“Do you need a minute?” Archers asks.
I shake my head. “I’m good to go.”
We get back into the helicopter.
In less than two hours, we’ll finally be where Zelena is.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
I can’t believe Zane drugged me. The guy I once trusted more than anyone, the best friend I thought I’d ever had, has completely lost his mind. I knew he was obsessive, and I know how crazy it’s been driving him trying to find a way to get Zoey back, but this is so far beyond what I thought he was capable of that it’s not even funny.
I wake up on a poolside lounger, the smell of sunscreen making me aware that my naked upper body has been given a protective coating. The sun is scorching the sky above me, and the fancy looking resort I’ve been brought to appears to be empty.
Pushing myself up to a sitting position, I realize all the clothes I was wearing are gone.
I’m in a bright orange pair of swim shorts, and there are black sliders in my size on the ground next to the lounger. It takes a second to realize there’s a folded over slip of paper wedged under the glass of iced water on the little table next to me.
I find it when I realize my mouth is dry and I pick up the glass to get rid of the cottony taste and feeling. I quench my thirst before I look at the note, because I already feel angry enough to rip it to shreds and start shouting for Zane to show himself.
It must have been hours since I passed out in his arms.
At least eight, maybe more like ten.
He drugged me, stripped me naked, and put me in swimwear. Then, apparently, he rubbed my body all over with sunscreen and left me by the side of a pool in what looks like a boutique beach resort.
I don’t know what the hell’s going on, but I know I need to get the fuck out of here before Zane realizes his human-sized dress up doll is awake.
The note is still clenched in my hand when I get up and look around. My stomach drops as I walk out of the shade of the trees by the side of the pool and discover the shore of a beach.
The only sounds out here are natural. The sea is so clear and perfect that I know this must be a small island. I’ve never seen a beach this empty and pretty on the mainland.
“Fuck, Zane. What did you do?” I ask the emptiness.
I don’t get an answer, so I open the note and read it out loud.
“Dale, I’m sorry for abandoning you all those years ago. I hope you’ll give me the chance to redeem myself, and that’ll you’ll stay with us here while I try to make amends.”
Shit. Us.
I almost forgot about Zoey.
That could be the title of my life so far, really.
Zane could never let her go, but I would have been able to move on if he’d tried.
Too bad that wasn’t in the cards.
I should have known that he’d lost his mind.
Hearing him out wasn’t the right thing to do, but it was impossible not to.
Because somewhere, deep down, he still feels like my Alpha.
I know now, whatever happens, he always will.
It’s not something I can move on from.