Page 77 of Who's Your Daddy

As I come inside her, I feel like I’m being electrocuted by pleasure. Like I’m mainlining a powerful narcotic. Finally, when I come down, I crumple over Marnie’s sweaty back, while she lies slack beneath me, both of us bent over the back of my couch.

When I’ve caught my breath, I straighten up and turn her around to face me, at which point she flashes me a satisfied grin that makes me chuckle.

“Did that do the trick?” I ask.

“You couldn’t tell? I came so hard, I almost passed out.”

“No, did that do the trick and get me out of your system, once and for all?”

Marnie snorts. “Not even close. But try, try again, I always say.”

“And again and again and again.”

“Yes, please.”

I run my fingertips through her glorious hair. “It makes sense if you think about it. Feed an addict their drug of choice, and they’re only going to want more of it. Not less.”

“Shoot. Now you tell me.”

I pull her to the couch and guide her to sit on top of me. She’s facing me. Straddling my lap while I grip her ass and grin up at her stunning face. “I’ve never been happier for a plan to backfire in my life.”

“Who says it backfired? We’ve still got time. Maybe this intense afterglow is part of the process. Maybe this is the kind of fire that burns crazy-hot and wild, right before it flames out for good.”

“I guess there’s only one way to find out.” I pull her face to mine and kiss her passionately, and one thing quickly leads to another and we’re making out on my couch. I throw her onto her back and forcefully part her thighs and eat her out, and by the time she’s coming, I’m hard as a rock again and ready for round two.

This time, I carry Marnie to my bedroom and fuck her in my bed, with her on top, until she’s creaming all over my cock. After that, we stop to fuel our spent bodies with a snack and some water and conversation. But the second we’re both good to go again, we fuck on my kitchen table. And then, against the floor-to-ceiling window in my living room. I fuck her with everything I’ve got—with my cock, fingers, lips, tongue, and voice—until she’s crying tears of euphoria and squirting like a geyser. I fuck her till she’s screaming my name and babbling incoherently. I fuck her till she’s ruined for any other cock, and I can’t imagine wanting to fuck or taste or finger another woman’s pussy as long as I live.

And yet, despite our best efforts, by the time two-thirty rolls around and it’s time for Marnie to leave to pick up Ripley, I’m not feeling even close to done with her. Not even close to declaring her out of my system. On the contrary, I feel more addicted to her than ever.

Marnie hops into the shower, while I lie in my bed staring at the ceiling. Wishing I could stop time. When she comes out of my bathroom and starts putting on her clothes, I say, “Okay, hear me out, Red. Don’t say no before you’ve thought about it, okay?” I sit up and Marnie stops what she’s doing and gives me her undivided attention. “I respect what you said about being done with meaningless sex and ready for something serious. But what if we agree to have as much sex as possible between now and the end of family camp, simply for the fun of it, and when camp is over, our arrangement will be over, too? As long as we’re both clear about the expiration date and the nature of—”


My eyebrows ride up. That was much easier than I thought it’d be. “Seriously?”

Marnie sits on the edge of my bed in her bra and undies. “We’d have to keep our fling a secret. I wouldn’t want our parents knowing what we’re doing behind closed doors and mistakenly thinking we’ve become a real couple. I don’t want to have to explain it’s only a sex thing to my father.”

“God, no.”

“And I wouldn’t want either of them misunderstanding and saying the wrong thing in front of Ripley.”

My heart is racing. This is a fantastic turn of events. “A secret fling works for me,” I say, trying to sound calm. “Secrecy will only make it hotter.”

“And we’d have to be extra mindful of our body language in front of Ripley. She’s not stupid, Max. She’s a little sponge.”

“She thinks I’m in her life because I’m Gigi’s son, and we’ll make sure she keeps on thinking that.”

Marnie slides on her shirt and stands to put on her jeans. “I’m in. We’ll have a family camp fling in the midst of our fake engagement. What could go wrong?”

I laugh. “Not a damned thing.”