“I also made sure he was okay with this when I approached him,” Glitch added reassuringly. “He knows exactly what I’m going to ask him to do, and what your reaction could be. And he still volunteered, so I think that says something.”
Both girls nodded. “Alright,” they said in unison, and Glitch took that as affirmative enough. These girls knew their own mind, and she had to trust them.
“Good. Now, we’re going to establish a safe word before we do this,” Glitch added firmly.
Wren and Win both cracked wry smiles. “Scarlett, what’s a safe word?” Wren called, tongue in cheek.
“Yeah, maybe we should ask what yours is so we don’t pick the same one?” Win joked.
Scarlett’s face was bright red, but she lifted her chin and said sternly, “Girls, do we need to have the sex talk again?”
“We’re good,” Win laughed. “We’ve had enough of an education, thank you very much.” Glitch noted that Scarlett’s eyes flashed at the obvious reference, but she kept her face stern. Glitch had to give it to her, she was a strong woman. She glanced at Rogue, who pulled Scarlett into him, holding her tight, obviously realizing what she needed without her asking.
“Alright, let’s get to it. Wren, what’s your safe word?” she asked the first twin.
“Mercy,” Wren said after a moment. Win startled at that word, and a slight frown formed on her face, but she didn’t say anything. There was something there, but Glitch wouldn’t ask. Yet.
“Alright. Win, your word?” Glitch asked the other girl.
She was quiet for a moment and then she replied firmly, “Red.” Glitch nodded.
“Alright, we got our words. Tom, you hear either of those words from their mouths, you stop, I don’t care what you’re doing. You don’t, and it won’t be the scary biker you’ll have to worry about, it’ll be us,” she added with a very clear warning nod toward Karissa.
“Got it,” Tom said simply.
“Alright, go and get ready while we work on our basics.” Tom nodded and headed back out of the room, bag in hand. Once he was out of sight, Glitch and Karissa got started with the girls, running through their drills and working on anything that needed tightening up.
No one noticed when Tom came back into the room, which was exactly how she wanted it. They needed that element of surprise to make it as real as they possibly could. She shot Karissa a subtle nod, letting her know they were about to start. Then she gave Tom a signal with her hand while blocking a swing from Wren so he knew to begin. He was now wearing an all black outfit, skin tight to show off all the hard muscle he had, and left little to the imagination. He also wore a large, hard sports cup to simulate the feeling of an erection.
It was show time.
Tom exploded from the shadows of the room, running for Wren, who barely had time to register him before he was on her, taking her down hard and holding her down, trying to grab her hands to pin her. Wren screamed, fighting, doing everything she could to get him off her. Win, seeing her sister was in trouble, rounded and raced forward, but Glitch and Karissa both stopped her, dodging her kicks and punches, her screams of outrage and panic.
Karissa subdued her, though it was a struggle, even as Glitch moved back to where Tom and Wren were rolling on the floor. Like she predicted, Wren’s face was pale with panic, her breathing was erratic, and terror was alive in her eyes as Tom purposely ground himself against her and whispered things in her ears. Glitch got down, watching and listening very carefully, even as she heard Karissa grunt behind her from whatever Win had done.
Glitch saw the moment Wren started to slip back into her memories, and the way she froze. She got down on the floor near her head and hissed, “Don’t you let him win, Wren. You got this. You fight. You get this bastard because you are strong. You are brave, and you are not that little girl anymore. You are a badass woman, and you will not give him the satisfaction. You got me?” Wren didn’t answer, but her body jerked and she bucked her hips, trying to dislodge him. “Push past the fear. Remember all that you’ve trained for. All you’ve worked for. Do not let him get the upper hand. And never let him make you beg for mercy.”
It was the final word that had her snapping back to the present, and Glitch felt a surge of relief and pride as Wren let out a warrior’s cry and somehow managed to get her hand from between them and punched Tom right in the mouth, making him grunt in pain. Using a strength that surprised even Glitch, she suddenly flung him off and over her head, using a move that she had been working hard on in their sessions. Tom went flying and landed with a thud and a groan, and Wren lay there for a moment, shuddering and trying to catch her breath.
Glitch put her hand on her shoulder and said, “You did it, baby girl. You did it.” Wren didn’t say anything, just stared at the ceiling. “Finish it, Wren,” Glitch ordered her. “Don’t lay there and give him another chance.” Wren immediately rolled, just as Karissa released Win, who launched herself at Tom with a wild look in her eyes.
Tom moved quickly, managing to grab Win by the arm and swing her around, her back to his front, subduing her. Now it was Glitch’s turn to keep Wren back from her sister and for Karissa to handle Win. The same way her sister had, Wren fought hard to get past her, and Glitch thanked all her training and stamina, because damn, the girl was strong and determined.
Win let out a scream as Tom took her to the ground, and much like Wren, she panicked, but this time, instead of Karissa or Glitch being the one to encourage her, it was Wren screaming, “Don’t you let that fucker beat you, Win. Fuck him up.” And just like her sister, she used her skills and got him off and away from her. This time, though, he got a punch in the eye for his efforts, hard enough that she was pretty sure it would be swollen and black and blue before the night was out.
As soon as he was clear, she let Wren go, but instead of the two stopping and comforting each other, they both went to Tom, hauled him up to his knees, pinned his hands behind his back and Wren pulled his head back hard, making him grunt. “You didn’t win,” Wren gritted out, staring down at Tom. But from the dark look in her eyes, Glitch knew it wasn’t Tom she was seeing.
Glitch and Karissa moved quickly, ready to intervene. Once they were in position, they waited.
“I’ll always win,” Tom gasped out, starting straight up into Wren’s eyes. “You’re nothing. You’re just a scared little girl. You’ll never beat me.” He looked at Win. “You won’t either. You’re nothing more than broken toys. Used up.”
Glitch widened her eyes in surprise, but she waited to see why Tom was going off script.
“We are not broken,” Win snarled at him, that wild look still alive on her face. “We beat you. And we’ll keep beating you no matter how many times you try to take us down.”
“Because you are the one who’s nothing,” Wren added, suddenly letting go of his hair, and Win doing the same with his hands, both of them tossing and shoving him aside. “We won’t let you win anymore,” Wren finished, staring down at Tom.
Tom gave a mocking laugh. “Oh yeah? The first time you’re with a man, what do you think he’s going to say when he finds out you’re all messed up? No man wants to be with a woman who can’t give him what he wants. We’re all the same, you know. If you won’t give it, we take it, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. No one is going to come to your rescue.”