And meet me at the swing station.
“This is perfect,” Juliet calls out when we get to a lull in the lyrics. “What the hell is this song about, anyway?”
“No fucking clue,” Gareth answers between belly laughs. “I wrote it when I was high as a kite in Reno a few years back.”
“People think it’s deep or something, but it’s really just the weird shit that goes on in that idiot’s head when he’s zooted,” Ant adds through his laughter.
“That weird shit went top ten when we released it, asshole!” Gareth says before nailing Ant in the head with a couch cushion.
We’re all laughing so hard now that none of us can finish the song, but Juliet is still recording. There’s a big, beautiful smile on her face, and I love that she’s fallen into my world so easily.
We go through a few more songs from the setlist until she says she’s happy with what she’s gotten.
“Thanks, guys. I really think this is going to be great.”
Chapter Thirty-Seven
“This is fantastic, Juliet,” Olivia says as she scrolls over the analytics for our latest social post. “I’m honestly shocked at how well this is performing. I’ll be interested to take a look at the analytics again after the Nampa show.”
The video I’d filmed on my phone with zero production was going viral.
Everything about the video was different from anything the band had done before, especially with all of the instruments unplugged and acoustic.
It was raw and honest, and the people loved it.
“She’s a genius,” Gareth says, draping an arm over my shoulder. I don’t react to the sudden contact.
Ant nods in agreement as he slides his drumsticks into his back pocket. Neil was already on the bus, and Ryan still hadn’t made it out of the hotel lobby.
“Not a genius, but thank you. It’s important to keep you guys trending.” I smile at Gareth, and he doesn’t move his arm.
“What the hell is a Nampa?” Neil calls out from inside the bus, and we all laugh.
“For the third time, Neil, it’s in Idaho,” Olivia calls back, her face giving away that, despite her tone, she thought it was the tiniest bit funny.
“Ah, right,” he calls back, and I can almost see the smirk playing on his lips.
While Olivia goes over a few house-cleaning items with the band, I listen intently, trying not to focus too much on Gareth’s touch.
It wasn’t strange that his arm was draped over me.
At least, that’s what I am telling myself.
“Knox,” Ant said as Ryan approaches, his eyes instantly finding me. “Jules’ video is fucking killing it! We’re like, trending.”
I laugh at Ant repeating my words, but Ryan doesn’t seem amused. He looks upset. His eyes are trained on his bandmate's arm and where it rests on me.
That was all he said. His eyes are hard and cold and his tone is emotionless. This is in complete contrast to our typical interactions where he maintains constant eye contact and teases me with his flirty words.
“It’s more than cool, man. We need all the buzz we can get, and the people are eating it up,” Gareth adds, and Ryan clenches his jaw.
I shrug out from under Gareth’s arm and take a step back. “Well, I’m glad it’s performing the way it is. I knew it would, though. You guys are too talented for it not to.”
I kept eye contact, so Ryan knows I am talking to him, but he breaks the connection and heads for the bus without another word.