Page 127 of Stolen Omega

Gah, he’s infuriating. He doesn’t think it matters so he’s not going to take it seriously.

There has to be another way to deal with this.

“I’m willing to risk talking to her,” I tell him.

“Dale, if she doesn’t remember you—” he starts.

“I can deal with that, Zane.”

Just like I could have dealt with her being gone, if I’d only had him.

He needs us both. He always has. I can see that now.

He’s not worried about the cops because he already considered that risk and decided it was worth it.

There’s nothing he wouldn’t have done to make this happen.

He’s already risked everything to get us here.

If I can do this to help him, I will.

And if Zoey never remembers me because I spoke to her before she got the chance to, so be it.

I only need her to remember Zane. I can live with being forgotten.

He lets out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t think it’s the right time …”

“It’s never going to feel like the right time. I won’t mess this up,” I reassure him. “She’ll listen. I promise, she will.”

“How do you know that?”

“We’re true mates, right? If it’s fated, then nothing can keep us apart.”


“You need to let me do this. I never ask for anything. I’m not asking to take her home. I know she needs our help. So, let me help her. We’re both Omegas. I can feel what she feels, and I can use my calming touch on her if I need to.”

He runs his hands through his hair slowly, trying to get used to the idea and not feeling it, clearly.

He’s anxious, afraid. He wanted this to be perfect, but we can’t always have things the way we want them. Life is messy.

“Where is she right now?” I ask, as I glance at the cameras.

He points out the monitor that has what looks like a replica of the kitchen in his mom’s house.

“Mom’s kitchen,” he says.

“And where is that, exactly, in relation to where we are?”

“It’s out this door, and to the left. Last door on the left. Only one that’s not locked.”

“I’m ready,” I tell him.

He takes a set of keys out of his pocket. “If I let you do this, and something goes wrong …”

“You have to let me do this, Zane. Show me you trust me. If you can’t do that, this can never work.”

He groans. He doesn’t want to let me out, but he moves forward and unlocks the door.