Glitch and Karissa both scowled. “We’re not about to be prisoners for the rest of our lives,” Glitch told him. “ I’m not staying here forever.”
“And if you think you’re going to keep me here forever with no contact to the outside world, you’ve lost your damn mind,” Karissa added fiercely.
“Then we need to go on the offensive and figure out where they are,” Savage said evenly. He looked over at Code. “You’re good at tracking people down. Do you have any objections to diverting a chunk of your time to help find them?”
Code shook his head. “I’ll do whatever’s necessary.”
“Because he wants to get her out of here sooner rather than later,” Ink snickered. Code didn’t bother denying it, even though Glitch glared at the other man. As far as he was concerned, he would be better off with Glitch far away from him. She was getting under his skin, and he was acting irrational, so he put the blame firmly on her shoulders.
“I don’t need his help,” Glitch protested, narrowing her eyes at Savage.
“Too bad,” Savage replied. “You want to go home faster, we need two sets of eyes on this, and that means the two of you are going to have to work together. Whatever your beef with each other is, figure it out or fuck it out. I don’t care, but I’m not playing referee. Royal will be having the babies any day now, and I don’t have time for this shit.”
Glitch fumed silently, and Code held his tongue. But they both glanced at each other, and their expressions shared the same sentiment.Fat chance.
“As soon as we handle our mission here, we’ll be heading back. If you haven’t found them by then, we’ll give you a hand,” Simba informed them. “Glitch, the more you let Code help you, the faster you can come back where you belong.”
“But if you need to kill him, wait until I’m there to help,” Taz called. “You know how much I love dead bodies.”
“Speaking of psycho,” Karissa sighed.
“Now, now, babe, you love my psycho,” Taz teased. “Why else would you have tried to climb in bed with me?”
“I’m not fighting with you about this again,” Karissa groaned. “Someone gag him for me, please?”
“Oh, now you’re just trying to get me all hot and bothered,” Taz laughed. “You know how much I love kinky shit.”
“Jesus Christ, I’ll fucking come through the phone and gag him myself,” Savage huffed. “Can we get back to the business at hand please?”
“Yeesh, sounds like someone needs some kinky shit himself if you ask me,” Taz said with mock concern. He let out a yelp when a hard thump sounded through the computer. “Fucker,” he hissed. Glitch snickered.
“Alright, so Code and Glitch will get started finding these assholes,” Savage said briskly. “Simba, I assume you guys are going to be focused on whatever mission you’re on.”
“Correct,” Simba replied.
“Alright, that leaves us on our own for now. Brothers, ears to the ground. Be alert for any rumblings of anyone looking for them or us. I’ll reach out to other clubs and allies to see if any of them have heard of these guys or know anything about them.” He looked at Glitch. “Can you give us those pictures of them?”
She glanced at the camera in front of her, and when she gave a subtle nod, she looked back at Savage. “The information shouldn’t be printed or housed anywhere other than my system. There are other people looking for them and us. I’ll give you the still images from the cameras at our clubhouse earlier.”
“Fine,” Savage said, clearly not about to argue. “We’ll see what we can find. Simba, we’ll have Glitch reach out to you if we hear anything.”
“Sounds good, brother,” Simba replied. “Glitch, we’ll talk soon.” She nodded, a sadness in her eyes at them leaving the conversation. As she backed out of the call, covering their tracks, he was up and moving so that as soon as she was out of her system and back into his, he was behind her.
She glared up at him, then turned back and left his system, but not before she opened up his lock screen, making sure to leave it up on the monitor. The room erupted into laughter at the image of a photoshopped picture of him with a large head, tiny assed body, and a circle in the dick area with the words, “Still looking for it,” in a white text bubble pointing at it.
He skewered her with a hard glare when she turned to give him an innocent look. “Good thing I gave you that pump and magnifying glass. Might make it easier,” she suggested.
He didn’t bother answering her. Instead, he leveled her with a look that promised retribution, then stalked out of the room, ignoring the laughter behind him. If Savage thought they were going to figure this shit out, he was sorely mistaken. If Glitch wanted to start this little battle again, that was just fine with him. And this time, she was a hell of a lot closer. It would be that much sweeter to be able to watch as he took her down.
Three Days Later
Esme, Karissa, Royal, Harlow, and Scarlett all give her amused grins as she stormed into the common room, once again furious and ready to lose her shit. “I’m going to kill him,” she hissed at the women as she stalked toward the bar, needing a stiff drink. “I don’t care if he is an ally of our club. He’s going to die a slow and painful death at my hands, and I’m going to laugh while I do it.” The prospect at the bar gave her a wide-eyed, fearful look as he quickly handed her a shot. She downed it, enjoying the burn of it in her throat. She knew better than to ask for another one, since she was going to need all her faculties to keep going for the day, but still, it was tempting.
“Dare we ask what he did now?” Karissa asked, amusement in her voice.