“Excuse me?”
He cocks his head to the side and gives me a knowing grin. “I said, are you done?”
I narrow my eyes and bite my bottom lip.
“After you ran off last night, you know when you weren’t jealous, I introduced her to Ant. I guess they hit it off. You know, I’m not the only one on this floor. They book the block of rooms so we have our privacy.”
Oh shit. I say nothing. What could I say? On top of what happened last night, my ridiculous accusations were mortifying.
He closes the space between us and hoists me into his arms. My legs wrap around his waist and my breath hitches in my throat.
“You really think I would want to touch someone else after tasting you?”
His words still me.
“I–-” I try to come up with something to say, anything that will make this the tiniest bit less embarrassing.
He takes my mouth in his and kisses me. I can still taste the bourbon on his lips from the night before. My body goes limp in his arms, and he presses me into the wall. He deepens the kiss and I surrender to it completely. The power he has over me is scary.
He breaks away and sets me down, looking over at the clock on the bedside table.
“As much as I hate to say it, if you don’t want to get caught in here, you better go.” He slowly slides my body down until my feet are back on solid ground.
He’s right.
If one of the other guys wakes up, or if Olivia decides to go back to her room? I’d be screwed.
I wipe at my mouth and turn for the door, but he pulls me back towards him.
“Don’t you dare leave like that,” he grits out and presses a sweet kiss to my temple. “You aren’t a nameless groupie, so don’t expect me to treat you like one.”
His words replay in my mind as I walk back to my room, and the swarm of butterflies going crazy in my belly seem to revel in them.
You are in so much trouble, I tell myself. Logical Juliet is having a complete meltdown, but horny Juliet? She’s cheering.
Chapter Thirty
I’m not sure what we’re doing, the publicist and I, but I’m not complaining. This little game of cat and mouse we have going on is one of the most exciting things to happen to me in a long time.
The grin plastered on my face when she leaves my room is one that will probably be stuck there for the rest of the day.
She wants to pretend she doesn’t want me, that she isn’t clenching her thighs together every time we’re in the same room, but I see right through that.
And that little display she just put on?
Well, that all but confirmed it. My Juliet got jealous, and that was hot.
My phone buzzes against the bedside table, and when I see the name on the caller ID my mood shifts instantly.
Magnolia Springs.
My steps are intentionally slow, and I tell myself that if it’s still ringing by the time I get there, I have to answer it.
Of course, it is, so I slide my finger over the screen and bring the phone to my ear.
“Mr. Knox?” a familiar voice sing-songs over the speaker. Rachel.