“Savage,” Code said in a low warning voice. Savage whipped his head to glare at Code, whose eyes were stormy. “I know you’re stressed about leaving Royal, but you don’t get to speak to her that way. She’s not a club girl, she’s not an Old Lady, and she’s not some bitch off the street. We’re asking her a favor, and that’s as a member of another club, not because she’s a damn woman. So unless we want a problem, show her some respect.”
Glitch eyed him for a moment, though he didn’t even glance her way. Did he just defend her? Something shifted inside her and she tried not to let it show how much his words affected her. Then she looked back at Savage and saw him eyeing Code curiously. Finally he sighed. “Damn it, not another one,” he muttered. Code stiffened, but didn’t reply. Confusion had her wondering what the hell was going on, but she didn’t voice it. Instead, she looked at Savage when he turned back to her and said, “I’m sorry for that, Glitch. Code’s right, I am out of sorts because Royal isn’t feeling well today and the babies could come at any time. I don’t want to be away from her. I know you’re a member of the Predators, but I’m not used to having women in here, in your capacity, and I forgot myself.”
She gave a curt nod. “I’ll accept that. And I’ll make note that this was the day hell froze over and a man actually apologized in front of other men so sincerely,” she added cheekily, making Savage glare at her while the other men in the room snickered. “Now, what exactly would you like me to do?”
As he explained the plan, she took some notes on her phone, noting that Savage and Rogue were as vague as they possibly could be. She had half a mind to tell them all she could just hack their phones and find out herself, but that probably wouldn’t earn her any favors. Instead, she let them keep the illusion and let them tell her the information. When he finished the explanation, he said, “And all of that means that the only people here to help if shit goes sideways are the Prospects.”
She arched a brow. “You mean in case the Ghost team shows up?” He nodded. “No fear of that. They’re still two states away, chasing us with their heads up their asses. I don’t see any issues arising in the next four to six hours, or however long it will take you all to get back here.”
He nodded. “Alright, but you make sure your ass, and Karissa’s, don’t leave the compound.”
“Well there go my plans for a shopping spree,” she pouted. “And here I was thinking about buying you something pretty as a thank you for hosting me.”
Savage rolled his eyes. “Why must all the women be smartasses?” he asked the men.
“Because we would be bored as shit otherwise,” Jax snickered. “How come you’re not offering me something pretty, babe?”
She ignored him. “I won’t leave the compound unless under duress,” she assured him. “But just to be safe, how about we all stop talking so you can get out of here and get this shit done?”
A few more snickers sounded as Savage glared at her. Then he looked at Code and said, “I hope you know what the hell you’re doing.” He banged his gavel and stood. “Let’s roll out, brothers. We leave in ten minutes.”
Everyone stood and made their way out of the room. Code slipped out behind her as they left. When they were back out in the common room, all the women, including the twins, were there, minus Karissa who was still at the bar, and their men headed for them immediately. She headed for the office. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Code heading up the stairs, and her grin finally broke free.
She wondered if he was going to come tell her what he thought of her little surprise.
She didn’t have long to wait before Code stalked into the office and stood over her, glaring. “Yes?” she asked innocently. “Is there a problem, caveman?”
His eyes narrowed. “When I get back, we’re going to be having a discussion on what happens when you mess with my shit, kitten,” he warned her.
“Oooh, the kind where you put me over your knee and spank me like a naughty girl?” she taunted him. “I always said you were a kinky lot. But bring it on, caveman. I might be small, but we both know I can take you down easily enough.”
He put his hands on the edge of the desk and leaned down until his face was only inches away from hers. “Your ass is mine when I get back, Eliza,” he told her in a low voice, his eyes promising all sorts of deliciously dirty things.
“Oh, well, now I’m just a puddle, what with you using my first name and all,” she said in a mock southern twang, putting her hand over her chest for dramatic effect. She put her face closer to his. “Bring it on,Milo,” she murmured.
Code barely reacted to her using his first name. Instead, he reached up, cupped the back of her neck, and murmured, “It’s a wonder why I like your sassy mouth,” before he put his lips to hers and kissed the crap out of her. It was hot, intense, and downright possessive. The grip on the back of her neck made her shiver, and when he nipped at her lip, she moaned. He pulled away much too fast for her liking, but his eyes were bright and hot on hers when he murmured, “Stay out of trouble, kitten. We’re going to talk when I get back.”
“I hope that’s code for finishing what you started,” she murmured in return, easing back when he gave the nape of her neck a hard squeeze and then pulled his hand away.
He smirked. “Depends on what you get up to while I’m gone,” he replied. “Mess with my shit again, and you’re going to get more than a spanking. I’ll keep you on edge all damn night and into tomorrow.”
Her core heated at the thought. Who knew that edging would be such a turn on for her? Damn. “Promises, promises,” she taunted. “Now, get the hell out so I can get some work done.”
He eyed her for a moment, opened his mouth, and then shut it, before turning and walking away. Her gaze lingered on him as he did, then she cursed herself and told herself to get a grip. She needed to prepare.
It wasn’t long before Karissa was back from the bar and sitting in Code’s chair. Glitch glanced at her over her shoulder, arching a brow in question. “Figured I was more useful in here than out there,” Karissa said simply. “Royal is feeling cranky as shit, and Harlow and Esme are trying to help her get more comfortable. Scarlett and the girls went back to the garage.”
Glitch tried not to wince at the mention of the girls. She hadn’t missed that they had avoided looking at her when she emerged from Church. “How do you think they’re doing?” she asked carefully.
Karissa eyed her for a moment. “They’re handling it, but they’re both still raw. It was a lot for them, and Scarlett told me that they’re working through it in their own way. They don’t hate you, pipsqueak. They’re just not ready for the reminder of what they faced, and unfortunately, you’re part of that.”
She sighed. “I know. I’m doubting myself now. I think we pushed them too hard and too fast.”
“I think it was just the thing they needed,” Karissa countered. “We’re not easy women, Glitch, and they won’t be either. If you babied them, they would have resented you when they’re older and in the exact same situation, because let’s face it, men are fucking assholes, and there are a lot of them out there that can’t handle a woman saying no, or a strong woman in general. Those two are going to be able to handle themselves without freezing, and when they get free, they’re going to give a damn good fight. Might not look like it right now, but they’ll be coming and thanking you before long.”