Slip: Time’s up, Eliza. You want to spare your friends, you and your team have two hours to come out on your own or we come in. And then everyone dies.
“We have two hours,” she told Code grimly, looking up when she heard Savage come into the room, Rogue on his heels.
“Then we make them count,” Savage said simply. “Get yourselves ready. The assholes want a war, they’re going to get one. Glitch, try to reach your team and let them know the situation.” She nodded and started the call as he stalked out.
Simba answered almost immediately. “They’re there,” he said grimly.
“We have two hours to go out to them, all of us as a team, or they plan on killing everyone here,” she told him briskly. “The Dragons are already assembling.”
“Good. We’re a good three hours out, but we’ll pick up the pace,” Simba answered.
“You made good time,” she remarked.
“Wasn’t about to let you and Xena have all the fun,” he replied, making her chuckle. “Your man there?”
“Yes,” she answered automatically, then stopped when she realized what she’d said. “How the hell do you know about that?” she demanded, distracted. “Considering we only just decided that literally five minutes ago.”
“Babe, I’ve known for a while that you two were going to figure your shit out. We can discuss that later, but right now, you make sure you stay safe, and don’t pull any stunts. Where is Xena?”
“She’s in charge of keeping the women safe in the basement.”
He snorted. “She won’t be staying there,” he predicted. “You watch her back and we’ll be there as soon as we can. Remember, if you die, I’m kicking your ass. Xena’s too.”
“Got it. Get here and let’s take these assholes down once and for all.” They clicked off and she looked up at Code with a toothy smile. “Alright, caveman. I have a few tricks up my sleeve, and we only have two hours to make them happen.”
He grinned down at her. “Let’s get them, kitten. Something tells me they’ve made a critical error in thinking they’ll be able to get to you easily.”
“Slip certainly has,” she agreed as she turned back to her computer. “It’s time for my rival to realize why he was always second best. He couldn’t beat me in high school, he couldn’t beat me as a mercenary and he’s not going to beat me now. Let’s get to work.”
“They’re a decent size club,” Spook noted softly from where they were hidden in the trees across the road from the compound. The stupid bastards weren’t even looking for them. Almost like they didn’t know they were there. Slip didn’t like it. If they knew what was coming, there should be some signs of panic. Something that indicated they were battening down the hatches.
It set him on edge. They were up to something, he could feel it. But for now, he kept his mouth shut. It wouldn’t matter in the long run. This club would be wiped off the map when they were through.
“Any signs of them?” Hazard asked.
“Nothing,” Spook replied. “But it’s a huge ass place with lots of buildings, so they’re probably hiding out in one of them.”
“And you’re sure they’re in there?” Hazard asked Slip for the millionth time.
“Yes,” Slip gritted out, pissed that he was being questioned again. “You saw the video. The two whores arrived together, and that bitch Xena was wearing a cut. She belongs to one of these fuckers. And where those two are, the others will follow.”
Hazard stared at him for a moment before nodding. “Fine. They have another half hour left on their deadline.” He gave a cold, lethal smile. “But we’ve never claimed to be honest men. I say we get this show on the road, don’t you?”
They all shared a smile. Slip eased back and out of his position.I’m coming for you, Eliza, and when I find you, I’m going to enjoy hearing you scream as I kill you.
He watched as Glitch checked her gun and knives, her movements quick and methodical. It was clear to him she had done this thousands of times. Despite the imminent danger, he found it hot, and he wanted to see her do it for him naked. It was probably odd, but he didn’t care. When it came to Glitch, her breathing alone could get him half hard.
He forced himself to look away and pay attention to his own work. He tucked the gun in the waistband at his back, and then put in his comms link. The plan was for him and Glitch to stay back to monitor the cameras and give direction as much as possible, but he wanted to be ready. And if he was honest, he had a feeling that Glitch wasn’t going to stay put.
Her or Karissa. Karissa was in charge of protecting the women, but they all knew she wasn’t about to stay out of a fight. Especially with that asshole Maggot. Code saw the fear in Razor’s eyes before it was replaced by determination. He wasn’t going to let anything happen to her, and Code would do the same for Glitch. There was no other option.