Page 73 of Twice the Rivalry

“Because it can’t. We both agreed that this is nothing more than scratching an itch. No feelings, and when I go home, we’re done. Besides, even if we did try, and I’m not saying we would, we’ve got too much pulling us in different directions.”

“You know, I made a lot of those same arguments with Razor,” Karissa reminded her. “And look at us now.”

“It’s not the same, Xena,” Glitch said tightly. “You and Razor, you deserve each other, and you’re meant for each other. Code and I are just enjoying the moment, I guess.”

Karissa was silent for a moment. “So you’re saying that if you go home, and come back in six months time and find him with an Old Lady, you’d be perfectly fine with it?” she asked bluntly, pinning her with a hard, searching look.

Glitch kept her face blank, though her stomach cramped a little at the thought. A small flare of panic rose inside her. No, no, she couldn’t allow herself to get emotionally involved. So she gave Karissa a placid look as she answered, “Yes, I’d be fine.”

Karissa stared at her, then narrowed her eyes. “You know I’ve known you for a long time, right, and I can tell when you’re completely bullshitting me. I think this is one of those times. You think we haven’t noticed you’re smiling a hell of a lot more now than ever? Or that you’re making excuses to spend time in the office with Code, which of course we all know not to go in there unless we want an eyeful. What is your obsession with the office, by the way? After you destroyed it the other night, I figured you would avoid breaking anything else.”

Glitch shrugged. “What can I say, we like to be a little adventurous,” she drawled. “And there’s no bullshit here. It’s a fling, Karissa. Nothing more, so don’t go planning or spreading things around that aren’t true.”

Karissa glared at her. “When have I ever done that?”

Glitch sighed. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it that way. I meant, don’t get your hopes up, or the other girls’ hopes up. They’re all loved up, and the majority of them are pregnant, so they’re bound to make this whole thing more than it is.”

“I just want you to be happy, Glitch,” Karissa said seriously. “You have to admit that being on the team can be lonely at times.”

“I’m surrounded by a bunch of men almost twenty four seven when they’re home,” Glitch scoffed. “And even when they’re gone, I’m talking with them all the time.”

Karissa gave her a droll look. “Don’t be an idiot,” she chided. “You know what I mean. As you like to say, they’re men and they have dicks. Which means, as much as they try, they won’t always understand that you need or want time to yourself, and you want to talk to someone that isn’t in the life you are. Or at least, someone who might be and could understand it. I love the team, and you’re all my family, but Razor and the women here filled holes that I didn’t know I had.”

Glitch snickered. “They filled some holes, huh?” she leered.

Karissa shoved her, but grinned. “And that right there is another reason to get you out and about with other people,” she drawled. Then she turned serious again. “I just want you to know that I want you to be happy, Glitch. If that’s not with Code, fine, but I don’t want you to only have work in your life and nothing else. I’m not saying that men are the way to be happy, because Lord knows I want to murder my man a few times a day, “ she snickered, getting to her feet. “But having someone to talk to every day that isn’t a member of the team, is damn nice.”

Glitch nodded. “I’ll keep it in mind,” she assured her noncommittally. As much as she got where Karissa was coming from, they weren’t the same. They had far different pasts, and she wasn’t ready to give up her future for anyone. Not even Code. She loved her team, and they were her life for a reason. They were doing good in the world, and she wanted to be a part of that more than a relationship.

Karissa gave her a knowing look, but thankfully let the subject drop just in time for Wren, Win, Scarlett, and Rogue to arrive. Rogue had been part of every training session with the girls so far, keeping a watchful eye on them. Glitch could admit it annoyed her at first, but now she saw it was because he wanted to make sure the girls were comfortable. He never interrupted them, but there had been a few times that Glitch noted he got very intense when the girls told them things.

Which was exactly why they had asked Scarlett to come this time. They were about to work on some of the girls’ major triggers, and they needed her here to keep Rogue in check if it came to it.

The girls had big, excited smiles on their faces as they walked to the mats. “I’m ready to kick some ass,” Win announced, rubbing her hands together. Wren nodded her agreement, eyes bright.

The door to the gym suddenly opened, and the final person for their session entered the room, bag in hand. Rogue’s head whipped around as he took in Tom, who looked at him calmly in return when Rogue demanded, “What the hell are you doing here, Prospect?”

“I asked him to come,” Glitch replied, making Rogue’s head whip back to her, eyes narrowing darkly. Scarlett frowned, but she didn’t say anything, resting a reassuring hand on Rogue’s arm. Glitch gave her a subtle nod of thanks, turning to the twins who were eyeing Tom with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. “Remember how I said we were going to work on things that might trigger you?” she asked them. Both girls straightened at that, but said nothing, waiting. “Well, today, we’re going to do that. And I’ve asked Tom to help, with permission from Savage.”

“Fuck this,” Rogue snarled. “Stay the hell away from them,” he ordered Tom furiously.

“Rogue,” Scarlett tried to soothe. He glared at her.

“No fucking way is he touching them,” he told Scarlett fiercely.

“Rogue,” Wren said sharply, drawing his gaze. Glitch watched as his face softened fractionally when he looked at both girls. “We need to get past this, and if this is what Glitch and Karissa think is best, then we have to trust them. And honestly, I’m okay with Tom. Anyone else, probably not, but Tom’s always been nice and respectful to us.”

Win looked at Tom, a vulnerable look in her eyes, despite her brave face. “Are you sure you want to do this?” she asked him carefully. “We really don’t know what our reaction is going to be, and I couldn’t stand it if you started to look at us differently.”

He held her gaze for a moment before he answered simply, “I haven’t looked at you differently, even knowing what you’ve been through. And I can take a lot. But if it helps, just know that I know what it’s like to feel powerless. I went through some shit growing up, and it took me a long time to understand that I needed to be the one to take my power back. Once I did, it changed things for me. It’ll be the same for you. But if you really aren’t comfortable with me doing this today, or if you want someone else to help you through it, that’s fine. My feelings won’t be hurt.”

Both girls stared at him for a moment, and then shared a long look. Glitch didn’t say a word, but she would call the whole thing off at any word from them. She wanted them to conquer their fears, but only when they were ready. Finally, after another moment of silent communication, and a few more pissed off growls from Rogue, they both turned back and nodded at her, Karissa, and Tom. “We’re willing to give it a try,” Wren answered, though her voice wasn’t as strong as it had been before.

“Are you sure?” Karissa asked seriously. “We can hold off on this. We’re not looking to traumatize you further, but you will have to face things eventually, and I’m sure you would like that to happen in an environment where you have some control, and know that you have people nearby who will help you.”

Wren looked at Tom seriously. “You’re okay with this, even knowing that Rogue is probably going to kick your ass afterward, or put you on shit duty?”

Tom didn’t even look at Rogue, who grunted his agreement, and said, “You don’t need to worry about any of that. I know exactly what I’m getting into, and what may happen as a result.”