Page 92 of Twice the Rivalry

Fury pulled out his phone. “He texted an hour ago and said Royal and the twins are doing well. They should be home sometime tomorrow, as long as nothing changes.”

“Alright. We’ll send a Prospect over to guard—”

“No,” Simba interjected, making Rogue pause. Code tried to bite back a smirk at the irritation on Rogue’s face. He wasn’t one that appreciated being interrupted. “A Prospect is not going to know how to handle these guys, if one of them gets bold and heads there. Assign someone that knows what the hell they’re doing.”

“We’ve had far too many Prospects get injured or die in recent months,” Fury agreed, looking at Rogue.

“I’ll go,” Ice offered. “I’ve got my training, and I’d dare one of them to get past me.”

“Fine, Ice, as soon as we’re done, head over to the hospital,” Rogue ordered. Ice nodded. “The rest of us will concentrate on securing the compound.”

“We’ll ride through the night to get there,” Simba told them. “In the meantime, Glitch, Karissa, don’t do anything stupid. If you do, I’ll kick both your asses all the way to Timbuktu and leave you there to crawl back. Got it?”

“Jeeze, you do one dumb thing and you never hear the end of it,” Karissa drawled sarcastically.

“Karissa,” Simba said warningly. “And Glitch–”

“Yeah, yeah, stay indoors like a good little woman and let the big bad bikers protect me, I got it,” Glitch sniffed.

Simba was silent for a moment. Then he finally said, “Code.”

Code knew exactly what he was trying to convey. “I got her. I’ll tie her ass to the bed or put her up on a shelf in a closet. She won’t get past me this time.”

Glitch turned and glared at him. “Try it and see what happens, caveman,” she bit out.

“Shut up, the two of you,” Rogue barked. “We’ve got more important things to worry about than your weird-ass foreplay.” Glitch glared at him, while the rest of the room broke out into snickers. Code smirked, not seeing any point in arguing. “Alright, let’s get to it. We’re not about to let these assholes get the jump on us.”

“Glitch, tell them anything they need to know,” Simba instructed. “We need to get on the road if we want to make it back, so we’ll sign off. Keep yourself safe, that’s an order. I find out that you did something stupid and got yourself hurt or killed, I’ll bring you back myself and make you regret it. Same goes for you, Xena.”

“Got it,” Glitch assured him.

“Yeah, yeah,” Karissa groaned. “Now go away so we can plan.”

They heard a few chuckles over the line before they signed off. Glitch grinned at Karissa. “You know you’re going to pay for that as soon as they get back here,” she joked.

Karissa gave her a toothy smile. “He can try. Now, let’s get this sorted, because I’m not about to let these bastards get the upper hand. Oh, and Maggot is mine. No exceptions.” She gave everyone around the room a hard look.

“Jesus, not this again,” Rogue snarled. “You know the rules, Karissa, no women in—”

“Enough,” Karissa snapped, pushing up from Razor’s lap before he could stop her. “I’m not doing this again. This isn’t a threat to your MC, this is a threat to me and my team. I might be an Old Lady in this club, but I am still a member of my team. Of the Predators MC. So, I don’t want to hear any more bullshit about what I can and can’t do because I have tits and a vagina. You don’t know the shit I put up with from that asshole, and you’re not going to deny me the chance to return the favor.”

Rogue’s eyes were hard, and Razor looked grim. Code had a feeling that Karissa told him exactly what Maggot did, and that was exactly why he wasn’t stepping in. His own stomach soured at the thought of what that could have been. When he glanced at Glitch, he saw her face was pinched, and her eyes were stormy. Yeah, she definitely knew something, and it made him wonder if something happened to her too. His entire body rebelled at the idea. If anything was done to her, he would happily kill all of those fuckers with his bare hands. “It’s not our way, Karissa,” Rogue finally said, pulling him from his murderous thoughts.

Karissa’s eyes flared and Code winced, preparing for the explosion. “I don’t give a flying fuck about your way,” she told him so coldly he was surprised the room wasn’t crusted in ice. “Out of everyone in here, I would have thought you would be most understanding, considering what your girls have survived. All three of them. They took their revenge, and I am taking mine. You may have done a lot of things and seen a lot of shit in your life, Rogue, but I can guarantee you’ve never woken up with a man on top of you, sticking a needle in your neck to inject you with drugs that kept you wide awake and paralyzed so you could experience everything he did to you without being able to fight back, or even scream. I guarantee you’ve never been trapped inside your own body while a man peeled your clothes off, telling you everything he’s planning on doing to you while mocking you the entire time. He almost raped me. Almost, because my teammates had a feeling something was wrong. They came crashing in to save me, but that fucker got away. See, that happened the night after we got back and they were arrested. Maggot was accidentally released, and he decided that if he was going to go to prison, he was going to do whatever he wanted until they marched him into his cell and slammed the door behind him. So, no, Rogue, youwill nottell me that I don’t get to do what I need to do, just because I’m a woman.”

No one said a word, and Code saw the pain in Razor’s eyes as he pulled her gently back into his lap. Code glanced at Glitch and saw an echoing pain in her eyes. Her fist was clenched tight on the table and he reached out to take it, gently prying her fingers open until he could interlace hers with his own. She struggled for a moment, but when he refused to let go, she settled, looking at him with both surprise and appreciation. It didn’t take a genius to realize she was there that night, had been one of the ones to find Karissa and help put her pieces back together.

Finally, Rogue sighed. “Fine,” he said gruffly, but Code saw the understanding in his eyes. He would want revenge if it were his girls, so he couldn’t deny Karissa.

“We need everything you can tell us,” Steel said. “Don’t leave anything out, even if it might not seem relevant. We can’t leave anything to chance.” Everyone nodded their agreement.

Over the next two hours, they went over everything Glitch and Karissa could remember, along with Glitch pulling up additional information as they needed it. The more information they gave, the more he realized what they were going up against. Any other time, he would see it as a challenge, but knowing Glitch was a main target, it both terrified him and made him even more determined to protect her. He would not allow her to get hurt.

Finally, when everyone felt they had the information they needed, Fury spoke up. “Alright, we need to start pulling shifts along with the Prospects. We also need to make sure the Prospects are ready for this.”

“Tom will be fine,” Doc predicted. “Kid’s got some skills, and some damn good reflexes. Not much shakes him.”

“Agreed,” Rogue said. “And the other two?”