I suppose that was a blessing, though. Even though my relationship with Ryan was evolving I couldn’t let that be known to anyone else on tour. Things between us might be changing, but the reality of our circumstances was still the same. At the end of the day, Ryan Knox is still my client and this thing we have going on is still so fucking off limits it’s not even funny.
He’d snuck out of the room and quietly made his way back to his own while I watched him walk away; every step he took caused a harsh need to pulse through me.
A small voice in the back of my head was already panicking about someone seeing him leave. After all, rock stars don’t typically get out of bed before noon. They slept all day and partied all night—that was just the way of this world that I now found myself in. Hell, I was lucky if they rose before the dinner bell rang some days.
When I first met Ryan, I thought he was one of them.
You know, the typical rock star. Not a real care in the world, unless you count the dilemma of which starstruck groupie will be warming their bed after a show.
I’m sure some of them did fit that mold.
Ryan Knox sure as fuck did not. He only pretended to—and that was unexpected. But it was also making me fall hard and fast. To see the normal, caring, very much real person behind the rock star persona.
Walking into the hotel conference room to meet with the band and Olivia has my stomach in knots. The next few stops on tour are in California, and also the largest shows we have planned. Acton has prepared by hiring additional security and sprinkling in a couple of extra PR opportunities for the band, both of which are the subject of today’s meeting.
With all the excitement buzzing for these shows you would think this would be my time to shine but all I can think about is fucking Ryan Knox and how hard I’m falling.
I take a seat at the conference table and find myself zoning out as the meeting takes place around me. I can hear Olivia’s voice as she outlines the details of the events, and I can hear the band members chime in sporadically with their commentary, but my brain can’t seem to focus on any of it.
Instead, my focus seems to be on avoiding the searing gaze of a particular lead singer from across the table.
The voice in the back of my mind keeps whispering that I’m being too obvious, that if I don’t get my shit together, every single person in this room will know what we’ve been doing behind closed doors.
“Juliet?” Olivia’s voice breaks through my thoughts and I can feel five pairs of eyes staring at me as they await my response.
I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I’d been holding and clear my throat. “Yes?”
“What are Acton’s thoughts on security? I know we discussed ramping it up for the upcoming shows.”
My mouth goes dry and every single thing I had planned out in my mind for this meeting disappears. I’m completely blank.
Suddenly my clothes feel too tight and my cheeks flush hot.
As Olivia raises a brow, obviously surprised by my lack of focus. This is so not me, so fucking out of character.
I feel like what I’ve been doing with Ryan is stamped across my forehead like a massive scarlet letter.
Pull yourself together, Juliet!
“Yeah, Acton recommends ramping it up by 35%. We’ve reached out to the vendor for both venues and have everything arranged.”
I somehow manage to make my words sound much more confident than they really are.
For the remainder of the meeting, I force myself to stay focused, nodding along with Olivia’s comments and jotting down feedback from the boys.
This is not me. I am not the girl who loses sight of what is important and forgets how to take control of a damn meeting. I’m the girl who works hard and keeps her head screwed on straight at all times.
Chapter Forty
Ryan Knox was torturing me.
“Have you ever been to California, Jules?” Gareth asked.
I lean back against the cool brick as we wait for the cars to arrive. Sound check is done and that means we have the rest of the day to do as we please.