Page 97 of Twice the Rivalry

Would she be upset if he was with someone else and not her? The thought made her instantly angry, and her fists clenched as jealousy reared its ugly head.Guess that was a hard yes,she thought wryly.

Would she leave her team for him? That was the hardest question of all. She never wanted to leave her team, but really, she could work anywhere. Even from here. Though there would have to be some new rules in place, even if it did piss off one big bad biker President. But she loved being with her team all the time. They were her family, and she enjoyed their down time. It was a part of her, and she didn’t know if she could give that up. But the thought of not seeing Code just as often made her stomach hurt.

Oh fuck. She loved him.

Panic hit her and she tried not to show it, but Karissa always was observant. “Oh yeah, there it is,” she snickered.

Glitch stared at her, trying to stamp it down. “What am I going to do?” she gasped.

“You’re going to be the badass bitch you are and you’re going to accept it, tell him, and figure out a way to be happy once this whole fucking issue is over,” Karissa told her firmly, straightening and walking toward her. “So man the fuck up and get your shit together,” she barked.

Glitch snorted. “You’re not nearly as scary as Simba.”

Karissa shrugged. “Few are, but the principle of it is the same. So, again, grow some lady balls and figure it out. Because you are a member of our team and you don’t back down because you’re scared. You fight and you crawl your way up no matter what. Because you’re no coward, Glitch. Or are you?”

“No,” Glitch said firmly, straightening. No, she wasn’t. So it was time for her to stop acting like one. The first thing she was going to do was tell Code she was done with the silent treatment and his damn mind games. She stalked past Karissa and climbed out of the ring. Behind her, she heard Karissa chuckle.

When she reached the top of the steps, her eyes immediately locked on where Code was talking with Razor, Fury, and Rogue. There were a few others in the room, but she didn’t care about any of them. The only thing she saw was Code, and the way he was smirking at her. Like he knew exactly what she was thinking and was enjoying her frustration. Well that was over right fucking now.

She stalked forward until she was only a few feet away from him, then stopped and put her hands on her hips, glaring at him. “You’re an asshole, Code,” she told him angrily. When he opened his mouth she snarled, “Shut the hell up. You think you’re so smart don’t you? Telling me all that shit last night and then leaving me to question everything all day, knowing it was pissing me off and confusing me even more. All because you want to see what I’ll do, and how far you could push me. Well, I caught on to your little game, and now you’ve pissed me the hell off. So, guess what, caveman, I might love you too, but I’m not putting up with your shit any longer. You can go to hell.” Then she turned on her heel and stalked toward the office.

She snarled in outrage when she was grabbed from behind. She twisted her body so she could elbow her attacker in the stomach, before stomping on their instep and twisting out of their arms when they loosened her grip. “Damn it,” Code wheezed. Her foot smarted from making contact with his biker boot, but she ignored it.

“Stupid move, caveman,” she sneered at him.

“Yeah, well, when it comes to you, I do a lot of stupid things,” he gasped out, glaring as he rubbed his stomach. “No way are you walking away from me after all that you said.”

“You don’t get to tell me shit,” she snapped. “You say you love me, so if you do, now’s your time to prove it. Because this is me, Code. I am pissy and bitchy on a good day, and when I’m truly pissed off watch out. Grabbing me is very stupid. Next time, I’ll remind you a hell of a lot more painfully than I just did.”

“Guess I need to keep myself in shape,” he said as he straightened and stared down at her. “Or at least build a few high shelves to put you on until you calm your ass down.”

Infuriated, she swept her leg out and he went crashing to the floor. She heard a few of the men make sounds of sympathy, but she didn’t pay them any attention. She stood over Code, glaring down at him. “Your short jokes are getting old,” she told him coldly. She put her foot right in the center of his chest. Realizing she didn’t have her shoes on, she put more pressure on his sternum. “You listen to me, Milo,” she hissed. “You made me feel things that I didn’t want to feel. You made me realize I can have more than I thought I needed. Now you’re stuck with me. I’m not giving you a choice. You made your bed, you get to lie in it. So you better get it through that thick damn skull of yours, because I will make your life a living hell if you break my heart, and not even your own club will be able to protect you. When I’m finished, there won’t be anything left of you for them to find. Understand?”

He stared up at her, saying nothing. People were talking around them, but she didn’t care. Though she did vaguely hear someone groan and say, “Not another one.” There was only him staring at her, the anger and determination rolling around inside her, and the underlying fear he would realize he didn’t want her after all. That she pushed him too far, and he would reject her. But she would survive, she reminded herself, and she would be stronger for it.

She was focused completely on his face, which was a mistake because suddenly he gripped her ankle and shoved it off him, making her fall. He grabbed her before she could land on him and rolled her beneath him, his hand gripping her wrists and pinning her arms above her head. She glared at him, not bothering to struggle. “You done?” he asked her mildly. Her glare intensified, and her fear turned to hurt. This was the moment he would reject her. That he would realize he couldn’t handle her. That he didn’t want to put up with her after all. “Let’s get one thing straight, Eliza. I’m not letting you go. You’re right, I am an asshole, so you better get fucking used to it because you’re stuck with me. Because I love you, and if I break your heart, you won’t need to kill me, I’ll do it myself. Understand?”

Relief flooded her, but she didn’t move. Finally, she swallowed and said huskily, “I got it.”

He looked at her and then slowly smiled, lowering his head to hers. “I love you, Eliza,” he murmured so softly, just for her. “We’ll figure it all out. For now, this is enough.”

Her throat thickened. “I hate that name,” she whispered. “But it’s okay if you use it every so often,Milo.” He chuckled at the use of his first name. “I love you too,” she murmured.

“About fucking time,” he said, kissing her. She vaguely heard the laughter, catcalls, and cheers, but the only thing she could focus on was his mouth on hers. When he finally pulled away, he grinned down at her and said, “And just so we’re clear, I’m adding that hit to the gut and trip to the floor to the list of things I’m getting you back for when this is all over. You’re not going to be sitting comfortably for a long time, kitten.”

She grinned back at him. “Bring it on, caveman,” she taunted, her core heating in anticipation.

“Alright, get the hell up off the floor,” Savage’s gruff voice sounded. Both of them looked up to find him looming over them, a scowl on his face and arms crossed over his broad chest. He looked tired, though she supposed that was to be expected when you came home with twins first thing in the morning. Once they were standing and Code had her tucked into his side, Savage glared at Code. “I don’t know whether to congratulate you or tell you you’re insane,” he told him bluntly.

“I think he’s worried I’m going to pull a gun on him again,” Glitch stage-whispered, making Code laugh and Savage turn that glare on her. She gave him a sweet smile. “Just think of all the fun we could have, Savage,” she pointed out wickedly. “And what I can teach your girls when they’re older.” He silently turned and stalked away, making her laugh.

“You’re going to be trouble, kitten,” Code laughed.

Exactly the way she liked it.

Suddenly, an alarm blared from the other room and their laughter died as everyone froze. She and Code didn’t even hesitate. They ran for the office. “Get ready everyone, because it looks like the fight has arrived early,” she yelled over her shoulder.

That was all it took to have everyone springing into action. Savage and Rogue started barking orders, but she didn’t pay them any attention. As soon as she saw her computer she was reaching for the keyboard. And there it was. A message from Slip.