“I’ll make your life here a living hell if you don’t stop trying to piss me off,” he told her in a low voice. “You don’t want to start a war with me, Glitch. Everything up to now has been nothing more than child’s play.”
“You make life a living hell just by breathing, so we’re well on our way,” she goaded. “Care to try again? Because we have to be down in Church in a few minutes, and as much as this conversation is fascinating, I do need you to tell me quickly. Unless you want me to go down there in nothing but a bra and thong.” She gave him a sharp smile. “You’re the one threatening me with a good time, Code. Maybe think about that before you start laying down challenges.”
“How does your team put up with you?” he wondered, smirking at her.
She gave him a big smile, waving at herself. “I’m Polly Pocket-sized with a wicked sense of humor and a brain, caveman. It’s not that hard to figure out. And I’m starting to think you don’t like that. What happened? Some woman in your past screw you over and now you’re taking out that anger on me since she’s not here? Because if that’s what you’re doing, it’s going to be that much more fun to prove that you can’t do shit to me. Sure, you could inconvenience me, but we both know you won’t succeed in driving me out of here.” Then she stepped closer and said in a low, sultry voice, “Or is this because you realized just how much you can’t resist me? Did you think that I didn’t notice the way your cock got hard when we were in the shower together?”
He scoffed. “I’m a man. When a naked woman is around, we get hard. If you had been a club whore, the same thing would have happened.”
“Is that so?” she purred, glancing down at him. Yep, just like she thought, he was hard now too. And considering she knew exactly what he was packing behind that zipper, it made her body heat even more. Still, she ignored it. “Then what’s your excuse now?”
He glared at her, but there was a heat in his eyes that matched her own. He might be pissed, but he was far from unaffected. Any other time she might be interested in exploring that, but not now. Not with him. They would probably kill each other before they even got into the sheets. “You’re standing here in a bra and thong. Doesn’t mean shit. I’m done with this ridiculous conversation. Stay the hell out of my room,” he ordered as he stepped back, then turned on his heel and stalked out of her room.
She stared after him for a moment before she started to chuckle to herself, turning back to her closet. She was definitely getting under his skin. The battle between the two of them had cooled a little since she got here yesterday, but she had the feeling it was about to pick right back up. It would definitely liven up the days as she waited for her team to return so they could head home and fix the mess at their clubhouse.
Which of course made her think of Slip. She pulled on a clean pair of leggings and a long t-shirt that she had bought a few years ago and fixed up to be the perfect length. She had worn a lot of clothes just like this in high school, which was when she had met Slip. Or, rather, Forrest Walton, as she knew him back then. It really was a small world. But she refused to be worried or afraid of him or his team. They could threaten all they liked, but they were no match for her or her team.
But your team isn’t here,her mind taunted.Would the Dragons really be able to protect you if he showed up?
That was the question wasn’t it? Sure, she had Karissa, and the Dragons had helped her with her situation, but Glitch and the rest of their team had been here. It remained to be seen what the Dragons would do if Slip and his team figured out where she was and came for her. But that was a worry for later. She glanced at her watch. She had a few minutes before she had to be down in Church, but since she was ready now, she would go and set up so everything was already set up when they called her team.
She shut the door and headed downstairs, only briefly glancing at Code’s closed bedroom door. He was going to be pissed she was playing around in his system again, but well, that was the price to pay, wasn’t it? She smirked to herself. Maybe she’d leave him a little present while she was in there…
When she got down to Church, surprisingly, Razor, Karissa, Rogue, and Fury were already there. Though Karissa was glaring at Razor, who had pulled her into his lap the moment her attention turned to Glitch. “I am not sitting in your lap, Razor,” Karissa snapped at him, even as Glitch took the seat in front of the computer and opened it up.
“There won’t be enough seats in here, babe, so this is where you’re sitting,” Razor told her easily. “Besides, you weren’t complaining about being in my lap earlier,” he added with a leer. Karissa glared at him, unamused.
“Apparently you were slacking, pretty boy,” Glitch said with a snicker. “Sounds like you need to work on your technique. If you need some help, I know just the person to mentor you.”
Fury gave a burst of laughter, while Rogue smirked. Razor glared at her, and Karissa snickered, earning her a look that promised retribution. Razor turned his attention back to her and said, “If anyone’s ass is going to need help, it’s yours if Code catches you. Or maybe that’s what you’re looking for after that shower earlier.”
Glitch rolled her eyes. “Why does everyone think that just because we saw each other naked we’re immediately going to jump in the sack together?” she asked drily. “Have you guys already forgotten we don’t even like each other?”
“Don’t need to like each other to fuck,” Rogue pointed out bluntly.
She ignored him. “I’m not afraid of Code. I can handle myself.” She gave Razor a cool smile. “Would you like another demonstration? I won’t hurt that pretty face of yours, but I can’t promise about the rest of you.”
“I’m starting to think that having you around is a bad idea,” Razor muttered.
“I think it’s a fantastic idea,” Karissa added. She and Razor glared at each other some more, and Glitch rolled her eyes. Those two loved to fight, and she had a feeling that the gym would be in use once this meeting was over. Those two loved to use gym equipment for activities other than what they were intended for, though she had to give them props for ingenuity.
So, instead, she focused on getting past Code’s firewalls and into his system. He had made some decent improvements, so it took her a couple extra minutes, but as always, she got through just fine. Then she used his to log in to her own. She was sure he had done some other work in his, but when it came to the safety of her team, she didn’t mess around. After she got everything prepared so they could easily call in with no problems, and ensured they had access to all the files they needed, she took a little time to look around his system to check out other improvements he could make. And to leave him a little something.
It wasn’t long before the men of the club started to file in. A few of them gave her knowing looks as they took their seats, while others just shook their heads, clearly not happy she was in their sanctified space. To them, she gave a wicked grin and a wink. When Code showed up, Savage was right behind him. Code’s eyes flared as soon as he saw her in his seat. “Move,” he ordered her.
She arched a brow. “I’m afraid this seat is taken,” she told him easily. “But I see one down there next to Rogue you could probably use.”
His green eyes flashed even brighter. Then he looked at the monitor and his face reddened with anger. “Get the fuck out of my system, woman,” he hissed.
“We really need to work on that,” she told him with mock concern. “I mean, I saw what you were trying to do, but it looks like you need a bit more help. How about you read that book I gave you? Maybe then—” She let out a screech when he reached down and hauled her out of the chair, but of course, she wasn’t about to let him get away with it. Wicked fast, she had her legs wrapped around his waist, and used her small body to break free of his hold and get around to his back, wrapping her arm around his neck in a chokehold. She heard a few curses, and possibly some laughter. “That sure was stupid, caveman,” she told him, her mouth close to his ear.
“Jesus H. Christ,” she heard Savage growl. “Glitch, let him the fuck go. Now.” It was an order. Too bad for him, she didn’t take orders from anyone but her team.
“Afraid not, Mr. President,” she said, fixing him with a sharp smile. “He grabbed me first.”
Code then used her inattention against her and wrenched her wrist, making her loosen her hold, and somehow managed to get her flipped back around to his front, turning so that he pinned her to the wall. Any other time, she would have found that move hot as hell, but she was too angry. He held her there by gripping both her biceps, her feet dangling off the floor. His eyes were bright, roiling with anger and insult, but that same tension from before was creeping in. For a brief moment, she forgot all about anyone else in the room. She gave Code her best challenging smile, and of course, he took the bait. “Stay the fuck away from my shit, Glitch,” he hissed.
“If you want me to stay out, do better and keep me out,” she hissed back.