Page 39 of Wrecked

Avoiding someone like him isn’t exactly an easy feat.

"As much as I hate to leave, we have a bachelor party to get to. I've been trying to convince her to come with me tonight, but she's been turning me down," Jack says playfully.

I shake my head and smile, but I suddenly feel awkward that he just made it clear he's interested in me in front of them. "They have a show tomorrow night, and I have to prepare for it. I really enjoyed meeting you, though, have fun tonight!"

Jack excuses himself, but not before asking for my number. He hands me his phone, and I save my contact information.

It doesn't take long before the band is pulled in a thousand different directions by fans requesting autographs and pictures.

A woman shoves her phone into my hand and asks me to snap one of her and Ryan. She presses her lips to his cheek and motions for me to take it quickly. I know the look on my face gives away my annoyance, but I oblige nonetheless.

This goes on for a while, and somehow I have turned into the freshly anointed Chaotix camera girl.

Not one person acknowledges my existence other than to thrust a phone in my direction and demand a photograph with the band.

When a slimy-looking man with a professional camera walks through the door, I know the word has gotten out. So much for keeping a low profile.

"Lemme get a group shot," he calls out to the guys.

I move to step out of the frame, but Ryan has other plans. He throws an arm over my shoulder, and I am forced to remain in the picture.

"Who's the lady? I need a name for the feature," the slimy man asks.

"Juliet, our new publicist," Ryan answers loudly.

He types my name into his phone and snaps a few more candid shots before slinking off to a corner. He continues to watch us, undoubtedly hoping to catch something juicy to beef up his material.

"I'm going to head back up to my room. It's getting late, and tomorrow is a big day," I say before asking the bartender for my tab to be closed.

Gareth waves her off. "Put it on our room."

I decide against arguing and thank him instead.

"I'll walk you," Ryan says. He begins walking towards the exit, not giving me the chance to decline his offer.

We make our way to the elevator in silence, and even when inside, neither one of us speaks. I can feel my pulse increasing rapidly with every step. Despite all my efforts to avoid him today, he still somehow managed to get me alone.

Chapter Twenty-Three


I walk a few paces ahead of him towards my door, but by this point, the silence is driving me insane. Against my better judgment, I turn to face him.

"What happened to keeping a low profile?" I ask, crossing my arms.

Ryan shrugs. "Olivia wanted some press to hype everyone up for the show tomorrow."

I should have guessed that, though it irritates me that she didn't give me a heads-up.

He takes a step towards me. "My turn to ask a question. Why have you been weird lately?"

I bite my lip, unsure of how to approach this discussion. "I don't know what you are talking about." It's obvious my answer isn't going to be good enough.

He tilts his head and raises an eyebrow as if to say I don't buy that.

"I've just been trying to focus on the tour, you know, to make sure everything runs smoothly." I step backward towards my hotel room door.

He moves forward again, slowly closing the space between us. "Mhm, so it has nothing to do with me?" His amber scent envelops me and the air turns electric with tension.