"So, Jules, how old are you anyway?" He leans into me a bit after he asks the question. The music is blaring, so I know it's just so he can hear my response.
"23," I say, loud enough so he can hear.
"Oh, to be 23 again." Ant laments.
"And you guys?" I ask.
I learn that Neil and Ant are both 28, Gareth is about to turn 30, and Ryan is 31. If I already didn't feel like a child after having my ID checked at the door, I do now.
When the waitress returns with my drink, I toss it back quickly. She eyes me curiously, and I nod and raise my finger on the rim of the now empty glass to let her know I'd like another.
The alcohol finally hits my system and my skin starts to tingle and warm. I hope that after another, I can work off the nerves that are radiating throughout my body and actually try to relax a little. Although Gareth’s thumb on my leg was not exactly… relaxing.
Something seems to catch Ant's attention from across the club. "Models, 10 o 'clock." He downs his drink and gets up from the table. "Who's going to be my wingman?"
The waitress returns and I down the Jack and Coke, relishing the burn at the back of my throat.
"Nah, man, I’m sitting this one out tonight," Neil says, leaning back against the booth.
When neither Ryan nor Gareth volunteers, Ant throws his head back in frustration. "Come on, don't do me like that."
I laugh. "Why exactly do you need a wingman?"
Ant smiles. "Two rock stars are always better than one rock star." This elicits a laugh from me, a deep, true laugh that happens once I relax. Thank you, Jack Daniels
"So what's the game? You flank them on either side and corner them into talking to you?" I ask, genuinely curious about how this works.
"Oh, my lovely new friend, there is no need to corner them. They approach willingly," he responds with a smirk.
The waitress returns with a tray of clear shots that are "courtesy of the ladies over by the bar."
Ant gives me a look that says, "See, told you."
I grab one of the shot glasses and down it.
Ugh, Vodka.
"How about a wing-woman?" I ask, ignoring the gross aftertaste. As soon as the words leave my mouth, I immediately wonder where the hell they came from. Clearly, the mixture of alcohol and the killer vibes of this place have me growing those lady balls Alyssa mentioned.
"Hell yeah!" Ant cheers and I motion for Ryan to let me out of the booth. Ryan doesn’t move, and his emerald eyes gleam with a challenge. The liquid confidence currently having a party in my stomach makes me remove Gareth’s hand and instead shimmy between Ryan and the table, removing myself anyways. Ryan chuckles and I feel his hand subtly brush my ass, but I’m out and standing by Ant before it can be much of anything. I look back and those haunting eyes stare back at me, intrigued and amused. Gareth is next to him, leaning over to whisper something in Ryan’s ear before they both laugh.
Ant and I each take another shot before we make our way back down the stairs and through the crowd, walking towards the small group of insanely tall, insanely glamorous women who look like they just stepped off a runway. God, their waists were smaller than my freaking arm.
"Anthony Adler," one of the women purrs as she steps forward, her pursed lips painted hot pink. I recognize her from an ad campaign for Chanel's spring collection. The only other face I can pick out is Katarina, Ryan's love interest from the shoot today.
"Alicia, baby," he says, sliding up next to her. "I sure have missed that pretty face of yours."
Katarina gives me a tight smile, likely wondering why I am here with the band.
"Who is this?" Alicia asks.
I start to introduce myself, but Ant beats me to it. "This is Juliet, our badass new publicist."
Alicia's eyebrows raise. "My publicist is a grumpy old witch named Frieda. Where the hell did you find her, and where can I get one?"
I giggle as Alicia looks me up and down with a wink, and Ant shakes his head. "I don't know but find your own, baby. She's ours."
The way the band has taken me in with open arms is heartwarming. I'm not presumptuous to assume it's always like this, so organic and comfortable. But a tiny part of me glows with happiness that they all seem to like me so much already."