“Hey Wayne, how are you?” I ask the bodyguard, and he gives me a bright smile.
For a man who is shaped like Mount Everest and looks like he could snap you in half with one hand, he’s sort of a softie.
“Surprised to see you out, Miss Juliet. Head on up and have a good time.”
When I reach the platform, purple velvet couches line the sides and a booth sits in the middle of the secluded area. Sitting on them are all four members of the band.
“Holy shit, smoke show!” Gareth says, taking me in.
I can feel the boys’ eyes roaming over me, not even attempting to hide their obvious surprise at my attire. I look down at the black satin mini dress and strappy heels that wrap around my lower calves.
I bite the inside of my cheek and manage a tight smile.
Neil reaches for a bottle of blue liquid and takes a large swallow. He offers me the bottle once he’s done, but I politely decline.
Ant is sitting up on his knees, leaning over the balcony. His eyes seem to be scanning the crowd below.
Ryan leans back, a glass of dark liquor in his hand. He doesn’t break eye contact as he puts the drink to his lips and finishes what remains.
I sit on one of the empty sides of the U-shaped booth and cross my legs, hyper aware of how short my dress is.
A tall, slender blonde carrying a tray of bottles appears at the top of the stairs. She’s wearing what looks like a bodysuit made mostly of black mesh. There are strips of fabric in strategically placed areas to hide the goods, but very little is left to the imagination. The ensemble is completed with a pair of black, thigh-high boots and fishnets.
“How are we doing, boys?” she asks, either not seeing me or not caring.
“Tell her what you want, Juliet,” Ryan says cooly.
The woman looks at me, her mouth a thin line.
“Jack and Coke, please.” I smile at her, but she doesn’t return it.
She turns on her heel and stalks back down the stairs, lips pursed in displeasure.
“They always think we tip better if we don’t bring chicks,” Gareth says with a laugh.
It makes sense, I guess.
When the blonde returns with the drink, I take it, and she’s gone without even looking at me.
I down the drink in one go and slam it down on the table.
“Alright, I’m here. You talked me into coming. What’s next? Are we just getting drunk and people-watching?” I ask, directing the question at all of them.
Ant spins around and plants his feet back on the ground.
“Absolutely not, Lady Jules.” He reaches out for my hand. “We dance!”
I stifle an uncomfortable laugh. “If you remember, the last time I went dancing with you, it didn’t exactly go too well.”
Images from my last outing with the band in a setting like this flash through my mind.
“You don’t have to worry about something like that happening again. We’ve got your back.”
I place my hand in his and let him lead me down the stairs.
When I look over my shoulder, the other three are close behind, Ryan’s emerald eyes shimmering with a delicious glint of jealousy as I walk hand in hand with his drummer.