“If you don’t then I think we need to have a chat with you,” Jameson added.
Anastasia had a smug look on her face as she closed the distance, holding out her arms. “Okay, big brother. Blow out the candle. Unless you’re out of breath since you’re too old.”
“Fuck you,” I told her, my actions fake and exaggerated as I tried to blow out the single candle. When my buddies moved closer, collectively all four of us huffing and puffing until we did, it reminded me of the old days when we were planning the clubs. I missed those times.
“There you go,” Jameson huffed as he clapped me on the back. “Takes a village.”
I lifted my middle finger, but the smile remained. I’d forgotten all about my birthday. Or maybe I’d intentionally blocked it out. The fact my parents had all but forgotten I’d been born was a testament to how close our family relationship was. They doted on my sister but had forgotten I’d existed.
You’d think I would get used to it at this age.
“What are you, fifty now?” Lachlan asked, his Scottish accent heavier than normal.
“Then that makes you the old man at what, a hundred or so?”
He sneered, putting up his fists. “We figured you’d forget all about it.”
“Birthdays don’t mean shit at this age.”
Anastasia gave me a dirty look. “They would if you’d find a wife.”
“The last I checked, one eight hundred find-a-wife was disconnected.” My joke had the guys laughing but she planted her hands on her hips. “I’ve seen a huge change in Lachlan since he got involved with Lark. He’s almost tolerable.”
“Hey!” Lachlan chortled. “I’m not a bad guy.”
“For an ex-mafia dude, maybe not. As a real human being, that’s something else entirely.” Anastasia winked and stepped out of his way so he couldn’t pop her on the arm.
“I don’t see you settling down, sis.”
“I’m not forty-three and getting gray hairs.”
“Ouch!” Jameson howled.
Exhaling, I nodded several times, involuntarily reaching to my brow line. She was right in that I’d seen a few more gray hairs lately. “Thanks for the reminder.”
“My pleasure. Now, speaking of which, I’m late for a meeting with that oh-so hunky Parker Dyson. I’m eager to see these sexy cages. I might even need to try one out. By the way, they’re on order for DC and Miami.”
Jameson and Lachlan both groaned while I couldn’t help but grin. My sister was just as badass as Kerri. They’d get along.
“Oh, and you don’t mind if I steal that sexy manager of yours away for a little while, do ya, brother of mine?” Anastasia batted her eyelashes.
“Just don’t break him.”
She backed away, fanning her face as she winked. “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
I shook my head as she walked out, chuckling under my breath. It was good to see her again.
“Cages. Really?” Jameson snarled.
Grinning, I shrugged. “So, what really brings you here?”
“Italy. The club opening. Remember?” Jameson was in charge of the new developments, scouting additional sites since the one in Paris was making a fortune. Milan was next on the list, but we continued to expand it.
“When is it?”
“Four weeks.” Lachlan was grinning. “I thought it would be a good idea if we were all there.”
“Why do I have the feeling there’s another reason for the trip?” I glanced at Jameson who could barely keep a straight face.