Page 54 of Wrecked


I wasn’t surprised when I woke up and Ryan was gone. I ignored the small twinge of disappointment I felt, though. This was just physical, after all.

I am, however, surprised to see that the room service comes accompanied by a note from him.

Eat up, Juliet. You’ll need your strength for later.

It was both a warning and a promise, and my thighs instinctively press together to quell the growing arousal.

I lift the metal lid off the plate and grin at the stack of Belgium waffles covered in fresh fruit. A small glass dispenser full of warm syrup sits next to the plate. There’s a cup of hot coffee and a glass of orange juice. He must not have known which one I would choose, but the gesture was sweet.

I ate quickly and slid the note from Ryan into my suitcase. I made sure to put it underneath my clothes. The chances that anyone would go through my things were slim to none, but I couldn’t risk it.

I didn’t see him for the rest of the day.

I was too busy with web meetings with the home office and making sure all the preparations were in place for the next city on the tour. After the show tonight, we’d all be headed for Portland.

Once again, they were slotted for three shows: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. That meant I had a few days in between to explore the city. It gave me something to look forward to that wasn’t as risky as my more recent extracurricular activities.

It was hard to put the thoughts of Ryan out of my mind, though.

The way his hands expertly handled my body. The way his wicked words caressed me inside and out.

There were also the words of his bandmate that constantly circled my mind. Those words weren’t as beautiful.

They were more like trash circling the damn drain.

Those words kept me clinging to my initial promise that I would never sleep with Ryan Knox. No matter how badly I wanted to, I couldn’t stand to be another girl in the lineup who gets all used up and thrown to the side. Not when I had so much to lose.

Ryan never fucks around with the same girl twice.

There was nothing wrong with a bit of fun here and there, though, as long as I knew my boundaries and never let it go too far.

Ryan seems perfectly fine with those boundaries and hasn’t once pressed them, but how long would that last? He wouldn’t be content with foreplay and oral for the next three months.

But I would end it before things got out of hand, right?


It was a good thing plenty was going on around to keep my mind busy. If not, I might have gone crazy.

Watching the boys do stage tests was a new kind of torture.

I stood before the stage, where the band’s biggest fans would be in only a few short hours. They went through the set list and ensured the lighting and pyrotechnics were timed just right, and the sound traveled to all corners of the massive stadium without getting muffled.

All that was well and fine. The torture came in when a certain lead singer refused to break eye contact with me the entire time, especially when he sang the dirtiest parts of their hit songs. When he came to a particularly fiery lyric about tasting a woman’s lips like candy, he licked his own as if he could remember exactly what I tasted like. His eyes rolled back dramatically like he savored the memory.

I tried to tell myself that this was part of it- part of the performance. He would do the same thing to a fan once the show started. He’d make them feel like he burned for them as he sang.

The thought sent an unwelcome pang of envy through my body.

A small voice in the back of my mind told me that wouldn’t happen, though. That voice reminded me that, for the time being at least, it seemed the only thing on his mind was me.

More than likely, that stemmed from his need to claim me, to take me in his arms and drive himself into me. Hard.

That was my only advantage here. It was the only explanation for why someone like Ryan Knox would be enamored with someone like me.

For him, this was a game.