When they reached the gate of the Dragon’s compound, she had a moment of excitement to see Karissa, but right behind it was anger at the need to be there in the first place. Sitting on the back of Simba’s bike, she desperately wanted to tell him to turn around and take her back. Or take her with them. Her anger at the whole situation had only grown over the last two days. The team wasn’t big on talking while they drove, so she had a lot of time with her thoughts.
That, and she was kind of miffed that Simba didn’t want her to go with them. Sure, she didn’t have the same field training as the rest of them - as they constantly liked to point out - but she was still valuable. Though Taz bluntly told her that she looked like a tiny stick of pink cotton candy with her hair, so unless she was willing to dye it, she would stand out like a sore thumb. And she wasn’t touching her hair, now that she had it exactly the color she wanted.
So here she was, and she had to accept she was going to be stuck with Code for a while. Still, she was going to make sure it wasn’t a comfortable stay for him. And she had Karissa on her side, so that was something - she had an ace in the hole if he really pissed her off. Between the two of them, they could make things very uncomfortable.
As they pulled up to the clubhouse, she wasn’t surprised to find Karissa, Razor, and Savage waiting for them. Though she was surprised to see the rest of the men weren’t around, including Code. Huh, maybe he was hoping to lie low and avoid her for a little bit. Well, that wasn’t about to happen, she thought to herself.
Simba parked his bike and then helped her off the bike before he turned it off and climbed off as well. She kept herself slightly behind him, knowing there was a protocol to these kinds of things. She fought back an eye roll, but shared a knowing look with Karissa who didn’t bother to hide her own rolling eyes.
Savage moved down the steps and extended his hand to Simba. “Brother,” he said simply as they clasped hands.
“Savage,” Simba rumbled back. He turned his head and his lips quirked slightly as he looked at Karissa. “Xena, you’re looking well, even though you’re a kept woman now. I figured you’d have allowed yourself to relax a bit.”
Karissa narrowed her eyes at his teasing, and said drily, “I can’t decide whether to punch you in the face to remind you that I’m still very much a threat, or to wait until you’re not expecting it to do something especially ruthless.”
His lips stretched wider. “Xena, with you, I expect everything.”
Karissa smirked and walked down the steps to hug him. Glitch looked at Razor and saw him scowl slightly before his expression smoothed out and he leaned against the porch railing instead, crossing his arms over his chest. Glitch snickered, drawing his attention. “Still don’t like someone touching your woman, pretty boy?” she taunted. “Worried she might decide to leave your ass after all?”
Razor just gave her a bland stare and replied, “She likes my dick too much to leave me. That, and Esme would kill her.”
“Why is it that men think their dicks are what makes us want to stick around?” Glitch asked quizzically. “I mean, do you really think that we can’t get the same results with some silicone?”
Savage huffed out a sound that was a mixture of a groan and a sigh. “You’re going to cause trouble while you’re here, aren’t you?” he asked before Razor could reply.
Glitch looked up at him with a sweet smile and fluttered her lashes. Considering he was six-five, that was quite a ways up from her five-two height. “Now, why would you think that? I’m oh so sweet and nice and I would never cause any kind of trouble. I’ll be oh so perfect, you’ll barely notice I’m here,” she gushed in a high pitched voice that had some of her team snorting and laughing behind her.
Savage stared down at her, looking far from convinced. In fact, he looked resigned, and Glitch couldn’t stop the wicked grin from sliding across her face. “Fuck,” he hissed finally. He looked over at Karissa and then back at Simba. “You seriously want to leave both of them with me? How about we trade?” he suggested, and Glitch couldn’t quite tell if he was joking or not.
“And deprive you of the experience of having two strong, kickass former mercenaries under your roof?” Simba responded lightly. “I couldn’t do that, man.”
“I was afraid you were going to say that,” Savage groaned. “Fine. Come on in and we’ll get you settled. You guys staying for the night?”
Simba shook his head. “We need to keep moving. We’ll rest up for a couple of hours and then be on our way. This way, we can make sure that Glitch is all set up.” He lost his easygoing look and his eyes went flinty. “And I expect we won’t be having any more issues between your man and her, or our team.”
Savage held his gaze as he replied, “She’ll be fine here, and there won’t be any more issues as long as the two of them can play nice while they share the space.”
Glitch snorted, but he ignored her.
Simba merely nodded. “Fine. But just a reminder Glitch is a Predators MC member. She is not a club girl or just a tech person. She’s a member of our MC and she deserves to be treated as such. That’s non-negotiable.”
Savage looked pained at the mention of that, but said, “That’s fine, but while she’s here, she’s not a part of club business unless we deem it necessary. You run your MC your way, and we run ours our way.”
Glitch rolled her eyes. “Jeez, fine, we get it,” she huffed. “While I’m here I’m reduced to the little woman role because I don’t have a dick. Now, I’m tired, and I want to stretch and set up my shit, and all this posturing and politics or whatever is boring. So how about we wrap this up and go inside?”
Both men looked at her, then Simba chuckled while Savage scowled at her. That scowl deepened when Karissa wrapped an arm around her waist and said, “Damn I missed you, shorty. I’m so glad you’re here. I bet the two of us can get some things done around here, and the other women will definitely help.”
Savage and Razor both groaned, while Glitch’s team laughed, knowing full well what that would entail. Glitch and Karissa made their way inside, but not before Karissa gave Razor a look that told him he was going to pay for that little noise later. He just grinned back at her, unrepentant.
Once inside the clubhouse, she smirked when she saw that the rest of the brothers were inside, along with a few of the women. She recognized them all and grinned when she realized the twins, Wren and Win, were also there and looking very excited, with mischievous glints in their eyes. Well, at least she would have a decent enough time while she was here, if she focused on training the two of them. They didn’t have much time during their last visit, and she knew they were eager to learn.
“Look who’s here, Scarlett,” Wren—at least she thought it was Wren—said smugly. “Back up plans one through eight have arrived. Should we have them line up so you can check them over and see who we can eliminate?”
“I still think Viking Daddy should be top choice,” Win agreed impishly. “Though Daddy Bear is a close second.” The twins were identical, right down to their honey brown eyes, strawberry blonde hair, cherubic faces, and identical clothes. The only reason she might be able to tell them apart was that Wren was the slightly more abrasive of the two, and she also liked to wear her eyeliner just a hair thicker than her twin. She was sure there were other ways, but it was the quickest way to figure it out for now.