She paused for only a moment, but in that flicker of time, Hadley swore the air between them sizzled.

What was going on? Was…was Amelia flirting with her?

Well, shit.

And she let her hair drop. In Hadley’s mind, it did some sexy tumbling thing and made her look beautiful and perfect and Amelia would rush to her and kiss her senseless. But what she got was even better.

A deep intake of breath. A sigh. And Amelia slid further down into her chair, legs spread wider, fingers gripping the armrests. She looked powerful, exacting. Dominant. A shiver ran down Hadley’s spine. “Better?” Hadley asked, knowing her voice was trembling.

“Much.” Amelia got to her feet and crossed the small space between them to pick up the scarf from Hadley’s lap. It dangled from her fingers, its tassels brushing Hadley’s cheek. “This is such a pretty color on you, this goldenrod yellow. I don’t know another person who pulls it off like you do.”


Before she could mentally slap herself for the wobble in her voice, Amelia chuckled and laid the scarf over Hadley’s shoulder. “Will you let me brush this tonight? I miss playing with your hair.”

Heat rushed through her. The urge to squirm in her seat was strong. Steady. Steady. “You can play with it now.” You can play with me now, too. Ah, hells. Don’t think like that. Not now.

“I’d love to.” With the lightest touch, Amelia ran her fingers over the ends of Hadley’s hair, where it rested against her bicep. Hadley swore that touch went through her entire body, a sweet thing that tightened the coil in her gut. Or maybe that tightening was because of the raw emotion on Amelia’s face.

Maybe she was remembering, too; remembering all the sleepovers and homework assignments agonized over, and all the concerts and video game tournaments and making themselves sick on crappy pizza and soda. Remembering the later years, separating to go to college and then coming back together when Hadley dropped out to travel. Remembering seeing a play at The Globe and walking the cliffs in Scotland. Napping together in the afternoon while in Spain, the tiny home they rented flooded with soft sunlight blocked only by the fine white mesh around the bed. Every meal, every glass of wine, every late night, every phone call. Remembered over and over again, a story of time and space and friendship and adoration. Fueled by love.

“So pretty,” Amelia murmured. Something in her eyes flashed when Hadley fought back a shiver. “Are you okay?”

Hadley swallowed hard. How could she answer that truthfully? Rustling around for her courage was like digging through a haystack and she couldn’t. It wasn’t there for her to pluck out and use, to buoy the words up and out of her throat.

Someone knocked at the door.

“Hey, Amelia? There’s a delivery guy out here for you with a pretty big box. You gotta sign for it.”

Amelia stepped back and Hadley could breathe again. But just barely. “I’ll be right out, Larsen. Thank you.”

“Sure thing.”

Larsen’s footsteps retreated down the hallway. “Ames,” Hadley croaked, reaching for her. There was no resistance anymore; only a truth she’d already whispered into Amelia’s shoulders and one she needed to see echoed in her best friend. Hadley could taste it lingering in the air, but she needed to hear it.

And then she realized what was in the box the delivery guy was holding. Hadley bolted up out of her seat, somewhat thankful for the distraction even as her heart pounded in her ears. She grabbed Amelia’s hand and raced them down the hall, eager for the reveal.

Ten people stood at the main bar of Classy Corks and admired the hand-carved wooden plaque now hanging behind the bar. Amelia was still in shock over Hadley’s gift, and she couldn’t stop running her fingers over the perfect curves of the carved goblet decorated with swirling vines and plump grapes. “What am I supposed to do with you?” she whispered as Hadley edged closer.

Hadley’s pretty lips twisted into a pleased smirk. “Whatever you want,” she teased. There was a note of something darker in her friend’s voice. Was Hadley tuned into Amelia’s little game? She hadn’t meant to lure her in so quickly, not really; but Hadley was wily and smart and somehow, Amelia wasn’t surprised at her teasing.

She was surprised at the warm, firm hand suddenly in the small of her back. Supportive. Not pushing or pressing, but present. Sensation rippled through Amelia’s body, slinking under her skin, making her fingers twitch against the wood.

“Everyone’s staring,” Hadley said softly.

“Then …you know what?” Amelia turned to face her employees. “Fuck it. Who wants wine?”

A cheer went up.

As everyone took up stools at the bar and Sara ran off to get snacks and Larsen pulled down some decent bottles, Amelia found herself steered out of view, into the corner under the stairs. Her back was against the wall. Hadley was close. Too close. Not enough. Not nearly enough. “Who are you and what did you do with my Amelia?” Hadley asked, breathless excitement in her voice. Her hands were at her sides but they were curled into loose fists. And Amelia realized Hadley had never put her hair back up. That thick tangle begged for her touch. It made her ache in a way that sent lust blooming through her.

“I’m on the other side of thirty-five, it’s been a long week, and I need a break,” she admitted. Easier to say that than beg Hadley to come closer so she could wrap her fingers in that hair. She ran her fingers over the key hanging from her neck.

Hadley’s gaze went to her hand. And her neck. And that key. “What’s age got to do with it, babe?”

“I’m feeling every bit my age. All thirty-seven years of it. Add ten for the chronic pain and yeah. I just need to…to…”

To kiss you. To hold you so close I can’t figure out where we start or end and it won’t matter because we’ll share breath like that’s the only way we can live. I’ll run my tongue up your neck and feel you sigh and that will be the end of me. Because no matter how deep our connection, something in me needs to feel you.