re not there and not coming back while you know they’re close by?”
“That, or they think the clubhouse is one of many and they’re trying to figure out where any other ones might be,” she replied absently. “That was a tactic that every team used. We had multiple stashes and safe houses when we were working.”
“And do you have additional ones?” he asked curiously.
She paused and stared at him coolly. “You really think I’m going to tell you our club’s business?” she asked simply.
He tried not to be annoyed and hurt at her answer. After all, his club had their own secrets, and he wouldn’t be telling her or the Predators about them, so he just shook his head. “You’re right, my bad. Pretend I didn’t ask.”
She eyed him for another brief second before turning back to her computer. “They’re parking on Main Street,” she told him. “And it looks like it’s Crisp and Spook’s turn to get out and ask questions.”
He looked at the camera footage and kept tracking them. “Slip still trying to get into your system?” he asked Glitch curiously.
“Yep,” she replied with an aggravated sigh. “You’d think by now he would figure out that he’ll never get in, but he’s still trying. Same as always, he just can’t stand to lose.”
“Makes you want to let him in so you can boot him right back out again,” he joked.
“If I didn’t have so much sensitive data in here, I’d consider it,” she groused. “And I’d send him another message reminding him he’s still as terrible as he was in high school.”
He zoomed in on one of the cameras as Spook exited from one of the shops, moving on to the next. One thing he noticed about the man, his face gave nothing away. He was cool as a cucumber. Crisp, on the other hand, who was going in the opposite direction and into a cafe, looked irritated, and he was continuously playing with his lighter. Someone was getting antsy, Code thought, and he wondered how dangerous that would make him.
He followed them for the next fifteen minutes as they moved from shop to shop, restaurant to restaurant, and when they finally returned to the van, Code saw the aggravation on their faces. “Someone’s not happy,” he remarked as they climbed inside.
“Neither is their sloppy hacker,” she replied, amusement in her voice. “This is child’s play now. He’s trying every trick in the book he can think of, and his mistake is thinking I don’t know them all.”
“Alright, well we know their next play is hiding the van on the cameras while still trying to go after you, so I’ll keep on them and see where they head. Maybe this time we’ll figure out where they’re hiding, or at least a direction we can look at.”
Neither of them spoke for the next half hour as they went about their respective work. Code cursed when they turned off onto another road, one without cameras, meaning they were done for tonight. As predicted, as soon as they were out of camera view, Slip retreated from trying to get to Glitch.
“Well that was exciting,” Glitch announced sarcastically. “You know, I’m getting really tired of this cat and mouse game.”
“Me too, but until your team is back, it’s for the best,” he reminded her. And it also meant she was stuck here with him. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, he pushed it away. What the hell was wrong with him? He needed to get some sleep, he told himself. Obviously he was delirious.
Still, the thought kept coming back as they made their way upstairs, and he followed her into her room. She looked back at him in surprise, and narrowed her eyes. “What are you doing?” she demanded. “If you think you’re getting any—”
“Shut up,” he growled at her, grabbing her and tossing her onto her bed before stripping down and climbing in with her.
“I don’t remember inviting you in here,” she huffed, settling in under the sheets.
“Yeah, and I don’t need to find you standing over my bed staring down at me all creepy,” he returned as he pulled her into his arms and closed his eyes. He refused to believe there was any other reason for him being here.
“Well that was stupid thinking on your part,” she snickered. “In here, I have access to more weapons than in your room. Maybe you won’t be waking up to me smiling, but to a knife at your throat or a gun to your head.”
He cracked one eye open and looked at her, barely able to make her out in the darkness of the room, but he swore her blue eyes sparkled in amusement. “I imagine you’re trying to piss me off so I’ll fuck you again,” he told her mildly.
“Gets you hard when I threaten you, huh?” she scoffed, but she laid her head down on his chest and looked up at him.
He looked down at her. “Test your theory and find out,” he taunted. “But in a few hours. I need some sleep.”