“It’s possible,” Code replied. “Though we haven’t found any record of them on the web either, so it’s equally likely they’ve just gone completely underground.”
“You think they’re doing that because they think the Predators are on their way back to find them?” Fury wondered.
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Code sighed. “Glitch knows them better than I ever would since she had the interaction with them, but she said that this Slip asshole is clearly better than he was before, and he’s good at covering his tracks. But now that she knows what coding he might be using, that could help us find him and his team.”
“Let’s hope they slip up soon,” Rogue said with a grim look.
“Maybe we should reach out to our own contacts and see if anyone has heard or seen them,” Fury suggested.
“You heard Glitch, we can’t let anyone know we know who they are,” Code cautioned. “The last thing we need is those names getting out there, bringing attention to us and how we got them.”
“I say we leave it be for now,” Savage proposed. “Soon enough, they’re going to slip up and we’re going to find them. Hopefully by then the Predators will be back and they can handle it. This is more their territory anyway.” He looked at Code and smirked. “That might just mean you get your office back.”
“None too soon,” Code agreed drily.
“The way you two fight, I’m surprised you haven’t killed each other yet,” Jax scoffed. “You sure you don’t want us taking her off your hands, brother? I don’t mind taking one for the team,” he suggested with a leer.
Code kept his expression blank, but shook his head. The idea of Jax with his hands on Glitch was not one he enjoyed. “Nah, I got it under control, but I’ll let you know if that changes,” he said casually.
“Alright, we’ll adjourn Church for now,” Savage decided. “Everyone keep your ear to the ground for any trouble.” With a quick bang of his gavel, they all were up and heading out of the room. When they exited, they realized two things. Tom wasn’t there, and neither were any of the women.
That never was a good sign.
“They’re over at your place,” Fury told Savage, a resigned look on his face. “Gabe just messaged that he went with them and is playing with Ronin.”
“You’re telling me that all the women are currently over at my place, unsupervised?” Savage asked in resignation.
“I don’t see Tom around, so I assume he’s over there with them,” Razor said. Then he grinned wickedly. “What’s the matter, Prez? Worried that they’re going to corrupt your woman?”
“They’ve already done that,” Savage groaned. “I’m more worried that they’ve found my stash and I’m going to be walking into a bunch of weapons pointed at my face again.”
They all laughed. “Good luck with that one, Prez,” Ink snickered as he headed toward one of the club girls who was waiting with a seductive smile on her face.
Savage looked at Rogue, Fury, Steel, and Razor. “I hope you’re coming with me to take their asses home.”
“Wouldn’t miss it,” Razor grinned.
Savage looked at Code. “Are you going to come and take your woman off my hands too?”
Code scowled at him. “I don’t have a woman,” he said pointedly.
Savage gave him a cool stare. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re responsible for her while she’s here since you’re the reason she is in the first place. So if she’s at my place causing havoc right now, you bet your ass she’s going to be your problem.”
Code glared at him. “So, what, I’m now appointed her babysitter because you don’t want to deal with her on your own?”
“I think he’s more thinking that if she’s pissed off at you, there’s less chance that she’ll try to take it out on him,” Fury chuckled. “Come on, we’re wasting time. Besides, she’s what, barely five feet? I’m sure you can haul her out.”
Code stared at him. “She’s five two, with an affinity for bladed weapons, and I’ve already had them used against me more than I’d like since she’s been here. But fine, if none of you are willing to handle the tiny assed woman, I guess I will.” Then he stalked out, with the other men following behind him.
Truth be told, he was curious what the hell they were all doing over there. He had been certain that Glitch and Karissa were going to be in the hall waiting for them when they emerged from Church, but instead, it looked like they’d had another idea. It wasn’t like they had been in Church that long. Maybe half an hour. What could they have gotten into in that short amount of time?
When they all reached Savage’s place, they stopped as they heard the laughter that came from inside. It was loud, and Code could hear voices talking over each other into one big laughing jumbled cacophony. He glanced at Savage, who wore a wary, resigned expression. He turned to them all and said, “If any of them pull another gun on me, there’s going to be hell to pay.” They all chuckled—well, except Rogue, the grumpy bastard—before they trudged up the steps to the front door. Savage took a deep breath and opened it.
Walking in, Code took in the scene and had a moment where he wasn’t sure if what he was seeing was real. Tom stood just to the side of the now open door, leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest, his face perfectly neutral as he watched the circle of women in the open living room. Code took them in as he stepped further into the room, not that any of them had noticed they were there, too excitedly talking and laughing.
Royal was reclined in the Lazyboy chair, her hands pressed down over her swollen belly. Her face was bright and happy, and for once wasn’t tired or annoyed, which Code noted when he looked Savage, had made the grumpy bastard smile. Harlow was sitting on the couch, Harley asleep in her arms while she talked excitedly with Royal. Next to her sat Scarlett, who had her hair covered in something that made it look darker than before. Actually, now that he was looking around the room, he saw that both the twins and Karissa were much the same, and being done by Glitch and Esme. Both girls were grinning happily, and Glitch’s hair was covered in the same stuff, but all over instead of just in some spots like the other girls.
“What are you ladies doing?” Savage asked loudly, making them all stop and look at him in surprise.