“You’re sweet, but you are way busier than I am. Don’t worry. I’ll consult you first before any decisions are made.” I smiled.

He walked over to where I stood, gripped my hips, and placed his forehead against mine.

“Have I told you that I can’t wait to make you my wife?”

“Have I told you that I can’t wait to make you my husband?” A smile crossed my lips.

“How about we go tell each other upstairs in bed?” He smirked.

“Sounds good to me. But I do want to mention that I spoke to the girls about your brothers and cousins getting motorcycles.”

“And?” He took a step back. “You didn’t tell them that they already ordered them, did you?”

“No. I didn’t. But it’s a firm no from all of them.”

“Shit.” He ran his hand through his hair.

“I tried, but they wouldn’t listen.”

“Shit is going to hit the fan tomorrow when they all go to pick them up.” He let out a sigh.

“Yep. And right before Christmas. Those boys better make Christmas exceptionally good for the girls this year.”



When the alarm went off the following morning and jolted me from a sound sleep, I reached over and turned it off. Charleigh stirred as she took her arm from me and rolled over the other way.

“I love you. Please hurry up and get out of here so I can go back to sleep.”

I laughed lightly as I pressed my lips against her shoulder.

“I love you too, sleeping beauty. I’ll be out of here in a flash.”

Climbing out of bed, I went into the closet, grabbed my wetsuit, and took it into the bathroom. The mornings this time of year were a bit chilly, and we needed more than boardshorts. I brushed my teeth, put on my wetsuit, and headed downstairs. Opening the sliding door, I grabbed my surfboard and ran down to the water where my cousins and brothers were. We all put our boards in the water and paddled out.

“Just a heads up,” I said. “Charleigh talked to the girls last night about motorcycles.”

“She didn’t tell them we already bought them, did she?” Conner nervously asked.

“No. But she said all the girls said it’s a definite no.” I chuckled. “She tried.”

“I already figured out a plan,” Conner said. “I’ll just tell Charlotte that I used to have one back when I lived in San Francisco. I know I never told her that, but she can’t remember whether I did or not.” He grinned.

“You’re such a douchebag.” Jackson reached over and slapped the back of his head.

“All I know is that I deserve to do something for myself,” Sam said.

“Me too,” Sebastian chimed in. “I work hard between the three restaurants, and now it'll be even harder with the baby on the way. I think I deserve something for myself.”

“I honestly don’t think Alex will mind. I’ll make it up to her at Christmas.”

“I think we all will.” Shaun chuckled.

“So, we’re sticking to our plan,” Simon said. “We’ll tell the girls we’re going Christmas shopping, and then we’ll pull up on our bikes in Christian’s driveway so you and Charleigh can be there for support.”

“I don’t want the girls to hate me,” I said.