Page 26 of Wrecked

We outlined our ideas for the tour, and she seemed to really love them. Olivia made a few suggestions here and there and crossed an item or two off the list, but overall the meeting went surprisingly well. We had less than two weeks to iron out the rest of the details, and that time crunch made my anxiety skyrocket. I always knew things moved fast in the world of rock and roll, but damn this was not for the faint of heart.

When we neared the end of the meeting, Olivia turned to both partners and folded her hands in her lap. "There is one last thing we need to finalize. As you can imagine, tours with these guys can get a little... wild. We are all also aware of the fact that this is your first time handling a tour, so I assume you do not have tour publicists on hand. However, that will be a necessity. We need boots on the ground, or in this case, boots on the bus."

Jim shifts. "Yes, Max and I have discussed this a bit. While we don't have a designated tour publicist, we have very capable employees here that would be up to the task."

Um, what? A tour publicist? Boots on the bus? I swear my heart skips a damn beat as I realize they want someone from Acton to actually go on tour with Chaotix. I should’ve realized they would request this. I thought I was prepared for everything we would cover during today’s meeting and I’m kicking myself for missing such a clearly integral piece.

"Yes, I don't doubt that. It goes without saying that this is a 24/7 gig. There is no room for slip-ups or mishaps out there. It's all the stress of PR with the added hardship of being on the road. It takes a very special type of person to handle that responsibility," she continues.

"We understand and respect that, and would only assign the task to someone we felt was truly capable," Max responds coolly.

Valerie shoots me an overconfident glance. Obviously, she assumes this will be given to her to take on. The thought of her being on the road with the guys makes my skin crawl.

"Very good. It also goes without saying that I have final approval on who you select." Olivia adds, and for a split second, she meets my eyes.

Oh shit. There's no way!

Surely I'm just misreading whatever type of smoke signal she is trying to send my way but there is no way she wants me to be the tour publicist and travel the country with Chaotix. There’s no way Acton would allow that for someone so new to the team.

"We will put our heads together and call you next week with our thoughts," Jim says, clearly not wanting to discuss this in front of the entire team. "It's a big decision we won't take lightly."

Olivia nods and rises from her chair. On her way out, she calls to me, "Oh, Juliet. I saw a rough cut of a few scenes from the video. I think you are going to be very pleased when you see the finished product. It looks incredible.”

"Really? I can't wait to see it!" My voice is a little too enthusiastic.

Her warm smile lets me know she enjoys my excitement over these things. "We'll talk soon, alright?"

And with that, she saunters out of the office and into the elevator, her toned calves flexing with each step. I stand there for a few moments, staring at the closed elevator doors. I watch as the lights count down to the ground floor, and snap back to reality when Max's hand clasps onto my shoulder.

When I jump he takes a step back. "Sorry, I zoned out a little," I say, sheepishly.

"You've done well with all this, kid. I want you to know that. I'm so proud."

I lean into him. "Thanks, I learned from the best."

He always loves when I butter him up like that. "We both know I don't deserve the credit for that, but I'll take it gladly."


When I get home, Alyssa is out for the night, and I find a note on the kitchen counter. It’s one of her little quirks that have become common practice in our household.

Swiped right on a hottie, meeting him for drinks. Don't wait up. ;)

I roll my eyes and leave the note where it is. If there was one thing Alyssa loved to do in her free time, it was troll dating apps for potential beaus. She'd never really had much luck with anything serious, but there were the occasional few that stuck around for a few weeks.

Alyssa was stunning, funny, and honestly a hell of a catch. Her taste in men, however? Not so great. She always went for the model types who were all brawn, no brain, and a whole lot of baggage.

The idea of meeting a complete stranger at a bar and going home with him was hive-inducing. Sure, I loved sex as much as the next girl... but this whole shift towards apps like Tinder and Bumble was a concept I couldn't get behind. There was so much pressure! Plus, it gave me major Investigation Discovery vibes. I preferred to meet men the organic way, in person, where you can really get a feel for who they are.

It had been a while since I'd gotten laid, and I was okay with that. My brush with the drunken predator further solidified that. The idea of a strange man I didn’t know touching me right now made me nauseous.

Plus, I was too busy to even think about sex right now. This tour needed to have my undivided attention. Anything else would be an obstacle on my way to success.

No distractions, I promised myself.

Suddenly a shirtless Ryan Knox invaded my mind, images of him thrusting into a mystery woman I couldn't quite make out. Running his hands over her skin; sweat dripping from his perfectly chiseled body that looked like it was carved from stone.

I groan loudly and close my bedroom door behind me. I crawl into my bed and bite at my lower lip.