Page 79 of Twice the Rivalry

“Ain’t nothing wrong with my dick, babe,” he tsked.

“Uh-huh. And how goes the mission?”

He turned serious. “We’re getting them out of there tonight, and Simba’s got some law enforcement buddies of his coming in to handle these fuckers. Turns out they’re not only keeping them against their will, but they have a whole damn underground tunnel system that lets them smuggle people out without being seen. They’ve gotten themselves in bed with a local trafficking contact. Only reason the woman and her son haven’t been sent out was because this Abraham shithead took a shine to her, and he’s using her son to keep her in line.”

“Fucker,” she hissed. “I hope you’re planning to make him bleed.”

“Him and his sons. Looks like the boys have taken after their daddy. Apparently they like to try out the women before they’re sent through the pipeline.”

“Oh please tell me you’ll cut off their dicks and balls before you kill them for me,” she begged, infuriated.

“You know it,” he assured her. “Though I feel like I should point out, there are a few of them, and that’s a lot of cocks and balls I’ll have to handle. You best be making it up to me somehow.”

She rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll make you some more cheesecake, and I’ll buy you that new saddlebag you want for your bike.”

“Well, now, if I knew you were going to be generous, I’d have offered up my castration services sooner,” he joked. “Nah, you know I’m good with just the cheesecake, babe. I can buy my own damn shit. I might not have your money, but I got enough.”

More than enough, she thought. Hell, they all did. She had her financial team invest any funds the guys wanted, and there were no worries now if they fell on some rough or quieter times. Not that she was ever going to let that happen. Besides, who needed that much money anyway?

“Alright,” she said simply, though she was still going to buy it for him, and made a mental note to get that done as soon as she could have an online presence again. “So what’s the plan for after you’ve rescued them and dealt with the scumbags?”

“We’ll be dropping the girl off with her father and he’ll make sure they’re taken care of. Then we’re heading back your way. Time to deal with the Ghost team once and for all. I have some hard feelings about them destroying all our shit.” His tone was low and angry at the reminder.

“On that we agree. It’s been a daily occurrence, them trying to find us. Code and I—”

“Has he been treating you better?” Taz demanded, interrupting her.

She was silent for a moment. Did she tell him that treating her better meant fucking her six ways to Sunday as often as possible? “Yes,” she finally answered, preferring to keep things simple.

Taz was silent for a moment. Then he groaned. “You didn’t,” he whined.

“I didn’t what?” For being a bit wild, the man was crazy smart, and they were close so there wasn’t much she could hide from him.

“You slept with him,” Taz huffed. “Damn it, woman, what the hell? He screwed you over!”

She sighed. She wasn’t going to hide it, and there was no use in lying anyway. “It just happened okay? We were fighting, and well, anger makes for some great sex. At least we haven’t tried to kill each other.”

Taz said nothing, but she could practically hear him thinking through the phone. “Goddamn it,” he sighed. “You did it, didn’t you? You fell for him.”

“I haven’t fallen for him,” she barked. “It’s some hot sex, that’s all. We agreed. When I leave, we’re done, no emotions, no strings, nothing.”

“Glitch,” Taz said seriously.

“I’m serious, Taz, this isn’t going anywhere. When you get back here, that’s it. I’m going back home with you and the team, and that’s that.”

“Glitch,” he said again.

“No, Taz, I’m not going to argue with you about this,” she warned him firmly. “I don’t have time for a relationship anyway. We have a lot on our plate, and Code and I would never work. We live in different states, for God’s sake.”

“Fine, fine, but you know I’m going to help you get whatever you want right? If that means you want him, then I’ll support you. And if he hurts you, even if it is no strings, I’ll gladly gut him after you’ve had your crack at him.”

Her throat clogged with emotions. “Thanks,” she managed to get out tightly. If there was one person she could always count on, it was Taz. Well, her entire team, but she was especially close with him, and he was the big brother she had never had. Even when he was acting like an idiot.

“None of that sappy shit, woman,” he teased. “So other than banging the other nerd, what else has been going on? Been fucking forever since we got to talk.”

“Because you never call me,” she joked. “Some might think you were working and being responsible.”

“Being an adult sucks,” he groaned.