At least he made me laugh as usual. “So he never had any intention of kidnapping… my friend.”
“I doubt it. Just trying to scare her. The dude who took over for the largest cartel in California usually sends one of the members of his hit squad to handle kidnappings. They don’t do it in the middle of a crowded street. That was amateurish shit and nothing more. However, you have me curious. How’d you handle this kid?”
I lifted my glass in a silent toast I hadn’t lost my big, badass attributes, even if I’d been an idiot in challenging the guy. “Let’s just say I issued a warning to stay away and if his boss had anything to say, he could come find me at the club.”
His whistle was followed by a hard kathunk sound. “In case you’re wondering. That was me beating my head on my desk. Are you fucking out of your mind? Do you know who we’re talking about here?”
“I admit I’m not completely abreast on LA Cartel politics.”
“Well, let me help you out then, buddy. The dude running the operation out of LA is Mario Rivera. He’s been in charge since the LA Cartel leader’s conviction in two thousand nineteen. In truth, Mario makes the former leader look like a kindergarten teacher. Do you hear me? He dissects his victims while they’re alive and feeds them to his ranch full of pigs; it’s the stuff nightmares are made of. It’s said he found his wife with one of his soldiers in bed. I don’t think you want me to describe the level of torture used on both. I also heard he’s looking for a new wife.”
Fuck. Was that why Kerri had a target on her head?
I allowed a few seconds to pass. “You trying to scare me?”
“You’re too hardheaded to fucking listen to my warnings even if I need to put the fear of God into you. Goddamn it, man. Why didn’t you call the police?”
“I wanted to make certain she wasn’t bothered again.”
He cursed under his breath and I grinned. I was used to getting under his skin.
“This chick, really just a friend or your latest squeeze?” he finally asked.
“I don’t have squeezes and you know that.” He was one of the few men who knew Candace and I weren’t an item.
“Then who is she?”
I rolled the glass across the aching cut under my eye, debating telling him her name. Somehow, I didn’t think whatever issue she had was going away. “She’s special. Okay?”
“Then you better put her in lockdown cause it might get bloody. Do you want me to find out why she’s being targeted?”
I debated his question. She’d made it perfectly clear she didn’t want me in her life, but my gut continued to tell me that she was hiding something and that was the reason. “Okay, fine. Her name is Kerri Bettington. She’s a music teacher in Harry Carver High School. Don’t go bothering her.”
“If one of Rivera’s men was sent to provide a message, she could be dead this time tomorrow. Or she could be living in the lap of luxury in Rivera’s stable.”
I slammed the glass down with a hard thud. “Find out for me. I’m not going to lose her.”
“Whew. You do like this girl. Consider hiding her for a little while. I’m not kidding.”
“I’ll take it under advisement.”
“I’ll see what I can find out and stop by the club in a couple days. Need a little R & R right now.” His laugh had returned but I knew he would take the opportunity to remind me that I was mortal. He’d gotten my ass out of trouble more than once.
“One last question. What do you think of Silas Young?”
Tristen snorted. “A man most likely to end up missing. He has enough targets on his head, I’m surprised he’s still breathing. Why?”
“He applied for membership.”
“Fascinating. Let me give you a word of warning. He’s about as asexual as they come, or so I’ve heard. He never does anything without a reason. I’m not trying to tell you what to do, but I’d deny his membership. It has treachery written all over it.”
Yes, it fucking did.
“It’ll be good to see you, bud,” I told him, glaring at the application again.
“You too. Just remember what I said.” Tristen ended the call and I sighed, tossing the phone across my desk.
Then I closed my eyes. How in God’s name could I convince Kerri she needed to vacate her apartment for the time being? She’d never accept what she’d consider a handout if I offered to put her up at a hotel.