Page 6 of Twice the Rivalry

Ursa chuckled. “I heard his woman actually fired at him, so she’s got you beat there.”

She heard that too. Karissa had been all too happy to share that little tidbit with her. “Well, this time, he doesn’t have to worry about me showing up and doing it, because I have no plans on heading over that way for a good long time. I love Xena, but I much prefer my own little cave.”

Ursa reached out his hand and pulled her to her feet. “I completely agree. Now, I need to redo my braids, and you need some more lessons.”

She nodded excitedly and followed him out. “Gotta pretty you up a bit more,” she teased him. “Find you a nice lady to settle down with.”

He gave her ayeah-rightlook. “Babe, we both know that no sane woman wants to settle down with any of us. So you’re the one who gets to deal with us for the long haul.”

“Don’t threaten me,” she grinned. “Or I’ll sign you all up for dating websites just to make sure that doesn’t happen.” He shook his head and they headed for his room.

A few hours later, when her hands were tired from the intricate braid work that he showed her how to do, she headed back to her inner sanctum for a moment before she went to grab something to eat in the kitchen. She shook out her hands and then logged in to her system to do a few quick checks.

She liked to make sure everything was running at full speed at least once a day. It kept her sharp, and it also made sure that she was aware of any potential problems as early as possible. It also gave her a chance to check in on some of her investments.

She had grown up wealthy, and while that meant many opportunities for her that many wouldn’t have, she never let it define her or allow her to think she was better than someone else. When her parents died in a plane crash when she was eighteen, she inherited everything, and it had been shocking. But instead of letting it make her lazy or entitled, she sought out ways to use it to help not only herself but anyone else who could use it as well.

She invested a good amount, but most of the rest of the money sat untouched. Hell, she didn’t think that she could spend it all in one lifetime. Still, she had no plan on finding out. Instead, she donated money to programs that were dear to her heart, and she set up a charity. She had people who ran it, and made sure she wasn’t getting scammed, but mostly she stayed out of it. It was better that way.

Today, she was setting up scholarships for girls that wanted to get into computer science and computer-related fields. Full ride scholarships to the school of their choice to chase their dreams. Maybe they would be the ones to change the world. She was happy to help fund them if that was the case.

She got to work on getting the money transferred to the accounts she needed before reaching out to her lawyer and her contact at the local high school. When she finished, she sat back and smiled. This was what gave her joy. Knowing she was helping someone in some small way. It was exactly why she loved her job now with this team.

Suddenly, an alarm blared on her computer and she sat forward abruptly, mouth pulling down into a frown. Her gut tightened as she pulled up her screens.

Her blood ran cold when she saw what it was, and her entire body stiffened in shock and panic. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted softly as she started clicking on the keys. No, she had to get this down, had to make sure it didn’t get any further. She had never moved so fast in her life.

She knew this was Code’s idea of revenge, but he had no idea what he did, or what he potentially unleashed.



He laughed as he slit the man’s throat. God, he loved this feeling. The power of knowing that he was the one to end this bastard’s life. And, knowing the idiot never saw him coming. There was a reason they called him Slip, and he loved to prove why over and over again.

He let the body drop away from him and wiped the bloody knife on his pant leg before stepping back and away from the scene. He didn’t care about clean up, or who might find the body. Not only was he great at getting in undetected, but he was just as great at leaving and making sure nothing was left behind.

He made his way out of the home and down the road, avoiding the street lamps so no one would get a good look at him. When he reached his vehicle a few blocks over, he wasn’t surprised to find their team’s leader, Hazard, waiting for him. He slipped into the car and they were off.

Neither of them spoke, not needing any chatter to fill the silence. This was why he loved his team. They didn’t waste time with meaningless talking. The only thing he wanted was a drink, and a whore to fuck. Knowing Crisp would probably have a few already lined up, he didn’t have to worry about finding his own. And with the way he was feeling, they were about to get a pounding they weren’t expecting. For him, there was nothing like making a woman cry and scream his name. It was another kind of power, and one he relished.

When they reached their temporary headquarters, they parked and made their way inside. His team was already there, enjoying themselves, the air thick with weed smoke and the sound of screams. Some were coming from the back rooms, but not all. Crisp had a whore pinned to the wall as he roughly took her ass. The woman’s thick make up had been ruined by her tears, but she took him over and over, cries spilling from her lips in some kind of jumbled mess that sounded like begging for more. He watched the sight for another moment, letting the burn of desire work through him. First, he had to shower, then he would find his own whore to take this edge off.

When he entered his temporary room, he rolled his eyes when he realized that Maggot was already passed out with two women on either side of him, both naked and clearly coming down from whatever high they were on, based on the lines of what he assumed was coke on the nightstand. He’d get him back for that later, but he didn’t really care. He’d find another place to fuck his own whore.

When he climbed out of the shower, he didn’t bother with a shirt, just pulled on a pair of jeans, leaving them unbuttoned, and headed down to the main room. When he entered, he grabbed one of the women hanging around the entryway and pulled her with him to the empty spot on the couch. Hazard arched a brow as he pushed the woman to her knees and pulled out his cock. The woman took it in her mouth immediately and got to work.

He gave Hazard a smug look, making Hazard roll his eyes and take another drag on his blunt.

They were leaving tomorrow, so tonight was their night to party and celebrate another job well done. Their team worked in the shadows and had no problem getting their hands dirty with jobs that everyone else were too big of pussies to handle. No job was off limits if the money was right. They just kept on moving, and they made bank doing it. Between that and his hacking skills, he was set for life. Something his fucking parents wouldn’t ever know, but it was a nice, silent, fuck you to them for abandoning him all those years ago.

Even now, just thinking about it was enough to enrage him, and he gripped the woman’s hair tightly in his fist as he fucked her face. She gagged, but he didn’t care, too focused on his thoughts. He let her catch a quick breath when she made a sound of distress, then he started all over again. Her mouth worked on him as well as it could, but as blow jobs went, it was lackluster. Still, it would take the edge off enough for him to fuck her without seriously hurting her.

He did that when he needed to, but she wasn’t his type for that. And, that wasn’t what he needed tonight.

Instead, he allowed himself to spill down her throat before he let go of her hair and let her pull away. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and he told her, “Don’t go far. I’m not done.” She nodded, got to her feet and walked away.

His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, frowning when he saw the alert flashing at him. “Problem?” Hazard asked.