Page 100 of Twice the Rivalry

“Steel, Ice, any signs from your vantage points?” Savage demanded.

“Nothing,” Steel answered grimly. “These bastards are either still outside the compound, or they’re damn good at camouflage.”

Suddenly the sound of bullets filled the comms and everyone ducked for cover. He hit the floor the same instant as Glitch, and he instinctively covered her body with his own. “They’re aiming at the back of the clubhouse,” Ink’s voice said through the comms. “Fuckers brought some heavy artillery.”

“And are on the opposite side of the building they just blew up,” Ice noted.

“They’re spreading out,” Karissa told them as she got up from her crouched position, looking outside. “Which means they’re going to try and draw us out.”

“No one show yourselves,” Savage ordered. “Do not give these fuckers a shot. Ice, Steel, you see anyone who isn’t one of ours, you shoot. Got it?”

“Roger that,” Steel affirmed. Ice echoed him, and then they went silent.

Within minutes, more bullets flew, this time at the bar down the road. “Fuckers,” he heard Jax mutter. “They’re going to shoot up every building we own. Good thing we secured the garage door. That thing will blow if they hit one of the gas tanks.”

“Then we need to make sure they don’t get that far,” Rogue said darkly.

Glitch pushed at Code, making him roll off her. She slowly got to her feet and, staying as low as possible, headed to the side of the room, her back to the wall. He followed. She gave him a knowing look, but didn’t call him on his overprotective instincts. If she thought he was going let her go about doing whatever the hell she was doing with no backup, she was crazy.

Everything went quiet, and the tension in the room rose even higher. “What the hell are they doing?” Savage muttered impatiently.

“They’re waiting us out,” Glitch told him. “I bet they figured you or us would have gone to meet them head on.” She looked up at Code. “I need to look at my screens. I might be able to spot them, or at least give us an idea of where they are.” Code nodded. “Xena, stay sharp,” Glitch told her. “Everyone else, get ready, because I’m going to find these bastards and we’re going to get the upper hand.”

“I love it when you get all bossy,” Karissa joked lightly, but her eyes never changed as she continued to stare out the windows.

Glitch tossed her a smirk, then she went around Code and headed for the office. He was hot on her heels. When they entered the room, she ordered, “You check the south and west sides and I’ll check the north and east. Let’s find these bastards.”

They did just that. He checked the cameras, scanning for anything out of the ordinary, but it was late in the day and the sun was setting, casting shadows and making it hard to spot much. It was frustrating. Until finally, he heard Glitch mutter, “Gotcha.” He spun around to look at her screen, and there was a group of men, hunkered down in the trees across from the clubhouse gate. “Alright, everyone, I’ve got a visual,” she announced. “But I can only see three of them, which means the other two are probably on the grounds.”

“I say we go round them up,” Fury said darkly.

“You’re going to need to be careful,” Karissa warned. “They do this shit on purpose. Whoever isn’t with them is here, and they’re waiting for the moment that they can pick you off or get in here. So watch your ass.”

“I’ll cover you,” Steel offered.

“We want to keep some of our trained men here,” Savage said. “In case they sneak by us.”

“Fury, I’ll go with you,” Jax offered.

“I’ll meet you too,” Trax offered. “Everyone else, stay the hell back and make sure none of these bastards get inside.”

“Steel, go with them, but hang back and make sure no one gets the drop,” Savage ordered.

“Coming down,” Steel answered.

Code looked at Glitch. “Any signs of the other two?” he asked her.

She shook her head, a frown on her face. “And I don’t fucking like it,” she said quietly.

It was a tense few moments as they waited for the men to leave the clubhouse through one of the back exits and head into the woods. Code tracked them on the camera, eyes sharp in case anyone burst out from somewhere along the way. When they reached the roadway, they moved out of camera range, but then showed up again when they started to make their way toward the men from behind. Barely any noise could be heard through the comms, and Code was on edge. Behind him, he heard Glitch clicking away, but he was too focused on his brothers to pay much attention.

“Fuck,” Fury hissed. “They’re fucking decoys,” he snapped out.

No sooner did the words leave his mouth than they heard gunfire outside, and the sound of the doors in the common room being kicked in. “Fucking hell,” Code hissed, standing up. “Stay here and lock the door,” he ordered as he ran out.

It was pandemonium. Guns were firing, and even though there were only five of them, they were knocking people back and off of them like it was nothing. He rushed at the closest one, who was fighting with Savage. He tackled the man to the floor, the momentum of his body sending them crashing into a table behind them.

“Fucker, I’m going to gut you like a pig,” the man snarled as they struggled to their feet. Code realized quickly the man was Hazard, and his eyes were just as wild as they were on the security camera at the Predators clubhouse.