“We were in a relationship for the next two years. Though, the only one who thought it was a relationship was me. Unbeknownst to me, she was sleeping with our handler and some of the higher ups to get what she wanted on her team projects. I had no idea. I had blinders on when it came to her. We even got an apartment together, but I knew something was up because she was always working late. Only coming home to eat, sleep, and piss me off so I would fuck her good and hard. But then, I got put on a top secret operation that was bigger than anything she had ever worked on. Because while she was screwing all the higher ups to get her own way, I was growing and improving and they were taking notice, while she was stagnant.
“When she found out about the operation I was working on from one of her lovers, she confronted me. I was surprised she knew about it, but I figured our handler told her since he still was our supervisor despite us being on different teams. She was furious, even more so because she found out I was leading the operation. Couldn’t understand how I could have something like that when I wasn’t anywhere as good as her or her team.”
“Bet that pissed you off,” Glitch remarked absently, her hand moving up his neck and to the base of his skull gently rubbing it. Like she knew he was holding stress there and was trying to help him ease it.
“Yeah, I was and we fought,” he admitted, forcing himself to pay attention to the story instead of the sensation of her fingers. “Anyway, she apologized the next morning, but I knew it wasn’t genuine. Still, being stupid and thinking with my cock about what I thought was love, I forgave her and didn’t pay any mind to her probing questions or how she showed up at my office all the time. I thought it was her trying to make it up to me, and I was happy she was finally acting proud of me.”
“But she was trying to get info on what you were working on,” Glitch summarized.
He nodded. “She waited outside my office until she overheard me tell one of my team members we were about ready to go after our target and I figured out the way to do it without being caught. That night, she went in, hacked my system, and stole all my information so she could take it and run the operation herself. Only problem was she didn’t know that I hadn’t entered the last bit of coding that needed to be finished before it would be safe to deploy. Needless to say, she destroyed the entire operation and everything blew up. She blamed me and tried to say I asked her for her help. Thankfully I could prove I hadn’t done any such thing, and my team backed me up, but it cost her becasue she was demoted to another unit.
“From then on, she made it her mission to constantly tell me how much she hated me. She kicked me out of the apartment, but not before she came clean that the only reason she was with me was because she had been taking my work for years and passing it off as her own, in addition to sleeping with anyone that could help advance her career. She never loved me and I was only a pawn in her game. Needless to say, that relationship went down in flames and it put me off of women for a long time. I was very pissed off and bitter.”
“Well, she was definitely a messed up bitch,” Glitch scowled. “Though I’m not surprised. Women in this field can be nasty. We’re competing against a lot of men and we want to make a name for ourselves. But I never did that. I stepped over people, but I never steppedonthem. I would never hurt them in that kind of way.”
“I know,” he said, reaching up and running his hand over the side of her head to smooth down her hair. “But I sometimes struggle remembering that it’s been a while since I’ve been that stupid kid. I’ve matured, and I need to act that way. Especially with you.”
She leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his mouth. “I’m sorry,” she murmured when she pulled away. “I really am sorry, Code, for everything I’ve done before and lately. I’ve been holding onto a grudge, and I need to stop. It’s not fair, and honestly, that’s not me. In our team, we work shit out because we can’t allow it to mess with our relationships or it could get someone killed.”
“I’d say we’ve done more than enough to get it out of our systems, with all the pranks and stuff we’ve done lately,” he smiled.
“So we call it even?” she asked with a soft smile.
“Done,” he replied immediately. Then he gave her a wicked grin. “That doesn’t mean I’m not going to piss you off, though. Especially if it means I get to rail you against any available surface.”
She laughed. “Oh, I’m sure we’ll be doing that plenty while I’m here,” she agreed. “How about we start now?” she suggested, grinding on his cock.
He was hard instantly. “Thought you said you were too sore?” he asked as he rolled her to her back.
She grinned wickedly at him. “I doubt you’ll be hard enough for me to notice,” she taunted. “What with being so small and all. I could still walk up here, so you definitely didn’t do as good a job as you should have.”
He let out a low growl and was on her in a heartbeat, even as her laughter turned to groans. He’d make her regret those words before he was done.
The next four days were much of the same routine. Slip and his team would show up on the cameras, they would track them, and send the information to her team. And throughout all of that, she and Code were fucking each other as often as possible. To the point that she finally told him no more because her pussy ached and her clit was basically one big bruise.
Though she had to say, she was surprised at how concerned he was about that. He insisted on her having a hot bath to relax and eventually joined her. He kept his hands to himself, but she hadn’t missed his hardness pressed up against her back. She appreciated his restraint. Still, it threw her off when he was nice to her like that. It was the complete opposite of what they had been doing, and she wasn’t sure how to handle it.
They also talked more about their pasts, with her sharing tidbits about her time with her team and some of the more dangerous elements. He was fascinated by it, and she got the feeling that the work she did was the kind he always wanted to do. Though she noted that if she mentioned any fun with someone else, he was quick to change the subject.
She could be honest and admit that worried her. Especially because this couldn’t go anywhere, even if they changed their minds and wanted it to. Not that she did, she told herself, but the last thing she needed was a clingy man. That would never work out. They had their own lives, and their futures were headed in different directions.
She walked into the gym and found Karissa already there, stretching. Karissa gave her a slow grin. “Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in. You finally got off his dick long enough to get in our training session, huh?” she teased.
Glitch didn’t reply, instead, she moved to sit beside her, acting like she was going to start her stretches. But then she launched herself at Karissa, who let out a grunt and then a wheezing laugh as the two of them started to roll on the mat. “Bitch,” Glitch grunted when Karissa elbowed her in the stomach.
“Someone’s getting soft,” Karissa taunted. “I guess that happens when you get dick on the regular, huh? Have you told Taz yet?”
Glitch rolled away from her and sat up. “No. Why would I? They’re finally getting close to getting into that damn place so they can get that woman and her son out. He doesn’t need to be distracted.”
“He’s going to kick your ass when he hears that,” Karissa snickered, sitting up and brushing her hair out of her face before she finally scraped it up into a high ponytail. “You know how protective he is of the two of us.”
Glitch rolled her eyes and started to stretch. “It’s not going anywhere, so there’s nothing for him to get protective about,” she argued.
“How do you know it’s not going to go anywhere?” Karissa asked, arching a brow at her.