“Is Marnie short for something?” I ask.
She shakes her head. “There’s a Hitchcock movie of the same name. That’s where my parents got the idea.”
“It’s cute and elegant at the same time.”
“Thanks. It’d be nice to have different options, though, like you and your brother have. How nice to be able to come across as an everyman or an emperor, depending on how you introduce yourself.” She looks me up and down. “Although I’m not sure you could come off as an everyman, no matter what you call yourself. You’ve definitely got some emperor-sized swagger, Maximillian.”
I’m tempted to say, “That’s not the only emperor-sized thing about me.” But it’s probably too crude and basic a thing to say, so I bite my tongue.
Marnie smiles. Apparently, she’s read my mind. Or at least, my facial expression. When I return her smile, she laughs, taps the side of my head, and asks, “Are you having a dirty thought in there, Max?”
“I’m having several of them,” I admit.
“So am I. Good to know I’m not alone in that.” With that, she grins wickedly and sips her drink.
Palpable sexual energy is coursing between us. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember the last time I felt physical chemistry this intense with someone, if ever. It feels intoxicating to be this attracted to someone. If Marnie is feeling even half the attraction I am, then we’re going to have explosive, unparalleled chemistry between the sheets.
Marnie glances at Grayson across the table where he’s currently chatting happily with Selena and the other women. “Is Grayson as sweet, adorable, and uncomplicated as he seems? Or is he the most talented grifter the world has ever seen?”
I chuckle. “Grayson couldn’t grift his way out of a paper bag. What you see is what you get with that one. He’s a human Golden Retriever.”
Marnie’s blue eyes sparkle. “In contrast to you.”
I shrug. “What you see is what you get with me, too. And I’m certainly no grifter. But, yeah, nobody would ever call me a Golden Retriever.”
“That’s clear enough.”
“Is that a problem for you?”
“No, honey, that’s a solution. At least, for tonight.”
My eyebrows ride up, but before I’ve managed a reply to that spicy comment, the table erupts in laughter around us, and Marnie and I turn our attention to the group. As we soon find out, the women are peppering Grayson with questions, and his earnest answers are charming every last one of them. Marnie and I join the conversation, and the opportunity to respond to Marnie’s intriguing comment passes. For now, anyway. At my first opportunity, when Selena and Grayson slide into a one-on-one discussion that leads to the table breaking off into one-on-one conversations, I lean into Marnie and ask, “How might I be a solution for you tonight?” Marnie bites her sensuous lip but says nothing, so I add, “Do you have a problem that requires some solving tonight, Marnie? How can I be of service?”
Marnie takes a long sip of her drink. “The problem is my ex-boyfriend. A week ago, I found out he’s been cheating on me throughout our six-month relationship with the wife I didn’t know he had.”
I grimace. “Sorry to hear that.”
“Meh. I was an idiot to believe him. But, unfortunately, since I did, I’d now like to forget him through any means necessary.”
“I think I can help you with that. Quite effectively.”
“Oh, I’m certain you can. Over and over again, if you’re game.”
“I am. As long as we’re talking about one night. Unfortunately, I don’t have the time or bandwidth for anything beyond that. I hope you understand.”
“I appreciate the honesty. I’m not interested in anything beyond that myself. I’ve just decided you’re going to be my last hurrah before I start looking for Mr. Right in earnest.”
I raise my glass. “Cheers to last hurrahs.”
She doesn’t clink my glass. “You wouldn’t be cheating on someone to get with me tonight, right?”
“Nope. I’m single.”
“How single, though? Is there someone out there who’d be shocked by that characterization?”
I shake my head. “I’m not even dating someone casually. I’m trying to make partner at my law firm, two years earlier than anyone has ever done it, and then get myself assigned to the core legal team for our biggest client. I’ve been working insane hours for years to make my goals a reality. I don’t have time for a relationship. Not really even a regular fuck buddy.”
“Sounds like we’re a match made in heaven, then. At least, for tonight.” She raises her glass, and I clink it. Marnie leans forward. “Heads up: When I tell my friends we’re going outside to smoke in a minute, I’ll be speaking in code.”
“I don’t smoke.”
“Neither do I. It’s a little inside joke. Since our sorority days at U Dub, whenever we’ve been at a party or in a bar, and one of us wants to leave with a hot guy to have sex with him, we say, ‘Bye, ladies, we’re going outside to smoke.’ What that means is, ‘Don’t wait up for me, bitches. I’m leaving to fuck this man senseless.’”