Page 137 of Stolen Omega

“Well, I guess that explains that,” Dale says, shrugging at Zane.

“I never actually met him. I just assumed he was young.”

“Considering he was only really around when you were in that box, that’s understandable.”

“You never met him in the street?” Zane asks, frowning as if he’s trying to remember.

“I didn’t know that old guy’s name! All the kids just called him Dirty Harry because it was funny, and I think someone said they saw him with a gun once, which could be true if he was working security.”

“Oh, yeah!” Dale exclaims. “I remember that now. Dirty Harry. Ha!”

I can’t help smiling at his enthusiasm. It feels good to be around another Omega again.

Being around an Alpha is a little unnerving, but having Dale close makes me feel more relaxed.

It was the same way with Brooke. We could be ourselves around each other.

We didn’t have to hide our sensitivities or pretend we were fine when we weren’t.

“I can’t believe I ever forgot you,” I tell Dale, shaking my head.

He smiles brightly enough to make his pretty eyes sparkle.

Oh wow. They really look gold now.

“Yeah,” he says. “I’m usually unforgettable. I won’t hold it against you though. You didn’t forget me on purpose.”

“Someone made me forget,” I murmur, wondering who.

“It’s better if you don’t think about that right now,” Zane says, surprising me again with that sexy, surprisingly soft Alpha voice of his. “You’ve already passed out once from information overload.”

Something in his eyes tells me he has answers, he just doesn’t think he should give them out right now. I need to know the truth, and I want every last detail he has about what happened to me, but I also think he’s right to say no, for now. It’s a lot, and it’s already been a lot.

I’m not sure I can process much more craziness right now.

My body and brain are still recovering from the first shock.

“Okay,” I tell him, accepting that he knows what’s best.

It feels incredibly good to hand that responsibility over to an Alpha.

I know he’s mine, and saying yes feels natural.

“We can talk about it another time. When you’re more rested.”

His words show his intentions clearly. He brought me here, wherever here is, and he intends to keep me here. That should probably scare me, and if I were a Beta, it might.

But I can feel everything they’re feeling, and I know this is where I’m supposed to be.

I want to remember more, and I want to get to know them both again.

They’re meant to be in my life, and I need them in it.

“We should get you something to eat,” Dale says, reminding me he’s a foodie.

I smile at him. “That would be nice.”

Chapter Fifty-Two