Page 51 of Stolen Omega

He smiles at her, and right before Anna turns to glance my way, I realize I’m kind of a third wheel right now. I nod at her and move quickly into the bathroom, mostly to give them a moment of privacy.

I turn the light on and start taking my makeup off in front of the mirrors above the sink.

Taking my time, I don’t hear the dressing room door close until I’m done.

When I step back into the room, Anna’s setting my heels down on the rack.

She looks a little bit flushed when she turns to me.

“I’m sorry about that,” she apologizes.

“That’s not something you need to be sorry for.”

“It’s unprofessional,” she mutters. “This is why I never date guys I meet at work.”

“He seems nice,” I tell her. “A lot of couples meet at work.”

Her eyebrows jump up, and for a second, I wonder if I’ve said too much.

“I guess that’s true,” she murmurs, as if she never would have thought about it that way.

I let her fall back into her usual all-business mode. I like that I got to see a more vulnerable side of her, but I know now that keeping my secret is going to mean sticking to professional relationships with everyone I work with. It goes against my natural instincts, but I’ve been doing that for so long now that it’s almost second nature.

Just keep it up, Zey.

You can’t afford any slips.

Anna helps me out of my dress and busies herself steaming wrinkles out of the fabric.

I go take a shower before I change into my casual clothes and sneakers.

By the time I’m putting my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants, there’s a knock on the door.

Anna rushes over and answers it. I don’t miss the little straighten up she does before she pulls it open. She wants to look good for Dave.

It makes me smile, and it makes me wish everything was simpler.

That girl seriously needs a good friend, and I could definitely use more of those.

“We’ve brought the torture chamber,” I hear Harvey tell her, in his trademark droll tone.

She shakes her head at him as she opens the door wider and lets him in.

He rolls the transport box into the room, with Peter coming in behind him.

Huh. I thought Russ was going to switch shifts with Dave.

I guess Dave didn’t need anyone to do him any favors. He seems to be doing okay on his own.

Anna closes the door.

Harvey opens the box’s lid and motions to the seat inside. “Welcome to claustrophobia on wheels.”

I roll my eyes. “No one’s asking you to get in.”

“Stop flirting with the girl,” Peter gripes. “You’ve got a fiancé.”

Harvey laughs. “Is this what you think flirting is? Man, you must have been married since the dark ages.”