Page 87 of Twice the Rivalry

“Not much would change my opinion of you, kitten,” he told her seriously. “You’re a badass. Just means I’ll keep myself on guard when I piss you off. Don’t need you practicing any torture techniques on me.”

She gave him a slow smile that was all teeth. “Caveman, if I decided to do that, you wouldn’t even see me coming,” she purred, leaning closer. “I can be quite creative. I’ve learned from the best, after all.” He just smiled at her, unfazed. He’d let her do whatever the hell she wanted as long as it ended with him inside her. Though, he had a few tricks up his sleeves that would keep her from actually stabbing him if he did piss her off.

“Bring it, kitten,” he taunted. “I still owe you some payback for your little stunt earlier. You’re not the only one who can be creative.”

Her eyes heated. “You really think just because you know how to use your cock, you’re going to get the upper hand, caveman?”

“I didn’t need to know that,” Win huffed, drawing their attention. “My God, can’t any of you talk about anything else? I don’t need to be back here a dozen more times in the next couple years because you all can’t keep yourselves from going at it like rabbits.”

Code fought not to squirm, especially when Rogue shot him a hard glare. Glitch, though, merely shrugged. “No promises,” she said easily. “I have a feeling there are a lot more babies coming. The floodgates have already opened. You should probably get used to it.” Win rolled her eyes.

“Well, put that out of your mind, because I have some questions for you,” Win announced. “I’m thinking about going to school for either graphic design or computer software and security, and I want to pick your brain.”

“You mean you want to melt yours further,” Wren called out from a few seats away. “I know that’s why I’m so much smarter and faster than you.” Win gave her sister an annoyed glare and flipped her off, making Scarlett immediately scold her. Code didn’t miss the way Rogue’s eyes flared with amusement.

Glitch turned and gave Win her full attention. “Ask away. Let’s see if we can figure out where your best skills might lie.”

Code stood up so Win could have his seat, and moved to stand near where Razor and Karissa were now leaning against the wall. Karissa was glaring at Razor. “We are not having a baby right now,” she hissed at him. “I like my vagina intact, thank you very much.” Another scream came down the hall, and Karissa waved toward the noise. “There, see? You really want to hear me screaming like that? I’d be liable to kill you before I popped the baby out.”

Razor gave her an indulgent smile. “Don’t worry, baby, I can handle it. We won’t have any until you’re ready.” Though, from the look in his eyes, Code could tell that wouldn’t stop him from trying to convince her. Or at least practicing as much as possible.

Karissa looked at him and narrowed her eyes, then glanced over at Glitch. When she saw that Glitch was busy talking to Win, she turned her gaze back to Code and gave him a hard look. “You hurt her and you won’t have to worry about her killing you,” she told him in a low, menacing voice. “I’ll do it and then let the rest of the team take their shot at you.”

Razor tightened his grip on her. “Rissa,” he warned.

“Stay out of this, Razor,” Karissa snapped at him, still quiet enough so no one could overhear.

Code shook his head at Razor when he was about to reply. He gave Karissa his full attention and said simply, “I’m not going to hurt her.”

Karissa’s expression didn’t change. “And I’m just supposed to believe that?” she asked sarcastically. “What about when she leaves, huh? You’re going to go back to doing what you always do, fucking the club girls like it’s going out of style.”

Code tried not to let his irritation show at her assumption. “You can believe whatever you want,” he said evenly. He didn’t owe her an explanation. Anything to do with Glitch was between the two of them, and Karissa, teammate and friend though she may be, was not part of that equation.

She regarded him silently for a long moment. Then, slowly, realization dawned on her face and some of the hardness in her expression fell away. “You want her to stay,” she said simply. Code didn’t answer her. He wouldn’t discuss his desires with others before he talked to Glitch. He didn’t think Karissa would blab, but he didn’t want rumors and gossip getting back to her either. “It’s going to be a tough road to convince her,” Karissa warned him. “But if you’re serious, I’ll help you.”

Code didn’t reply. Instead he turned away and looked back at where Glitch was talking animatedly as she grinned at Win, who was listening with rapt fascination. Even Wren had inched closer, listening attentively. A small smile tugged on his lips. He liked seeing her so excited, knowing she was giving Win information that could shape her future.

He stood there watching them for the next hour, listening as she gave them excellent advice, and by the time Savage came down the hall, looking harried but excited, Win was looking at Glitch like some kind of hero. It looked like there was going to be another computer scientist coming into the field, Code thought in amusement. And any fuckers who got in her way were in for a surprise.

“They’re here,” Savage rasped as they all stood to greet him. “Royal and the babies are fine. Emerson Gray was first and she’s six pounds even; her sister Eden Ivory is six pounds two ounces.” There was a collective cheer and cries of excitement from everyone, along with lots of hugs and back slaps for him. Savage grinned. “She’d like to see you all now, so come on down.”

Code stayed back as everyone followed him, waiting for Glitch to pack up her computer and join the procession. Code took her hand and pulled her along, making her look up at him in surprise. He didn’t reply, and was pleased when she didn’t try to pull away. Instead, they went to meet the newest members of the club, and Code wondered briefly if they were destined to be overrun with girls before long.

He just needed convince one girl in particular to stay and give him a shot.



“You better fucking find them fast,” Hazard snarled in his face, gripping him by the front of the shirt and hoisting him up in the air. A considerable feat, since he was no slouch. “I’m getting goddamn tired of waiting. If you can’t find them, then I’ll find someone who can.” Then he threw him down, making Slip crash into the table where Maggot and Crisp were sitting. Neither made a move to help him, their own irritation clear on their faces.

“I’m working on it,” he snapped, trying to keep his face as calm as he could, even though on the inside he was seething. Did Hazard think he wasn’t as pissed as the rest of them? He was only getting a couple of hours of sleep a night, because finding those fuckers was the only thing that mattered. He hadn’t even blinked when Hazard and Maggot had drug in some local women to fuck, and then killed them when they finished.

Their tempers were rising with each passing day, and he supposed murder was just another form of stress relief. Not that Crisp and Spook hadn’t joined in. Crisp got rid of the evidence with a bonfire, which of course had put him in a better mood. Though it didn’t seem to have rubbed off on Hazard, who was looking like he was ready to explode and do something stupid.

“Obviously not hard enough,” Hazard sneered. “Seems you’re losing your touch. That’s what happens when you get beat by a girl over and over.”

Slip’s temper frayed but he managed to hold on to it. Barely. “I’m the only one of us trying to find them,” he snapped. “You four had your fun last night, while I was in here trying to search them out. They’re fucking good at this, just like they were way back in the day. You really think they would have gotten lazy? They’ve bought off the whole town, and no one is talking.”