Page 55 of Wrecked

He wanted me to break. To beg for it.

I could still hear his low voice in my head.

I’m not going to fuck you until you beg me to.

Someone from the crew walks out onto the stage and breaks the illusion. The man holds a thumb up to whoever is operating the spotlights, and they respond by flashing them twice.

That meant the lighting was a go.

It also meant my job was done, and I could excuse myself.

I twirled my fingers at the guys and made my way towards the exit, scrolling through emails to avoid the emerald eyes burning through me. Every step ached. I didn’t know it was even possible to be so aroused that it made walking difficult. The way my panties rubbed against my core every time my thighs brushed against themselves was delicious. But very, very distracting.

I had only made it a few steps from the door when I heard his hushed voice call my name.

“Juliet, a word?”

I turn and see him leaning against a doorframe, a crooked grin on his perfect face.

I look around, making sure we’re alone before I make my way toward him.

“This better be work-related, Mr. Knox,” I say, halfway kidding, when I reach him.

“Of course it is. I wanted to run something by you if you have a minute, that is.”

I nod and follow him down a hallway and into what I assume is a dressing room.

“I wrote a few lines for a new song and wanted your professional opinion.”

My eyebrow raises. “Alright,”

Excitement builds inside me at the opportunity to get a glimpse into his mind through his words.

There is a rack of clothing against one of the walls. I begin to look at the different pieces, and a leather bomber jacket covered in patches catches my attention.

“This is cool—” I turn, holding it out to show him, but my sentence is cut short.

Ryan’s hands are on my cheeks, lifting up my face and pulling me into his kiss.

I get lost in his lips, but only for a moment. Reality quickly slaps me and brings me back to planet Earth. I jump backward, putting several steps in between us.

“What the hell, Ryan!” I squeak, my voice breaking from the surprise attack. “Someone could come in!”

His eyes are hungry and devious, and I can tell he’s already in predator mode.

I snap my fingers dramatically. “Hello, Earth to Ryan, absolutely not. You’ve lost your fucking mind!”

“It’s locked.” His voice is so deep and raspy it’s more of a growl than speech. “Now, come here.”

I take another step back, and I almost fall into the clothes rack behind me.

“Don’t make me chase you, Juliet.”

My heart slams into my chest, and my resolve weakens.

“It’s too dangerous, Ryan. Anyone could hear—”

He closes the space between us and leans in so that his voice is only a whisper. “Then stay quiet.”