Page 87 of Wrecked


“Can you come in here?” she calls out again, and I don’t try to keep the groan inside.

“Seriously, someone is here for you.”

My stomach lurches and my heart does that thing where it feels like it jolts out of rhythm for a few seconds.

That’s impossible. It couldn’t be…

I walk out of my room, holding my breath.

It isn’t Ryan standing there, though. It’s just a courier. He’s holding a bouquet of flowers and a large yellow envelope. I sign for them and set the vase down on the counter.

It’s silent until Alyssa closes the door behind the courier, but as soon as he’s gone she’s in front of me. “Is it him?”

“I have no clue, you know just as much as me, Lys.”

She rolls her eyes. “Open it!”

I run my fingers over the envelope, nerves buzzing around me like an angry hive.

Inside there is a note from Olivia, and two tickets to the farewell show in Dallas.


I hope this finds you well. You have been missed. Things just aren’t the same around here without you. I hope you’ll use these. I understand if you can’t, but know that I truly hope you will.

Your friend, Olivia

I stare at the note and reread it several times in my mind.

“These are pit tickets, Jules,” Alyssa says, grabbing the tickets from my hand. “I mean, do you want to go?”

I imagine what it would be like to see Ryan and the band again from that point of view, like the very first night all over again. Would he find me in the crowd? Would he want me there? Or would he be pissed I was putting us in a position to potentially gain more bad press?

No matter what the answer is, I know what I’m going to do.

All I’ve done since I walked away from him was wish I could talk to him one more time. This may not be a conversation, but it’s at least some sort of closure.

If he doesn’t look my way I have my answer.

And if he does? Well, I’m not sure what that would mean.

“Yeah, I’m going to go. But only if you’ll come with me.”

Alyssa grabs my hand. “Of course, I will.”


Six Weeks Later

The hardest part about this was keeping it from Max.

I knew the second he found out I planned to go to the concert tomorrow night, he’d lose it. I can’t blame him. He thinks I left everything behind when I flew home from California, but it just wasn’t that easy.

The entire way to work I practiced my speech in my mind, making sure each point was well thought out and practical.

All those plans fell away as soon as I stepped into his office.