Page 93 of Wrecked

The impact you had on me was strong…

You might be right—

Maybe I am not the one for you,

but you gotta be mine,

so where does that leave us?


“Holy shit, Jules,” Alyssa whispers into my ear.

He’s still looking out at the sea of faces, and I watch as his brow furrows when he doesn’t see me.

My feet are moving before I realize what’s happening. I’m walking toward him, toward the words that are piercing straight through me.

You can’t risk your job,

for some empty plot.

Gareth’s fingers expertly glide over the strings, music filling the space between Ryan’s words.

You couldn’t be the same after what we went through.

I don’t stop until my body hits a barrier and I can’t get any closer. I physically can’t get to him and I need to. I need him to see me, need him to know that I’m listening.

You might be right,

maybe I am not the one for you.

But you gotta be mine,

so where does that leave us?

Neil sees me before Ryan does, and the smile that takes over his face warms me up from the inside out. I watch as he tries to get the lead singer’s attention, but his eyes are closed. He’s so caught up in the words he’s singing there is no pulling him away from them. All I can do is be here in this moment with him, even if he doesn’t realize that we’re experiencing this together.

Chapter Fifty-One


I don’t even realize my eyes are closed but I’m so fucking overwhelmed by everything around me. I just need to be here with these lyrics and with her.

I love her.

I fucking love Juliet Warren with everything I’ve got and this is my one chance to lay it all out there and hope like hell she feels the same.

I should never have let her walk away, but I was afraid. It scared the shit out of me. It scared me that another person had become so important to me and that I’d let myself be vulnerable. That’s probably why I didn’t go after her when she left me standing there at the hotel. She said all that shit to me by the elevator and I panicked.

So I let her leave. I shut down and I let her go.

You never realize how much someone has become a part of you until they’re gone. She’s ingrained within me and I didn’t even know it.

Somehow in the last few months, this went from me wanting something simply because I was told I couldn’t have it, to Juliet completely and entirely owning my heart. And it was time that everyone else knew that too.

It was time for the world to know who possessed me, body and soul.

As the words I wrote for her leave my lips, I fight the urge to search for her in the crowd again. I had this whole thing planned out in my mind but it wasn’t exactly playing out the way I’d pictured.