“Son…” his father sighed, trailing off.
Pride was a big thing in his family, and his siblings hated that their little brother always seemed to be the one to help them out. Code didn’t care though. It wasn’t like he didn’t have money. Hell, he lived in the clubhouse. His only expenses were his bike and his equipment, which meant he had more than enough left over to help his family. “I know, I know,” Code sighed, running a hand through his hair. “How about you tell me what they need and I just send you the money? You can tell them you made a bit of extra cash and you want them to have it.”
“It’s not like they don’t know we’re not doing well at work, son,” his father pointed out. “They won’t believe me. Your brothers want to be able to handle this themselves.”
“I know, but I’m not about to let them suffer when I can help. It’s not pity.”
“And they know that, but you know your brothers have their pride. You want to send me the money, then you go ahead. I’ll make sure they get what they need.”
“Alright,” Code agreed. “And you’re doing alright? You need anything?” His father was never one to ask for himself, he was only concerned about his kids and grandkids.
“I’m perfectly fine,” his father assured him. “Not like I need much when I’m living on my own.”
“What, you’re not out there charming up the ladies?” Code joked.
His father snorted. “Don’t got time for that nonsense. I got my own hand if I need some companionship.”
Code laughed and said, “Pretty damn sad, but if you say so, Dad.”
“ I want to know what’s going on with you down there. You finally got a woman yourself?”
Code scoffed. “I don’t have time for a woman, Dad. Besides, women are nothing but trouble and pains in the ass on a good day.” He thought of Glitch and their little battle and smirked. She was definitely a pain in his ass, but at the same time, he couldn’t exactly let his father know that.
His father chuckled. “You’re right about that, son. Still, there’s nothing like the love of a good woman to keep you going. But I want to know what you’re up to in your neck of the woods. How are things going with your security business?” His father rarely asked about the MC life, more to protect himself if shit hit the fan, and Code respected that.
They spent the next fifteen minutes chatting and catching up, and by the time they hung up, Code was feeling more relaxed. He might not see his family as much as they would like, but he would never let them go without. He made a mental promise to get down to see them as soon as this was all over. He missed his father, and even though Harley had made his day a shitty mess for a little while, it made him miss his nieces and nephews.
Thinking about that shitty mess immediately brought up the memory of him and Glitch in the shower. He scrubbed a hand down his face as his mind recalled the sight of her naked body, and his cock twitched. Damn it, he really didn’t need to get turned on right now. He needed to get over his attraction to her, because there was no way in hell he would be acting on it. He’d rather stick his dick in a damn wood chipper than risk her slicing it off. Because she was crazy enough to do it.
He pushed all thoughts of Glitch away and headed inside, heading up to his room for a moment to himself. Normally he would go to his office, but since that was no longer an option for some time alone, his room would have to do. It ate at him, but at least it was only temporary. When he reached his room, he pushed open the door, and stopped just inside the doorframe when he saw the book in the middle of his bed. How to Use a Computer for Dummies was the title, and it instantly pissed him off. She had broken into his room,again, just to play mind games. He heard Glitch cursing in her room. He glanced over and saw her door was ajar; he moved toward it, pushing it open, and stopped when saw her dressed in nothing but a bra and thong.
So much for not allowing himself to get hard around her, he thought in irritation. Her bra and thong were both white lace, but what caught his attention were the bruises on her ass. He wanted to reach out and check them, but quickly scolded himself. What the hell was he thinking? There was no way he was going to touch her. Hell, he didn’t even like her. He forced himself to remember the book waiting for him on his bed. “Problem?” he asked her, then cursed himself. He had meant to make some kind of smart remark about her not being able to sit down, but clearly his mouth hadn’t gotten the memo.
“Nope,” she said simply, not evening looking at him as she made her way over to the closet, her ass flexing with each step. Damn, her ass was fine. Fuck, he really needed to get a grip on that. He quickly lifted his gaze before she could catch him. “Something you need? Or did you just come to ogle my ass? I mean, I know it’s fantastic, but I figured you already got a good look earlier.” She glanced over her shoulder at him, making him scowl at her.
“I don’t care about your ass,” he snapped at her. “I came over to tell you to keep it down since you’re being so damn loud I can hear you through the walls, and to tell you to stay the hell out of my room. Your pathetic attempts at jokes aren’t funny.”
She turned back to face him, and he had to force himself to keep his gaze on hers. Damn it, he really needed her to put her clothes on. “You’re annoyed because I’m in here and making noise,” she repeated, staring at him. “Do you even hear yourself? Are you sure you cleaned out your ears in the shower earlier? I think some of Harley’s shit got in there and is starting to rot. And as for the book, well, clearly you need all the help you can get.”
He clenched his jaw. “My ears and brain are just fine, thank you,” he gritted out. “My system is just fucking fine, and I don’t need your help to fix anything. Would you put some damn clothes on? Or do you like walking around in your underwear where anyone can see?”
Her lips pulled up into a wicked grin. “Awww, caveman, are you jealous? What, you think because you got a look at the goods earlier, that means you get to keep them from being seen by anyone else? Or maybe you want me to be quiet because you know that anyone else would appreciate this. I could be in here having myself a damn good time while you’re in your room with one of the club girls, struggling to get the deed done, while I make you listen to what it sounds like to actually get a woman off properly.”
He was moving before he could stop himself, even as his brain screamed at him this was a bad idea.
She bit back a smirk as he stalked toward her. It seemed that she had gotten under his skin; one of her favorite pastimes. She should have covered herself up, or at least attempted to, but instead, she lifted her chin and stared up at the man who towered over her. His green eyes glittered with anger and annoyance, but there was something else there, and it made her blood heat. She really needed her body to stop doing that.
The tension between them ratcheted up as he stopped mere inches away from her. “You’re baiting me,” he said bluntly.
She widened her eyes dramatically. “What? Me? No! Of course not,” she gasped, putting a hand over her chest, which of course drew his gaze before it went right back to her face. “Why would you ever say such a thing, Code? I’m hurt. Just completely insulted.” She threw in a little southern twang for added effect.
His eyes narrowed. “You and your smart mouth are going to get yourself in trouble, sweetheart.”
“Is that so?” she replied easily. The look she gave him was a pure dare. She wasn’t afraid of him. Hell, she could kill him with one twist of her wrist the moment she got her hands on him. Still, this reaction intrigued her. Excited her somehow. The kind of excitement that made her want to push himjust a little bit more, to see how far she could take it. “What are you going to do about it, caveman? Are you going to put me in line?”