Understanding her final words as our dismissal, I begin toward the door.
“Ryan, stay back for a moment.”
I watch as my bandmates leave her office and roll my eyes when Ant gives me a look as though I’ve just been called to the principal’s office.
When the door closes, Olivia crosses the room, so we’re able to talk face-to-face.
“How are you doing?” she asks, her managerial voice completely gone and replaced by the much softer and much more maternal one she reserves only for me.
I hate that she pities me.
“I’m fine.”
“Have you gotten any news?” she prods, even though answering these questions is the last thing I want to fucking do.
“The home health nurses said today was a good day. She went outside for a few hours, even painted a little.”
Olivia’s hand finds mine, and she squeezes it. “You’re one of the good ones, Ryan. She’s so lucky to have you taking care of her.”
I hear the words, but they aren’t true.
I’m not a good man, never have been, and never will be. Taking care of the most important person in my world doesn’t make me a good man. It makes me selfish. I don’t want to live in a world where she doesn’t exist, so I do whatever it takes to keep her here.
Even though most of the time, it isn’t her.
She’s been slipping away for a long time, and I can’t seem to accept it.
So I pay for the facilities and the fancy therapists, and I keep her tucked away from the rest of the world. I keep her safe from herself.
Chapter Eighteen
"What the hell do you even pack to go on tour with a rock band for three months?" I groan, plopping onto my bed.
Alyssa is furiously ripping through my closet, tossing items of clothing into a heap on the floor.
"You'll need plenty of comfort items for the road, business attire for when you're in badass publicist mode, and of course some sexy little numbers for what comes in between." My best friend plops down next to me. "I wish I could come with you."
If only. These next three months would be so much easier with her by my side.
"I still feel like I'm going to wake up any minute and this is all going to be a part of some elaborate dream," I admit, still not quite sure how my life has changed so much so quickly.
"I sort of feel the same way. You went from being an intern to the real deal overnight, and now all a sudden you're packing your bags to go on tour with a rock band. It seems pretty unbelievable." Alyssa leans into me. "But if anyone deserves this it's you. You work harder than everyone else just trying to prove yourself, and now you finally get to show the world just how incredible you are."
I sigh. "Unless I screw it all up."
"You won't. You're Juliet Warren, and Juliet Warren doesn't screw things up." Her confidence in me makes my heart swell.
"Are you sure you can't crawl into my suitcase? I'm sure nobody will notice."
She laughs. "Get up, you've got to finish packing. Tomorrow morning is going to be here faster than you know, and we still have a ton of shit to do."
The next few hours are spent raiding both my closet and hers, deciding on which outfits make the cut. She tries to be sly and puts a few racy dresses into my bag without me noticing, but I decide to let it slide. To be honest, I have no clue what I may need, so my plan is to be as prepared as possible.
When both suitcases are wheeled to the door, I feel like I can finally relax. The only thing left is my toiletries and makeup bag, but I can't pack those until I get dressed in the morning.
"Pizza?" Alyssa asks.