“Baby, you need to relax,” Savage cautioned her. She glared at him in response.
“Dude, even I know you shut up and say ‘yes dear’ when a pregnant woman tells you they want something,” Razor snickered.
“Besides, the doctor told me to move around so that these babies get the message to get the hell out.” She sniffed, tears filling her eyes. “I’m so tired of feeling like a big fat whale.”
“Shit,” Savage muttered, hurrying over to soothe her. Harlow rolled her eyes, but considering she had said pretty much the same thing when she had been a few weeks away from delivering Harley, she wisely didn’t say anything else.
“And you want one of those,” Code muttered to Fury.
Fury shrugged. “The way I see it, I get to watch Steel and Savage and figure out what not to do. By the time Esme is about to have our baby, I’ll be a pro.”
Code and Razor shared a look, but didn’t argue.
It was still another half an hour before the bathroom door opened and the girls all walked out. And he was not prepared.
Wren and Win emerged first, the pink in their hair bright and stylish, and sporting huge grins on their faces. It made them look a little older, and Code had a feeling that Rogue was going to lose his shit when he saw them. Oh, he was going to have to make sure he had all the cameras going for that, because he wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to see it. “Oooh, girls, you look amazing,” Harlow beamed. “You’re going to have the boys at school in a tizzy.”
Wren scoffed. “As if we care what they think.” Win nodded her agreement.
Next up was Scarlett, whose color was more subtle, but the vibrant red strands woven throughout her hair gave it a rich fiery look that highlighted her face and eyes. She looked almost exotic. Oh yeah, Rogue was going to lose his shit when he saw her too.
Karissa came next, and he heard Razor’s sharp intake of breath. Even Code was shocked as he stared at the woman who had her eyes on Razor, a smug smile growing on her lips. Oh yeah, she knew what she was doing. Her dark brown tresses were now a dark red, and if he wasn’t mistaken, she had cut off a couple of inches and curled the rest. Looked to him like she was going for a dramatic effect, and she had succeeded.
Finally, out came Esme and then Glitch, and he stared at her as he took her in. She had trimmed her sexy bob style, and her hair was now a dark purple hue that set off her eyes so they popped. It was a striking change, and damn if the first image that popped into his mind wasn’t her on her knees, his cock between her lips, his hand gripping her hair while her blue eyes stared up at him.
And considering how hard he was, he had half a mind to make that vision a reality.
When she walked into the clubhouse an hour later, she rolled her eyes at the whistles and catcalls that were sent her way. “Damn, you boys really are hard up if you get this excited over some hair,” she told them drily. She looked at a couple of the club girls who were scowling at her, clearly unhappy she had taken the attention away from them. “Don’t go getting pissed at me. Maybe you should try changing it up instead of trying to look like Stripper Barbie.”
“Fuck you, bitch,” Loni hissed at her. “You think some cheap hair dye is going to make up for your lack of tits and ass?” She gave her a scornful look.
Glitch laughed. “Seriously? You’re a one-trick pony, huh? At least I have a brain. It’s a hell of a lot better than a used up pussy,” she sneered.
“Oh shit,” someone muttered, just as Loni launched herself at her.
Glitch didn’t even hesitate, she just grabbed the woman by the hair and flung her aside, sending her crashing into the table and falling to the floor. Glitch gave her a pitying look. “You seriously haven’t learned, have you? Don’t fuck with me. I’m not a club girl, and I’m not an Old Lady. I’m a member of the Predators MC, which means you just attacked another club’s member. I could make your life miserable.” She stepped forward, hands on her hips as she glared at the woman. “Got it?” she snarled down at her. She was getting tired of this ho thinking she could take her on to get some kind of sympathy from the men around here.
“Fucking bitch,” Loni hissed.
“And proud of it,” Glitch said cheerfully. “Now, be a good little skank and stay the hell out of my way, and we won’t have any further problems.” Then she turned and walked to the bar. If she was going to have to share company with her or any of the other club girls tonight, she was definitely going to need some liquor. Behind the bar was another Prospect, Sam, and he looked at her with unconcealed desire. She arched her brow and said, “Kid, you couldn’t handle me. I’d chew you up and spit you out faster than you could get off.”
“I wouldn’t care as long as I had my cock in your mouth,” he boasted, leaning forward.
Before she could reply, Code’s voice growled darkly from behind her, “I suggest you rethink that statement fast, Prospect, or I’ll make sure you do.”
Glitch turned her head to look at him, pissed he had stepped in, but paused when she saw the look in his eyes. There was anger there, and something else that made her center flutter. Well, well, it looked like someone was jealous, she thought to herself. Why did that please her? It wasn’t like anything was going to happen between them. They agreed last night was a one time thing, which meant he had no right to be butting in, and she had no right to be enjoying it.
So why was it turning her on so much that it did?
Sam looked at Code in surprise, then gave a stiff nod before turning away to grab him a beer. Code looked at it and his scowl deepened. “What the hell are you doing now, Prospect?” he barked. Sam looked at him in confusion. “You serve her before you serve me. Dumbass.”
Sam looked like he wanted to argue, but thought better of it. Instead, he turned back to her and asked tightly, “What would you like?”
Glitch arched a brow at him and then at Code. “Something tells me that we need to keep this simple, so I’ll just have a beer,” she said mildly. Sam scowled at her and handed her a fresh beer. She took it, then turned and headed away from the bar, Code trailing behind her. “Is there a reason you’re following me?” she asked him once she stopped a couple feet away.