“Gonna need a bit more than that, babe,” Taz admonished. “Why is that your best revenge?”
“Because he’s about to realize that he doesn’t have access to anything, and it’s also a nice reminder that he’s not as good as he thinks. It’ll probably be a couple of days before he gets back up and running, and in that time, he won’t be able to do anything else but curse my name. Nothing like a heavy blow to the ego to keep you humble.”
Taz laughed and shook his head, wrapping his arm around her neck as they left her office. She was so much shorter than him that the difference in their height was never more obvious than it was now. “How long until he calls you?” he wondered.
Glitch shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care. He doesn’t have my number, so unless Xena gives it to him, he’ll just have to spew all his anger when he gets back online. Until then, I’m going to enjoy some peace and quiet for a few days.”
The sound of her phone ringing had her stopping, and she snickered when she saw her caller ID. Taz looked at her phone and took it quickly. “Xena, baby, you’ve finally come to your senses and are going to leave that man of yours, right?” he exclaimed excitedly into the phone, turning on the speaker so that they could both hear. It also got the attention of the other men in the room, who all made their way over. “It was my cock you missed so much, wasn’t it? Even though we haven’t slept together, you know that no one else could satisfy you properly.”
“I want your cock about as much as I want a hole in the head,” Karissa scoffed. “And why do you have Glitch’s phone?”
“I’m here,” she replied cheerfully. “He saw your name on my phone and couldn’t help himself. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?”
Karissa cracked up. “Oh, I think you know very well why I’m calling,” she finally managed to get out. “I don’t know exactly what you did, but I know Code is cursing your name in some very creative ways and vowing to get the ultimate revenge on you. Care to fill me in?”
“He messed with my system. Turnabout is fair play, and all that,” she replied flippantly.
“And by messing with his system, you…”
“I shut him down,” she answered smugly. “It’ll probably take him a few days to get back online. And that’s if he’s smart enough to know where to look to do it.”
Karissa was silent for a moment before she finally said, “Bitch, I don’t know whether to be worried for your safety or impressed. Code is so damn pissed that even Rogue is giving him a wide berth, and that man is almost as scary as me.”
“You know how to brighten my day,” she clapped happily.
Suddenly there was a sound on the other end of the phone, and Glitch vaguely heard Karissa snarling at someone before a deep voice filled the other end. “You are going to pay for this, Glitch,” Code hissed, pure venom in his voice.
Glitch’s grin widened. “Am I?” she asked carelessly. “It seems to me, big guy, you’ve just had a very important reminder of why you can’t let yourself get stale. Or is it the fact that you got beaten by a girl that bothers you? You kinky lot over there are still stuck in the stone ages, so it stands to reason your ego is bruised from being outsmarted by someone with a vagina.”
She could all but feel the waves of fury coming through the phone. “I can’t wait to take you down, Glitch,” he threatened frostily. “And when I do, you’re going to wish you never started this little war.”
“Ooooh, big words for a man who doesn’t have access to his system,” she replied haughtily. “Maybe instead of trying to sound big and tough, you should get back to work on fixing that. You know, before you really piss me off, and I make sure that you spin in circles for weeks.”
“You think you’re better than me, Glitch, but you’re not. And I’m going to enjoy proving it to you.” Then the phone died with a click.
Glitch pocketed her phone and glanced around at the rest of her team. All of them but Taz were looking at her like they were concerned. “What?” she asked, confused.
“Glitch, are you sure that whatever you have going on here isn’t going to end in shit?” Simba asked carefully, brows pulled down into a frown. “Code is a member of the Dragons MC, and if you’re not careful, you could put our relationship with them in jeopardy if they see this as an attack against all of them and not just one person.”
She paused and considered that. Did she just screw up and go too far? The attack had been at Code’s expense, but then again, Code was their security and computer expert, much like she was for her own team. Damn it, she thought with a frown. She had a habit of reacting and not always thinking things through, and it looked like she had done that again with this situation with Code.
Giving a low groan, she shut her eyes and rubbed a hand over her face. “Fuck,” she finally hissed out. “You’re probably right. But he messed with my goddamn system, Simba. You really expected me to let that go?”
“Nope,” he replied with a shake of his head. “Sometimes it’s a good idea to keep a man in his place and remind him he’s not the shit he thinks he is. But you’ve made your point, and the last thing we want to happen is for someone to realize they’re vulnerable and attack them. Especially knowing Xena’s there. She can handle herself, but it’s always nice to know there’s a back-up in place if something gets past her.”
She hated when he was right. “Fine,” she whined, turning and stalking back to her office, a small pout on her mouth. Childish? Probably, but she didn’t care. She never liked to know that she had to give in and fix something for someone that didn’t deserve it, in her opinion. Especially since she knew Code wouldn’t forgive her for it. It just meant that she would have to keep her guard up, because she had no idea what he was going to come back with. If he tried to shut her down, he was going to be in for a big surprise, but still, she wouldn’t put it past him.
She spent the next ten minutes putting his system back online so that they were at least operational, but she wasn’t about to go any further than that. He could handle that shit on his own. The man said he was better than her, so now he could prove it.
When she pushed away from her computer, she turned and saw Ursa standing there. He arched a brow at her expectantly. “They’re back online,” she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “And I’m telling you right now, if their President gets pissed at me for this, you’re going to have to back me up. I’m pretty sure he hates me.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” Ursa replied with a roll of his eyes. “He’s just pissed you pointed a gun in his face. Apparently you’re not the only one to do that.”
She couldn’t help but smile at the memory of when she snuck into their clubhouse while they had been in Church. Karissa’s former foster sister was after her, and she had killed someone to send a message to Karissa. Glitch, though, received no contact from her or their team, and made her way there, thinking they were being held hostage. Lo and behold, the two MCs were working together and no one thought to let her know. She made sure that they all realized her displeasure with that, but it was the Dragons MC President, Savage, who had drawn the brunt of her ire with her gun in his face.
Nothing like making a good first impression.
“Makes you wonder why that keeps happening, doesn’t it?” Glitch replied easily.