“You guys don’t stick around while the food’s being eaten?” I ask, raising my eyebrow.
His face pales a little, like he’s just remembering who I said I was.
I bring out a smile. “Relax, dude. I’m kidding around. Go do you.”
He laughs. “We were gonna head up to the all-night arcade, if you want to join us.”
I know that place. It was one of Dale’s favorite weekend hang-outs way back when we still hung out.
“Uh, nah. I have a few calls to make so I’ll hang around here. You guys go have fun.”
“You don’t know what you’re missing,” he warns me. “There’s a new chick at the hotdog stand. She’s seriously stacked.”
I snort as he leaves with the other two guys.
The chef doesn’t go with them. I’m not that surprised. He’s older, and I’m guessing he works for the school rather than the catering company since he thought I was with those guys.
“We’re allowed to use the staff room for breaks,” he tells me, passing me a key. He nods to the door to the hall where the dance is. “There’s an exit to the left where the bathrooms are. The staff room’s up the stairs past the locker rooms.”
“Great, thanks.” I head out to the hall and pause in the shadows by the food and drink tables.
Dale is here now. I feel it instinctively, before I even catch sight of him.
I stay where I am, watching, as a couple of his friends have a falling out.
The girls look like they’re wearing designer dresses, and the guys are in tuxedos.
Dale’s has some pink details that match one of the girl’s dresses, but there’s another guy on her arm.
He said he was coming in a group, not that he was going to be the fifth wheel to two elite couples.
It pisses me off that he’s come along stag with these so-called friends.
When I see him headed to the bathroom exit, I hesitate.
I’ve been conflicted ever since he woke me up.
Wanting to look after him and wanting something better for him, at the same damned time.
I don’t know what I want to tell him.
Fuck. I don’t fucking know what I want.
I force my feet to get moving, dragging myself toward that corridor while I try to sort through my conflicting thoughts. They stay murky and changeable, as I look past the bathroom to see Dale step into another room.
Not the bathroom. The locker room.
It’s dark inside, the window showing the room should be locked.
Dale was never much of a rule breaker, but he’s changed since we’ve been apart.
Who the hell knows what he’s up to in there?
Whatever it is, I need to step up and be his Alpha.
We’re fated. I can’t run from that.
He needs me, and I need him.