Page 69 of Twice the Rivalry

Glitch: You always did think you were better than you were. I guess some things never change. As for you ending anything, you’d have to actually be able to kill me, and you don’t have the skill or the guts to take me on.

Slip: I think I’ll enjoy listening to you scream for mercy. And when you beg for your pathetic life, I’ll make sure that your entire team watches as I finally end you.

Glitch: What is it with men and begging? Do we look like dogs to you? I don’t beg any man, and I won’t be starting with you and your pathetic dick. Or did you forget that I saw just how much you were lacking all those years ago?

Slip: I’ll gut you like the bitch you are. See you soon, Eliza. Because no matter how hard you try to keep me out, I’ll find my way in.

She stared at the screen and rolled her eyes. God, he really was pathetic, she thought as she slammed down one more firewall, booting him out of her system completely. She was done with these games. If he wanted to find her, he was going to have to get a hell of a lot better. Instead, she focused back on what Code and her team were saying.

“They’re heading south on Main Street,” Code announced. “But there are no more traffic cameras if they go left. If they go right, through the rest of the town center, we can keep track of them.”

Glitch looked at the screen and watched silently as the van headed to the end of the street. No surprise, it was going the exact speed limit, like it didn’t want to attract any more attention than it needed to. Surprisingly, it made its way to the right, but she was watching the camera and didn’t see the van. “Well, well, looks like someone grew some new skills after all,” she mused aloud as she got back to work.

“What?” Simba asked in confusion.

“Slip is keeping them off the cameras, and he’s doing it in real time, which means he’s still working in the back of that van,” she told them briskly, already working fast to try and intercept the signal. “Code, keep your eyes on those cameras. I’m working to get past him so we can at least figure out where they’re heading.”

“On it,” Code agreed.

They worked together for the next few minutes, talking back and forth as she gave instructions until, finally, she felt triumph rush through her as she overrode his signal and got the videos cleared up. “There,” she said gleefully. “Take that, fuckwit.”

“You talking to me or Slip?” Code asked, amused.

She glanced back at him and smirked. “That depends on if you piss me off, but at this moment I mean Slip.” He narrowed his eyes at her, but didn’t reply. Still, she saw his lips twitch in amusement. They stared at each other for a moment, and his expression changed to one more serious, with a healthy side of lust that made her own smile drop as she stared at him. It was the exhilaration, she tried to tell herself. Nothing more. The excitement of the chase, and not the man across from her.

“Alright, they’re heading down through the city center,” Simba announced, pulling them out of their staring contest and making them jump back into work.

“Suppose they’re doing this on purpose to throw us off?” Tiger asked.

“Could be,” Simba agreed. “Especially now that they know we’re on to them.”

Glitch snorted when she saw that Slip was once again trying to take over. “Oh, yeah, they know,” she snickered. “Slip is failing again to get control. God, will men never learn that they can’t hold a candle to a woman?”

“Amen, sister,” Taz crowed. “Men are just giant dicks anyway.”

“Present company included,” Copper laughed. “Too bad your dick is so damn small and it’s just your personality that’s so large.”

“Shut it,” Simba ordered them, sounding exasperated.

For the next few minutes they continued to track the van, until they finally lost sight of it going down a road that led out of the town center, well past camera range. Her screen pinged loudly with an incoming message.

Slip: Until next time, bitch.

“Jesus, the man never shuts up,” she groused as she didn’t bother responding. She was done with this little pissing match.

“Glitch, you and Code can continue to try and track them?” Simba asked.

“Yep, we’ll see what we can come up with,” she answered, glancing over at Code, who nodded his agreement.

“Good,” Simba sighed. “Keep us in the loop. And thanks for jumping in to help, Code. Maybe we won’t have to gut you after all.” He hung up with Taz laughing maniacally in the background.

Glitch chuckled. “Huh, well it looks like…ooomph,” she cried as she was suddenly hauled out of her seat and into Code’s arms, his mouth on hers before she could even ask what the hell was his problem.

Then she was thinking of nothing at all, and the only thing that mattered was the adrenaline pumping through her. And apparently, Code had an idea on how to get rid of it.

She’d worry about the consequences later.