When everyone is loaded back onto the bus, the jam session continues. I sit back on the sofa and observe the men in their natural habitat.
The way they let loose so freely when they play is sort of magical to see. An idea pops into my head, and without even meaning to, I am thrust into PR mode.
“Holy shit, an unplugged special edition!” I shriek, and they all look at me like I’ve gone mad.
“Huh?” Neil asks.
I jump up from my seat. “It’s brilliant! A special release of your first album, but done completely unplugged. Strip it down to acoustics and leave all the fluff at the door. Slow down the songs. Reinvent them! It’s like nothing you’ve ever done before, something fresh.”
The band looks at one another, considering my idea. “It’s actually a really good idea.” Ryan finally says, and a sense of accomplishment washes over me. “There’s been a ton of success with albums like that in the past.”
“You could even test the theory at some of the shows on the tour. Play an unplugged version of a song and gauge the crowd’s reaction. If they hate it, no harm is done. But if they love it...” I continue, “You’ll know it will be a smash!”
Gareth smiles. “I’m down. Talk to Olivia about it, and see what she thinks.”
Ant and Neil also agree that they are open to the idea. A surge of energy strikes me as I already begin planning out the entire thing in my mind. Their first album was self-titled Chaotix.
“And to stay on brand with the whole raging sex appeal, we could call it Chaotix: Stripped. A play on the nakedness of it all. America’s favorite rock stars stripped down to their raw, authentic selves.”
I know I’m spiraling, talking way too fast, and getting way too excited about something that may not even happen. Olivia could hate the idea, but for now, I am over the moon.
“And to think, when I first met you, I thought you were just a pretty face,” Gareth says, sporting a mischievous grin. “Those wheels are always turning, aren’t they?”
I nod. “Yeah. It’s sort of the way I’m wired, I guess. When inspiration hits, you gotta run with it while you can.”
The mood on the bus is electric. We’re all having a blast, singing at the tops of our lungs and playing drinking games. At some point, I stumble to the bedroom, kick off my shoes, and crawl into bed. The room spins a little, but it doesn’t take long before I’m dozing in and out of consciousness.
All of my nervousness about this tour has completely faded away and has since been replaced with pure excitement over what will come next on this incredible adventure.
Chapter Twenty
Waking up on the road seems surreal. I am so used to my routine, but here? There is no schedule and no alarm blaring at 6:00 a.m. At least for now, until we arrive in Washington, I feel more carefree than I have in years.
I dig out a pair of yoga pants and a T-shirt from the small tote I packed to get me through these few days on the bus. I throw my long blonde locks into a messy bun on top of my head and swipe a makeup wipe across my face. I never fall asleep without washing it off, but last night there was no way I was doing anything before crashing.
I glance at my phone, 8:30 a.m.
I haven't slept in this late in a while, and it feels good. When I walk out of the small bedroom, I see that the guys all seem to still be out cold. Wayne's large body is stretched out across the sofa, so I settle into one of the booth seats in front of the dining table after grabbing a yogurt from the fridge.
"You always up this early?" Ryan asks, his deep voice still husky from just waking up.
"Normally earlier than this," I answer, slipping a spoonful of the vanilla Greek yogurt into my mouth.
He opens a cabinet and pulls out a granola bar. He surprises me when he slides into the booth with me, his broad shoulders touching my own.
"Did I wake you?"
He shrugs. "No, I was already awake. Ant snores like a damn freight train when he's been drinking."
Thank God I didn't hear him.
“I actually slept pretty well, better than I expected to.”
I lean around him to peek over at the sleeping men just as Ant lets out a loud snore.
"So, what do you think about life on the road?" Ryan asks. "Is it every bit as magical as you pictured?" The sarcasm in his voice is apparent.