When I say nothing, Auggie adds, “Widows marry their dead husband’s brother or best friend all the time. And it’s not like Dad and Marnie were ever serious. Plus, you’re not even close to Dad. I just don’t think it’d be a major hurdle if you genuinely wanted to pursue her.”
“I don’t. I want to fuck her. Endlessly. That’s what I’ve been trying to explain to you. I’m not sitting here weighing whether or not I want to give a serious relationship with Marnie a whirl; I’m sitting here lamenting the fact that she doesn’t want something casual, which means fucking her isn’t going to happen, which means my addiction isn’t going to be fed. Don’t get it twisted and assume I’m feeling something I’m not.”
Auggie scoffs. “There are infinite women in the world to have sex with. At least, for you. If sex is really all you want, then go have sex with someone else and imagine she’s Marnie. Problem solved.”
I glare at my brother, poised to tell him he’s an idiot, and the smirk on my brother’s face tells me he knows his comment is ludicrous. Clearly, he only said it to get a rise out of me. To make me realize his comment is ludicrous.
Auggie grins at whatever he’s seeing on my face. “Face it, Maximillian. The truth is you’re catching feelings for this woman. Real feelings. Something a lot more than simple lust. That’s why you’re feeling so fucking tortured—because you genuinely care about her, and that’s not according to plan.”
“Fuck off. I barely know her. If there’s one thing I’m clear about, it’s that I don’t have the bandwidth to seriously date anyone, especially not a single mother. I haven’t had the time or energy for a serious relationship since I started law school.”
Auggie frowns. “You haven’t dated anyone seriously since Skylar?”
There he goes again. Why does he insist on bringing her up?
Luckily, my phone rings, saving me from needing to respond to my brother’s annoying question. When I look down, it’s Marnie’s name on my screen.
“Marnie’s ears must be ringing,” I mumble before pressing the button to connect the call. “Hi, Boo. What’s up?”
Marnie’s labored breathing instantly tells me something’s wrong. “I’m so sorry to bother you,” she says. She explains she’s in a pickle and panicking. She’s been working hard for hours at her new client’s house to complete all the prep work for a five-course meal for ten for a surprise birthday party the client is throwing for her husband tonight, which their maid is all lined up to serve in alignment with Marnie’s meticulous instructions. But when Marnie was all finished with her work, she went to the bathroom before cleaning up, and that’s when the family’s two massive dogs barreled into the kitchen after a walk with their dog walker and proceeded to decimate the five sheet pans cooling on the countertops. “I have to run to the store for all new ingredients now,” Marnie says. “And then come back and start all over. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get it all done again before the start of the party. I might have to stay and continue cooking the main course as the first ones come out.”
“It’s gonna be okay, sweetheart. I can come over there and help you. I’ll be your sous chef. I’ll slice and dice and we’ll get it done in time. I’ve got you, Boo.” I suddenly remember my brother sitting next to me on the bench. When I glance at him, it’s clear he’s noticed me using endearments for Marnie. And of course, he’s assigning actual meaning to them since he doesn’t know that’s how Fake Max talks to his beloved fiancée.
“Actually, what I really need is for someone to pick up Ripley from school and watch her till I can get home,” Marnie says. “She’s never once stayed at school past three, and even that’s a long day for her.”
Fuck me. I didn’t see that one coming.
“I’m so sorry to ask,” Marnie says, filling the awkward silence. “But there’s nobody else who can do it. My dad is out of town with your mom. Selena is in Costa Rica with Grayson. Lucy is in Portland on a work trip. I’ve already tried the mother of Ripley’s best friend at school, but she can’t do it today, due to a family funeral.”
I take a deep breath. “Of course, I’ll do it. Anything to help.”
She exhales in relief. “Are you sure? I haven’t called Victoria yet, since she’s always so busy running her empire. But if this is too much to ask of you, then—”
“No, no. Don’t call Victoria. She’s working today, and I’m not. I’ve got you, Boo.”
“Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. I’ll cook dinners for you for a month after we get back from Wyoming—and you won’t even need to see me. I’ll drop the food off in a cooler on your doorstep every afternoon.”