Page 41 of Compelled Obedience

The little voice allowed me to smile. Casey was obviously in a good mood. I wiped tears from my eyes, trying to collect myself before I turned around to face him. My little man couldn’t stand to see me upset.

After swallowing, I managed to keep the smile on my face as I turned around, dropping to my knees and throwing out my arms. He rushed against me with enough force I was almost pitched onto my butt. I was still shaking from what had just happened, shocked that Grant had come to my rescue. I was also pissed that he’d followed me.

But what if he hadn’t?

There was no doubt now that my stepfather had found me or maybe someone he owed money to. I wasn’t certain which was worse. What the hell was I going to do?

“Hey, my little buddy. How was your day?” When I pushed back, his eyes found the cut on my face.

The kid was so intuitive, more intelligent than I’d been able to prove to anyone. He touched the cut, furrowing his little eyebrows. “You hurt.”

“It’s okay. Sissy was just clumsy.”

I noticed Rebecca out of the corner of my eye and could tell she was trying to remain silent after seeing my face. She folded her arms, her face full of concern.

“Look what I have for you, sissy.”

Thank God, he didn’t fixate on the cut, instead pulling a picture he’d colored from behind his back.

“Oh, my goodness. Look at what you did. It’s beautiful. Just beautiful.”

He yanked it from my hand, giggling like a three-year-old would. There were times I wished that’s how old he was instead of seven and not making enough advances. That was because I couldn’t afford to give him what he needed. Somehow. Some day. I would. Damn it.

“Can I pway for a wittle while?”

“Sure you can, little buddy. Just a little while. Then I’ll make you some dinner.” I waited until he’d left the room before struggling to my feet. I was exhausted and sore, the horror of minutes before stripping away the joy I’d had with Grant. I’d taken an afternoon to have something just for me and this was what happened.

God, now I sounded pitiful and that wasn’t me. Even worse, I’d lost the groceries. I’d almost drained the bank account to give him something special for dinner and breakfast and it was trash. I couldn’t stop the tears, trying to hold them back and remain as silent as possible.

“What happened?” Rebecca asked, keeping her voice down. She rushed to me, grabbing my arm.

“I was attacked, dragged into the alley.”

“Oh, my God. Did you call the police?”

Shit. Now I was going to need to lie to her. “Some guy helped me get away. The dude ran. I didn’t see enough to be helpful to the police.”

Exhaling, she tugged me closer to the kitchen. “I bought you a bottle of wine as a treat. I know you’ve been going through a lot. I think you need a glass.”

“You are very good to me.” I managed to follow behind her, trying to figure out how I’d gotten myself in such a mess. I’d heard what the asshole had said. Who was I supposed to belong to? Would Grant have really gone through with killing him? I thought he would have. I’d seen the cold look in his eyes, as if a snake ready to strike.

And I’d been a jerk to him. Again. But they would hurt him. My mind was completely in shutdown mode, fear coursing through every vein. How was I supposed to find a new place to live? Even if I could, that didn’t mean he wouldn’t find me again. I knew who was behind this, but I just didn’t know why.

I guzzled half the glass in three seconds flat, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand as Rebecca stared at me, watching my every move. She didn’t have it much better than I did, but at least her parents were still together, the family just trying to make ends meet. I heard the little sounds Casey made from his room, a clear indication he was happy. That was a relief, although I wasn’t certain what I’d make him for dinner.

“You don’t need to stay,” I told her.

“I think I’ll just stand with you for a little while. Why don’t you take a few minutes and clean the blood off your face?”

She was far more adult than her age indicated she should need to be, but that was one of the reasons I trusted her implicitly with Casey. I laughed, the sound strangled since my throat remained tight, as if claws were digging into my veins. The stench of Sanchez’s breath when he’d grabbed me, even laughing had been disgusting. I’d almost vomited on his shoes. Now I wish I had. It was obvious the kid had tossed back a few drinks. For courage or because he was angry about his orders?

I’d been in shock before Grant had rushed in like some crazed hero. Did he not understand that the streets where I lived were dangerous, even in the daylight? And why in God’s name did he carry a switchblade with him? Exhaling, images of his heroic act floated into the forefront of my mind. I’d never seen anyone leap into action the way he had. His total disregard for his safety was admirable but stupid. Still, the man had saved my life and I’d pushed him aside, acting as if I never wanted to see him again.

That’s what the rational girl wanted, not the one who craved his heated touch, his amazing praises. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had offered me a compliment. The look on his face had been… dreamy. Oh, God. I’d really just used that word in my mind. What was wrong with me? Nothing about violence was dreamy.

But the man certainly was.

And I’d told him that I craved the same darkness he did, longing for a taste of his world of BDSM. That was the craziest aspect of the day. Well, almost.