Page 63 of Twice the Rivalry

“Good. We’ll call tomorrow. See if Xena wants in on that call. She was always good at seeing things the rest of us couldn’t,” Simba added.

“You want me to give her the file now, to review what we already have?” she asked.

“Go ahead,” he agreed.

“Alright. Keep me updated on any developments. I’ll stay on top of things on my end,” she told them.

“Never doubted it,” Simba replied. “How are things going with finding the Ghost team? Any leads?”

“No, but Code and I have a new set of parameters to look at,” she told them. She explained her thoughts on the signature of code that Slip liked to use.

“Hopefully we’ll be back your way in the next week or so,” Simba said. “If there’s still no sign of them by then, we’ll do this the old fashioned way and track them ourselves. Just keep us updated.”

“Will do,” she promised.

“Don’t worry, babe, I know how much you miss me,” Taz called out in the background. “We’ll be back together soon and you can hop on the back of my bike where you belong. Then we’ll go and have ourselves a good time.”

“You just want your dick sucked,” she scoffed, amused, and missing him at the same time.

“Nothing better,” he replied smugly. “And since it’s so pretty, well, I can’t just hoard it for myself, now can I?”

She heard a sound come across the line, and she turned to see Code with a scowl on his face, staring at her with green eyes blazing. Oh, now, he didn’t like this conversation one bit, she thought to herself in amusement. “I think I’ve seen it enough,” she told Taz, still holding Code’s gaze. Tension burned between them, and she wondered what he was thinking.

“Yeah, her and every other single woman on the planet,” Tiger scoffed. “Dude, you’re such a man whore that I’m surprised anyone thinks your dick is still pretty.”

“My dick is beautiful,” Taz cried, clearly insulted.

“Jesus Christ,” Simba huffed. “Both of you shut the hell up. Taz, if you take out your dick, I will kick your ass.”

“He’d probably like it,” Warg snickered.

“No one is going near my ass,” Taz said indignantly.

“Fucking hell,” Simba groaned. “Talk soon, Glitch.” Then they were gone.

Glitch snickered and pulled her headset off. Then she turned and leveled Code with a dark look, her irritation roaring to the surface. “What the hell were you thinking?” she demanded furiously.

He arched a brow. “Care to be more specific?” he asked mildly.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about,” she snapped. “You pushed your way into my club’s business. You and your club didn’t allow me into your little meeting earlier, but you think you can help yourself to mine?. Stay the hell out of my calls,” she hissed.

He narrowed his eyes at her. “You could say thank you for the damn help,” he suggested tightly. “You’ve been inserting yourself in my business—”

“But not your fucking club business,” she raged, incensed he couldn’t see the difference. Fuck, this was why she hated dealing with men sometimes. They couldn’t seem to think things through. “I was told today that I was not invited to join in your Church session because it had nothing to do with me, and I am a woman so that meant I was out. Then I have a call with my club, and you insert yourself into it even though it has nothing to do with you, because apparently you can do whatever you want because you have a dick.” She pushed out of her chair and put her hands on her hips as she glared at him. “Stay the hell out of my club business, Code. I won’t warn you again.”

Then she turned and stormed out, slamming the door behind her.



He stared at the closed door, pissed and uncertain on what to do. Not to mention he was still feeling unsteady after the conversation with Glitch’s team. Especially her banter with Taz. Did they have a thing at one point? It stood to reason, after all, working day in and day out with an almost all male team meant there was a pretty good chance that she slept with at least one of them.

You’re being ridiculous, his mind scolded him.

He closed his eyes and put his head back against the headrest of the chair, before scrubbing a hand over his face. What the hell was wrong with him? He was acting like an idiot. It wasn’t like he wanted Glitch to be his, so he had no business being jealous. He chalked it up to being annoyed at her not thanking him for help. Again.

Still, her words echoed back at him, and they made him wonder if he overstepped. Hell, if she barged into Church and tried to offer suggestions, Savage would have kicked her ass out of the room. But the Predators weren’t a regular MC. They didn’t run like one, even if they used the same titles and shit. Hell, Glitch didn’t even wear a cut. Did she even have one? Though, even if she did, it wasn’t the same.