She had no problem with that, and worked her mouth over him faster. But then he gripped her hair and pulled her back, making her grunt and glare up at him once he was free of her mouth. “Asshole,” she hissed as he let her hair go.
“I’m not coming in your mouth, Glitch,” he told her, grabbing a condom from the drawer. “Though we can definitely explore that later. Right now, I want to be inside you.”
She waited as he rolled on the condom before she moved up the bed and pushed at his shoulder. He willingly went to his back and she scrambled over him, gripping him in her hand, lining him up, and then lowering herself onto him. Code grunted, and she hissed at the feel of him inside her. Two orgasms allowed her to take him without any pain, and she put her hands on his chest as she started to move. Slowly at first, and then faster as she found her rhythm.
Neither of them looked away as they moved together. He put his hands on her hips, meeting her thrusts with his own, the sound of them slamming together filled the room. The connection was heady, and she found herself falling into the depths of his eyes as another orgasm rose inside her. Damn, three in one night, that had to be a new record.
Code watched her with desire, longing, and even desperation as she rode him. It was close to what she was feeling herself, and when she thought back on it later, it would worry her. There was something there, simmering under the surface, that she wasn’t sure she was ready to face. She needed to remember this was just sex, nothing more.
All thought cut off as he moved harder and faster inside her, chasing his release, which triggered her own. “Code,” she moaned as she ground against him.
“Give it to me, kitten,” he grunted, his fingers digging into her hips. He hissed and then rasped, “Fuck, Glitch,” as he shuddered through his own release.
She collapsed on top of him, burying her face in his neck, breathing him in, aftershocks coursed through her body.Damn, she thought again. She underestimated him, because the man definitely knew what he was doing. Embers of jealousy started to flare but she squashed them just as fast. She was too tired and content for any of that bullshit. Instead she murmured, “Pretty sure you begged.”
Code barked out a short laugh. “I think the one who was begging was you, kitten,” he replied, gently pulling out of her, then rolling her to the side so he could climb out and dispose of the condom. She was too boneless to force herself to get up. She’d need another minute or two to catch her breath. When he came back, he climbed into bed and pulled the sheet up over them.
She arched a lazy brow at him. “What are you doing?” she asked. “I’m not staying.”
He turned out the lamp before rolling over to pull her into him. She stiffened. “Doesn’t mean anything,” he told her. “I’m tired, and I need a few hours’ sleep before I take you again.”
“Who says I want to stay for that?” she asked with a yawn, moving her head to a more comfortable position on his chest.
“Give me a couple hours and I’ll show you,” he replied tiredly. “Still doesn’t mean anything. Now shut the hell up so I can sleep.”
“Asshole,” she murmured sleepily, her eyes already growing heavy. She’d just get out of bed after he fell asleep, she told herself. She wasn’t the kind to spend the night, and she wasn’t about to start with him.
She bolted up when her phone started going off and jumped out of the bed. She didn’t care she was naked, though she scolded herself for still being here instead of in her own bed, but that would have to wait. She found her phone underneath her clothes. She drew in a sharp breath when she realized what the issue was. “Fuck yeah,” she hissed as she started pulling on her clothes.
“I got the alert too,” Code announced, drawing her attention to him. He had pulled on his pants and was currently putting a shirt on. “Let’s go.”
She nodded, yanked on her shirt, sans bra, and then she was running out of the room and down to the office. Code was hot on her heels. It was late enough that most already went to bed, but she noted a few of the men were still hanging around, and they looked at them in surprise and then in interest. She was sure that she and Code coming down together would send the tongues wagging, but she didn’t care. Another thing she would have to deal with later.
She flew into the office, slid into the chair and grabbed her headset. She called her team as she started the trace, hearing Code working behind her. “I’ll tap facial recognition in areas around where they are,” he told her briskly.
“I’ll trace their location, as her call connected,” she replied, her fingers flying over her keyboard as images and maps filled her screens.
“You found them,” Simba said without preamble. It was a statement, not a question.
“Just got the alert and I’m tracing them now,” she replied. “Code is here too. He’s running facial recognition and seeing if anyone or anything around them can give us a clue to what they’re doing.”
“Good,” Simba grunted.
“You think they’re doing this on purpose to try and lure us out?” Taz asked curiously.
“Probably got tired of waiting for us to finally show our faces,” Jag said tightly.
“Got them,” Glitch said excitedly. “Well would you look at that, they’re still in our town.”
“You’d think they would get the hint that we’re not around from us not showing up at our clubhouse despite them trashing it,” Tiger remarked sarcastically. “They never were all that bright.”
Glitch pulled up the feed and shared it with her team. They all watched as Hazard appeared on the camera outside a coffee shop, a scowl on his face. He wasn’t even trying to blend in. Then, just down the street, Maggot came out of another shop, also looking annoyed. She frowned as she looked around the area. Something didn’t sit right with her about this. “Code, you seeing any of the others on your end?” she asked.
“Nope, the others seem to be out of view. I’m not catching them on the cameras on the other side either,” he replied, and she could hear the frown in his voice.
“Too fucking easy,” Ursa muttered through the line. “Why the hell would they allow themselves to be seen? They’re on a lot of watch lists, and if any of the local cops or the higher ups knew they were there, that place would be crawling with badges.”
“You think they’re doing this on purpose? That they want us to see it’s them?” Copper asked.