Page 3 of Twice the Rivalry

“Open it,” Harlow demanded impatiently. Code was sure she was ready to pop. Her belly had grown quite a bit in the past month, but she still managed to look cute, even when she was crying or screaming at Steel for whatever the man did to earn her ire. Today she seemed content, though he saw tiredness in her turquoise eyes, and instead of the intricate designs she usually styled her blonde locks in, today her hair was up in just a simple ponytail. He also didn’t miss the way she leaned into Steel, who took her weight without question and put his large hand under her massive bump, lifting ever so slightly. The relief in her eyes was almost instant. Damn, he bet it was exhausting carrying so much weight around like that.

He turned his attention back to the box and saw it was pretty small. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Whatever she sent him, he had no doubt he wasn’t going to be happy. He picked it up and carefully tore it open. When he looked inside, his mouth pulled down into a deep scowl, but at the same time, he kind of wanted to laugh because it was so ridiculous. He didn’t miss her barb, but it was kind of clever.

Inside was a magnifying glass, a small pair of tweezers, and, shockingly, the smallest penis pump he had ever seen. He had no idea where the hell she would have found such a thing, but there it was. Under all of that was a folded up note, which he pulled out and read silently.

Dear Code,

I thought you might need these for the unfortunate ladies that think sleeping with you would be a fun time. I’m sure you have your own, but I wanted you to have another set. If you need a hand, maybe one of your club whores can help you. I’m sure they have lots of experience by now.

-The Better Hacker.

He had half a mind to take a picture of his dick and send it back to her to prove that she was very wrong, but he wouldn’t put it past her to post it on the front page of the news or something. Instead, he put the letter back in the box, but before he could close it and walk away, Karissa yanked it out of his hands. “Hey!” he cried, startled.

Karissa opened it and her eyes widened before she started laughing hysterically. Which, of course, had everyone moving closer to peer inside and also bursting into laughter. Code groaned and closed his eyes. This was the damn doll all over again.

“Alright, I need to know the story behind that,” Royal demanded once she got herself under control. “But if it’s going to be hilarious I need to pee first because both girls are sitting on my bladder right now.” Also heavily pregnant, and about a month behind Harlow, Royal was carrying identical twin girls, and she was constantly going to the bathroom. Not that anyone would dare say anything unless they had a death wish, because Savage would murder them. A little taller than Harlow with bright green eyes and red hair that she also currently had up in a simple ponytail, Royal was a tough woman. Hell, she shot at Savage when they were first together, and she killed her own sister because the bitch was going to take her son and sell him off to the highest bidder.

Code didn’t often think about that day because it still ate at him, but that was something to worry about later. Right now, he was being stared at by everyone waiting for an explanation about that stupid box.

“I don’t find it funny,” he said unemotionally. “She’s trying to get back at me for something I sent her in retaliation for the damn doll.”

“And that was…?” Karissa trailed off, looking at him expectantly. He shrugged, not answering. “Fine, I’ll find out for myself,” she said, pulling out her phone.

Savage pulled his attention away from her by asking, “Is this how it’s going to be from now on? The two of you going at each other by sending weird packages to embarrass the other?” Standing at six-five with a body of pure muscle, the man was formidable, but Code knew that no one else suited the position of club President better than him. Though, at the same time, he knew that Savage was realizing the tough part of being President.

The women that were becoming a part of their lives. And the fact that the brothers picked hard-headed women with balls of steel. Code wasn’t sure how many times, but Savage had a gun pointed at his head by almost all of them. Not that he liked to be reminded of that fact.

Code shrugged at Savage’s question. “You’ve met her, what do you think?”

“I think I’m glad she’s not someone’s Old Lady,” he griped.

On that, he could agree. If he had to spend much time in person with Glitch, he’d probably go mad. At least with this, they were doing it all online and without being in each other’s faces.

“As long as it doesn’t involve a gun I don’t think Savage will care,” Royal snickered. Her grin widened even further when Savage glared at her.

“I’m still convinced we should ban the damn things if a woman is in the building or on the grounds,” Savage threatened.

“You go right ahead and try that, Mr. President,” Karissa replied with a cool smile. Everyone knew that out of anyone, Karissa would make sure she had access to a weapon, no matter what Savage decreed.

As the two of them argued about it, Code picked up the box and headed back toward his office. They could argue while he figured out what he was going to do about Glitch and her obvious attempt at getting under his skin. Which she did, and now he was going to have to get creative in his reply.

His computer dinged, and he sat down to see what set it off. He scowled deeply once he saw what it was.

Glitch: I wasn’t sure if what I sent was small enough. But based on your reaction, I’d have to say I hit pretty close to the mark.

Damn it, she hacked his system.Again.He was getting really tired of her doing that. He was going to have to step up his efforts on figuring out how the hell she kept getting in. He quickly typed back a response, while trying to find where the hell she was lurking.

Code: I’m starting to think you’re becoming obsessed with my dick. Or with me in general, since you’re spying on me all the time.

Glitch: Can you hear my laughter? You know, for a man who has no idea what the hell he’s doing behind a computer, you’re kind of funny. Maybe you should, you know, change careers. I’ve heard comedy can be somewhat lucrative. And who knows, maybe you can find a woman who can overlook your… inadequacies.

Code glared furiously at the screen. She always knew just where to land her barbs, and it only made him more determined to get the upper hand. He couldn’t give a shit about the dick jokes, because hell, around here they were made about each other all the time, but talking about his skills, the one thing that made him who he was, that he had honed so carefully over the years, that was downright enraging.

Code: Speaking of inadequacies, how’s that bra working out for you?

Dickish? Sure, but she pushed his buttons and he couldn’t take it back now.

Glitch: See, I know you’re pissed because you’re throwing out stupid insults. But don’t you worry, I don’t lack for any kind of attention, sparkly bra or not. Some men are interested in a woman’s skills and brain, not what they look like physically. It just shows again how behind the times you are. Though, that’s no surprise, is it?